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Author(s):Nulltextlang Project
Background:Nulltextlang is a language for conveying any contentless information. It is designed to package all "empty text" into short and logical constructs that are easy to remember and pronounce.
Vocabulary size:3
From earth:yes
Averageness:0/100, 0 of 0
Number of features:0
Tags:Conlang, Abstract Communication, Absurdity in Language, Art of Empty Text, Conceptual Language, Constructed Language, Creative Communication, Empty Words, Futuristic Language, Humor in Language, Language Design, Language Innovation, Language for Absurdity, Language for Jokes, Language for the Future, Logical Constructs, Meaningless Text, Minimalist Language, Non-Sense Language, Nulltextlang, Short Texts, Simplify Communication, Text Reduction, Text Simplification, Zero Content Language
Editable by all:yes
Added by:nulltextlang-project 1
Managed by:nulltextlang-project 1
Added:2024-11-29 17:50
Last change:2024-11-29 17:50


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