Kachan: Phonology: Consonant Inventories: Moderately large
Akachenti has 26 consonants, including 8 clicks contrasting nasal, tenuis, voiced, and murmured in lateral and alveolar.
It has five points of articulation with a voicing contrast in nonlabial obstruents and voicing only in the labiodental fricative. Other fricatives are generally unvoiced.
The glottal fricative is a true fricative with palatal fricative allophones and is audible in all positions.
Consonants in the phonemic inventory are m, n, ŋ, b, t, d, k, g, ʔ, tʃ, dʒ, f/v, s, ʃ, x, ɦ, l, r, ᵑǃ, ᶢǃ, ǃ, sǃʱˡ, ᵑǁ, ᶢǁ, ǁ, sǁʱ.