Arusian: Word Order: Order of Subject, Object and Verb: No dominant order
Arusian has Topic-comment word order and is able to focus on any element in a sentence. By changing the word order, one can stress more important information at the beginning of a sentence.
Examples of the possible word-orders using the sentence "I eat rice" are shown below. The topic is always the initial word in the sentence and is thus Marked by word-order.
"Lu dauwr kna" (SVO, active voice)
"Kna dause lu" (SVO, passive voice)
"Kna sa lu dauwr" (OSV, active voice)
"Lu sa kna dause" (OSV, passive voice)
"Erdauwa kna lus" (VOS, active voice)
"Erdauwei lu knas" (VOS, passive voice)