Bottle-washing |
Eezee |
Doon't wox tha botul in tha dixwaxer |
Cogito ergo sum |
Eezee |
Ii fhiqk, thairfor Ii am
Colorless green dreams |
Eezee |
Kulerles green dreemz sleep fyureeuslee.
Colorless green ideas |
Eezee |
Kulerles green iideeaz sleep fyureeuslee.
Farewell |
Eezee |
bii $ |
Fight linguistic extinction! |
Eezee |
Fiit liqwistik ikstiqkxen. Invent a laqgwij!
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead |
Eezee |
Ii am yesterdaa, tudaa and tumahroo,
and Ii hav tha power tuu bee born a sekend tiim.
Ii am tha diviin hiden sool huu kreeaatid tha Godz
and givz sapulkrul meelz tuu tha denazinz uv tha deep,
tha plaas uv tha ded, and heven...
Haal, lord uv tha xriin that standz in tha senter uv tha
Hee iz Ii and Ii am hee!
Grandfather and the Dragon |
Eezee |
Wen mii graat-graat-grandfahther wuz a yuq man, hee travuld owt intuu tha wurld. Furst hee went west; thair wuz oonlee sand thair. Then hee went norfh; thair wuz oonlee snoo thair. Then hee went eest; thair tha mowntenz wer tuu hii and graat-graat-grandfahther kuhden't kliim them. At last hee disiidid tuu travul sowfh, on fuht, on horsbak, bii kahrt and bii boot. In tha sowfh hee saw tha lahrjist sitee in awl tha wurld. |
Greeting |
Eezee |
heloo $ |
Happy birthday |
Eezee |
Hapee burfhdaa! |
I can eat glass |
Eezee |
Ii kan eet glas, it duz not hurt mee. |
Pity |
Eezee |
Let him bee piteed, huu fhiqks thair iz oonlee wun waa tuu maak a laqgwij.
Proletariat of the world |
Eezee |
Prolataireeit uv tha wurld, yuuniit!
The Rain Song |
Eezee |
Tha Raan Soq It iz raaniq in tha niit in tha dizurt It iz raaniq Mii sool iz peesful. Tha raandrops ahr fawliq in tha daatiim on tha leevz Tha raandrops ahr fawliq Mii hahrt lifts. Tha tiim uv raan haz kum For a tiim in tha mowntenz Tha tiim uv raan haz kum Mii sool rijoys.
The Tower of Babel |
Eezee |
And awl tha urfh had wun laqgwij and wun tuq. And it kaam abowt that in thair wahnderiq frum tha eest, thaa kaam tuu a strec uv flat kuntree in tha land uv Shinar and thair thaa maad thair liviq-plaas And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Kum, let us maak briks, burniq them wel. And thaa had briks for stoon, putiq them tagether with stikee urfh. And thaa sed, Kum, let us maak a town, and a tower huuz top wil goo up az hii az heven; and let us maak a graat naam for ahrselvz, soo that wee maa not bee wahndererz oover tha faas uv tha urfh. And tha Lord kaam down tuu see tha town and tha tower wic tha cildren uv men wer bildiq. And tha Lord sed, See, thaa ahr awl wun peepul and hav awl wun laqgwij; and this iz oonlee tha stahrt uv wut thaa maa duu: and now it wil not bee posabul tuu keep them frum enee purpis uv thairz. Kum, let us goo down and taak awaa tha sens uv thair laqgwij, soo that thaa wil not bee aabul tuu maak themselvz kleer tuu wun anuther. Soo tha Lord God sent them awaa intuu evree pahrt uv tha urfh: and thaa gaav up bildiq thair town. Soo it wuz naamd Babul, bikawz thair tha Lord tuhk awaa tha sens uv awl laqgwijiz and frum thair tha Lord sent them awaa oover awl tha faas uv tha urfh.
