#5: From the book of chaos

Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.

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Dacayan Primjys kószys vókol litim: kószymáryeszñi dingol kumdim, ý já zi ramszjam ahý, et movjim áñ. Veno mazhgori i'mára djofim, kószi movjö miczym vognim. Bohys kószi! Cányarsi endalol follis, inftol patzis, cányarsi mundijo. No Ali Ghozali 6
Eezee Risiit tha buhk uv tha priimul kaaos: Tha esens uv tha see uv kaaos iz kuntendiq fhiqz, soo that thaa rimaan stil, and duu not muuv. Wen a majixen dips frum this see, tha kaaos biginz tuu muuv vairee muc. Byuutiful kaaos! Thow ahrt fuhl uv endles bits uv infermaaxen; thow ahrt tha wurld. Yes tmoy 5
Mîrkšam Uroojśorf tfeizetik fehaûmû urf. Mûûj aja gramwimi fehaûmû pzîîk shîtâphok sja meśimim aš meśikzihej ûrt. Mimjahej gât kîtê sja meetukut îz gramwimek hnu pfizjaij ûrt fehaûn. Fehaûnô shitajma! Ušâp śêtâuk kzushutuń. Ûûj sfapapziik. Yes sciric 5
Šamhešmi Ośor feizeti fehaûmi ûrfa. Aja mumu fehaûmi huz pzi î shîtâphok. Majemim ńun aš majekzihej. Tem mokut hfitawma îz mumâk hnu, memahej fehaûn gât. Fehaûne shiprim! Hâpowm nećantanû kzushutuń. Nur huz sisirfes. Yes sciric 5
Soc'ul' Cuxañ'c'oi xaucñ'a cem'am' xem'utsem: Uxahian suiad xec'en cem'am', āhusuxad, xen ur'u. Xil eý āhañ'catuñiý epmux jál xec'en xenuz, r'ez añ'r'u r'u cem'am'. Cem'am' n'eh! Úutxadiz róc'ád' xenuym'en; coríún' muc'uj. Yes Dillon 1