Translation of "#13: The Missed Bus Relay" (Relay)

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Original: One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
Wun morniq in Deesember Ii kuhd woc tha folooiq seen akraws tha street frum a bus stop: A boy, obveeuslee on hiz waa tuu skuul, stuhd in frunt uv a gahrden wawl. Hee had an inormus red tomkat on hiz xoolder and this anumul balensd skilfulee wiil tha boy triid hahrd tuu xaak him awf. With inkreesiq panik hee woct tha bus stop nooiq tha bus wuhd bee duu enee sekend now... Tha kat wuz kwiit undisturbd. Wuns, hee puht a paw on tha wawl, but seemiqlee it felt tuu koold, soo hee kwiklee ritreeted tuu tha boy'z bakpak. Tha mooment wen hee wuz kumfertabulee sitiq, haviq tukd up hiz legz, tha skuul bus ariivd. Ii supooz tha kat spent kwiit an interestiq daa.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: 
Wun morniq in Deesember Ii kuhd woc tha folooiq seen akraws tha street frum a bus stop:

A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his 
A boy, obveeuslee on hiz waa tuu skuul, stuhd in frunt uv a gahrden wawl. Hee had an inormus red tomkat on hiz

shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he 
xoolder and this anumul balensd skilfulee wiil tha boy triid hahrd tuu xaak him awf. With inkreesiq panik hee

watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a 
woct tha bus stop nooiq tha bus wuhd bee duu enee sekend now... Tha kat wuz kwiit undisturbd. Wuns, hee puht a

paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he 
paw on tha wawl, but seemiqlee it felt tuu koold, soo hee kwiklee ritreeted tuu tha boy'z bakpak. Tha mooment wen hee 

was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived.
wuz kumfertabulee sitiq, haviq tukd up hiz legz, tha skuul bus ariivd. 

I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
Ii supooz tha kat spent kwiit an interestiq daa.