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
Eezee |
Awl hyuumen beeiqz ahr born free and eekwul in dignitee and riits. Thaa ahr endowd with reezen and koncens and xuhd akt tordz wun anuther in a speerit uv brutherhuhd.
Genesis 11:1 |
Eezee |
1. And tha hool urfh wuz uv wun laqgwij, and uv wun speec.
Genesis 11:2 |
Eezee |
2. And it kaam tuu pas, az thaa jurneed frum tha eest, that thaa fownd a plaan in tha land uv Shinar; and thaa dwelt thair.
Genesis 11:3 |
Eezee |
3. And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Goo tuu, let us maak brik, and burn them fhuroolee. And thaa had brik for stoon, and sliim had thaa for morter.
Genesis 11:4 |
Eezee |
4. And thaa sed, Goo tuu, let us bild us a sitee and a tower, huuz top maa reec untuu heven; and let us maak us a naam, lest wee bee skaterd abrawd apon tha faas uv tha hool urfh.
Genesis 11:5 |
Eezee |
5. And tha LORD kaam down tuu see tha sitee and tha tower, wic tha cildren uv men bildid.
Genesis 11:6 |
Eezee |
6. And tha LORD sed, Beehoold, tha peepul iz wun, and thaa hav awl wun laqgwij; and this thaa bigin tuu duu: and now nufhiq wil bee ristraand frum them, wic thaa hav imajend tuu duu.
Genesis 11:7 |
Eezee |
7. Goo tuu, let us goo down, and thair konfowd thair laqgwij, that thaa maa not understand wun another'z speec.
Genesis 11:8 |
Eezee |
8. Soo tha LORD skaterd them abrawd frum thens apon tha faas uv awl tha urfh: and thaa left awf tuu bild tha sitee.
Genesis 11:9 |
Eezee |
9. Thairfor iz tha naam uv it kawld Babul; bikawz tha LORD did thair konfowd tha laqgwij uv awl tha urfh: and frum thens did tha LORD skater them abrawd apon tha faas uv awl tha urfh.
CIV IV: Order 0 |
Eezee |
Az yuu wix.
CIV IV: Order 1 |
Eezee |
Muuv owt! |
CIV IV: Order 2 |
Eezee |
Surtenlee. |
CIV IV: Order 3 |
Eezee |
We'r on it. |
CIV IV: Order 4 |
Eezee |
Noo problum. |
CIV IV: Order 5 |
Eezee |
Kunsider it dun. |
CIV IV: Order 6 |
Eezee |
Vairee wel.
CIV IV: Order 7 |
Eezee |
On ahr waa.
CIV IV: Order 8 |
Eezee |
Let'z get muuviq.
CIV IV: Order 9 |
Eezee |
Yuu kan kownt on us.
CIV IV: Select 0 |
Eezee |
Riportiq for duutee.
CIV IV: Select 1 |
Eezee |
At yor survis.
CIV IV: Select 2 |
Eezee |
Tel mee wut tuu duu.
CIV IV: Select 3 |
Eezee |
Awaatiq yor orderz.
CIV IV: Select 4 |
Eezee |
Redee for akxen.
CIV IV: Select 5 |
Eezee |
Wut's tha plan?
CIV IV: Select 6 |
Eezee |
CIV IV: Select 7 |
Eezee |
Yor orderz?
CIV IV: Select 8 |
Eezee |
Wut duu yuu need?
CIV IV: Select 9 |
Eezee |
Awl prizent and akowtid for.
Travelphrases 1 |
Eezee |
Wair iz mii ruum?
Travelphrases 2 |
Eezee |
Wair iz tha beec?
Travelphrases 3 |
Eezee |
Wair iz tha bahr?
Travelphrases 4 |
Eezee |
Doon't tuc mee thair!
#10: Olympic Relay |
Eezee |
Beewair uv tha baabee!
