Translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" (Standalone)
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Original: | I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he! |
Translation: | Pin umbur bendwim, weler ir libwem ir,
pin brawo norasin imo mon mabre lohar.
Pin umbur wonde wubal gasi nu dopa Erondala ir
nolo emomre melronil samwilbwa gromb ronri,
holumb egorali ir, merirosumb...
Er daganemb snoglolil nu umbur mib dombelosil.
Sal umbur pin ir pin umbur sal! |
Interlinear: | pin umbur bendwim wel-er ir libwem ir 1SG be dinner day-PROX and breakfast and pin brawo norasin imo mon mabre lohar 1SG wield power PURP PASS spawn again pin umbur wonde wubal gasi nu dopa e-rondala ir 1SG be heart hidden holy REL build PL-god and nolo e-momre melron-il samwilbwa gro-mb ron<r>i hol-umb e-gora<l>i ir meriros=umb give_to PL-meal.INS grave-GEN population underside-LOC ground<GEN> place-LOC PL-dead<GEN> and heaven-LOC er daganemb snoglo-lil nu umbur mi-b dombelos-il VOC ruler shrine-GEN REL be center-LOC world-GEN sal umbur pin ir pin umbur sal 3SG.ANIMATE be 1SG and 1SG be 3SG.ANIMATE |