Oo deer, wut's hapend? Yesterdaa, a pritee yuq gurl kaam tuu ahr hoom tuu woc oover tha baabee. Xee did wut xee kuhd tuu entertaan tha ciild: xee plaad with it, suq soqz for it, ets. But neverthales, tha baabee atakd her, tor her intuu peesiz, divower her, and it fhruu tha rest owt tha windoo. Wut tuu duu, wut tuu duu? Ii reeulee doon't noo. And soo, for tha tiim beeiq, wee keep tha afair siilent, in order tuu privent tha pulees frum stahrtiq tuu ask anoyiq kwescinz. |
#13: The Missed Bus Relay |
Eezee |
Wun morniq in Deesember Ii kuhd woc tha folooiq seen akraws tha street frum a bus stop: A boy, obveeuslee on hiz waa tuu skuul, stuhd in frunt uv a gahrden wawl. Hee had an inormus red tomkat on hiz xoolder and this anumul balensd skilfulee wiil tha boy triid hahrd tuu xaak him awf. With inkreesiq panik hee woct tha bus stop nooiq tha bus wuhd bee duu enee sekend now... Tha kat wuz kwiit undisturbd. Wuns, hee puht a paw on tha wawl, but seemiqlee it felt tuu koold, soo hee kwiklee ritreeted tuu tha boy'z bakpak. Tha mooment wen hee wuz kumfertabulee sitiq, haviq tukd up hiz legz, tha skuul bus ariivd. Ii supooz tha kat spent kwiit an interestiq daa. |
#14: Wedding |
Eezee |
[Now tha preest wil giv a goolden caan that hee haz just blesed, tuu wun uv tha kandadaats, and tha kandadaat wil plaas it on tha nek uv tha uther kandadaat, and risiit after tha preest:
Ii [naam] biind miiself tuu yuu [naam] frum this daa forwerd, wether in tiimz uv hapeenis or sadnis, wether in daaz (fuhl) uv sun or raan, in guhd helfh or bad, welfh or povertee, and wee wil set forfh on tha kors uv ahr nuu liif, awlwaaz bownd and yuuniitid in sool and bodee. Thus Ii plej tuu yuu mii luv and oner ferever.
[And tha uther kandadaat wil duu and risiit tha saam]
[Now tha preest wil saa:] Let us praa tuu kawl apon tha Spirits
[And evreewun in atendens wil saa or siq:]
Fahther Sun, xiin apon thair liif, Skii, bee awlwaaz kleer, Urfh and Raan, help them tuu groo, Sister Vuruna iluuminaat thair niits, Bruther Lalap let yor bihaavyer tord them bee guhd, Muther See, bee kahm wen thaa saal on yor surfes, Wind, inflaat thair saal(z) and kuul thair faasiz, Forest, giv them xaad and xelter, Rok Spirits, duu not obstrukt thair pafh, Litul (goolden) caanz maad uv luv, biind them, Awl yuu Spirits and Kuzinz tuu, giid and bles them wen thaa set forfh on thair kors with faafh and luv. Maa it bee soo, vairalee, maa it bee soo ferever. |
#15: The Dancing Out Of Time Relay |
Eezee |
A Ridul
See them dans. Tha hav noo leeder. Thaa hav noo myuuzik but thair oon voysiz, nor hav thaa studeed enee koreeografee. Eec gooz wair hee wil. But thair dans iz tha moost graasful, tha moost hahrmooneeus uv awl dansiz. Thair ahr noo danserz mor liith than thaa ahr. Thaa turn and weev soo that thaa seem tuu hav a siqgul miind. This seemz tha leest difakult wurk for them. Duu enee danserz maak graater byuutee with les efert? But thaa taak not a siqgul step.
#1: Starlings' song |
Eezee |
Tha soq uv tha stahrliqz speeks uv heerooik deedz In tha morniq raan tha heeron duz its lawndree In tha niit tha lahrk wurxips tha stahrz Huu seez tha truu naacer uv burdz? |
#5: From the book of chaos |
Eezee |
Risiit tha buhk uv tha priimul kaaos: Tha esens uv tha see uv kaaos iz kuntendiq fhiqz, soo that thaa rimaan stil, and duu not muuv. Wen a majixen dips frum this see, tha kaaos biginz tuu muuv vairee muc. Byuutiful kaaos! Thow ahrt fuhl uv endles bits uv infermaaxen; thow ahrt tha wurld.
#6 |
Eezee |
Kunsurniq tha Stahrz.
Thair ahr for tiips uv stahrz.
Tha naam uv tha furst iz wawkiq stahrz, bikawz thaa wahnder tha niit skii.
Tha naam uv tha sekend iz staaxenairee stahrz. Thaa ahr distent sunz.
Tha naam uv tha fhurd iz diiiq, or fawliq, stahrz.
Thaa ahr roks that fawl frum tha niit skii.
Tha naam uv tha forfh iz foren stahrz. Thaa ahr tha stahrz that apeer for a xort tiim in tha niit skii.
Thaa ahr sunz uv wurldz huum Godes distroyd in her rafh.
#7 |
Eezee |
A fizixen iz wawkiq on tha rood and seez a wuhmen, bairlee koncus and with her legz kut awf, liiiq in a dic. Hee aproociz, hoopiq tuu help her, saaiq, "Don't feer! I'll maak xuhr that yuu riseev help."
Tha wuhmen luhks at him and sed, "Mii huzbend truulee needz yor help."
Tha fizixen asks, "Wii? Wair iz hee?"
Xee anserz, "He's at hoom, raaziq ahr fhree adlesent dawterz."
#8 |
Eezee |
A wikid man livd neer a monestairee. Hee bileevd [unfowdedlee] that tha muqks had graat trezjer, and kuvitid it. Tha wikid man bikaam a paleesmen. Wun daa, hee akostid a muqk huu wuz riturniq tuu tha monestairee. "Giv mee yor kee," hee sed. "Ii wont tuu surc tha monestairee for enee kriminulz huu maa bee hiidiq thair."
Tha muqk sed, "Ii hav noo kee."
Tha wikid paleesmen fluu intuu a raaj [lit. hurld himself intuu a raaj], but tha muqk went intuu tha monestairee fhruu tha oopen dor.
#9: Borromean Relay |
Eezee |
Winter iz tha wuhlf that taaks tha oold, tha sik, and tha vairee yuq
Winter iz tha hahrd rok on wic nufhiq grooz
Winter iz tha kruul beek and tha xahrp talen
And soo wee beg yuu, bowndiq boy uv spriq, dans oover tha urfh
Soo that tha sun yor muther wil luhk down apon us
And flowerz wil spriq frum yor fuhtstep.
LCC2 live relay |
Eezee |
"Tha Tawkiq Rok"
Yesterdaa Ii wuz wawkiq alawq tha beec wen Ii tripd oover a rok that kuhd tawk. Ii pikt up tha tawkiq rok and sed, "Haa! Ahr yuu a tawkiq rok?"
Tha tawkiq rok sed, "Yes, Ii am a tawkiq rok."
Ii askt tha tawkiq rok, "Wii didn't yuu tel mee tuu avoyd yuu?"
Tha tawkiq rok ripliid, "Bikawz Ii'm a meen tawkiq rok."
Tha tawkiq rok's wurdz maad mee aqgree, soo Ii fhruu it intuu tha ooxen. Ii never saw tha tawkiq rok agen.
LCC3 live relay |
Eezee |
Standiq on tha iilend'z xor,
Driftiq awf tuu see.
Ii wix that Ii kuhd bee,
Driftiq awf tuu see.
Awl uv mii hoops and dreemz,
Driftiq awf tuu see.
Ii woc mii luver'z boot,
Driftiq awf tuu see.
Yesterday's boys |
Eezee |
Tha boyz huum Ii saw yesterdaa wer Karl and Jake
Happy New Year! |
Eezee |
Hapee Nuu Yeer! |
Merry Christmas! |
Eezee |
Mairee Krismes! |