Translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" (Standalone)
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Original: | I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he! |
Translation: | Ές ζέσιαχτη, σό δῖος, τῶβρεγαχτη,
Άπε γάβου βρίγην γῆνετουον λὰμησσι τάνης.
Ές νοίβον κέλετιον νᾶμαν πίδ γνίτ δεῖϝους
Άπε δῆτι τύμβηκησσι ϝέσσης πους δούβναχτης τωύζον,
Μῆριον, άπε νέμι ζόν...
Μόλητρις, νὲντι τίγρενε τῆντι εν βίτι κρίζι.
Μί έσσι άπε ζεῖς ές! |
Interlinear: | COP.1SG.PRES yesterday-NZ-SG.NOM | DEM day-SG.NOM | tomorrow-NZ-SG.NOM and hold-1SG.PRES power-SG.ACC be_born-GER.MPASS-SG.ACC additional-F.SG.GEN.INDEF time-SG.GEN COP.1SG.PRES divine-N.SG.NOM.DEF hide-MPASS.PRES.PTCP-N.SG.NOM.DEF soul-SG.NOM Q.N create-3SG.PST.PFV god-PL.ACC and give-3SG.PRES grave-ADJZ-F.PL.ACC.INDEF meal-PL.ACC to deep-NZ-SG.GEN denizen-PL.GEN dead-AG-PL.GEN | and heaven-SG.GEN place-SG.NOM hail-2SG.IMP.MPASS | shrine-SG.GEN lord-SG.VOC stand-PRES.PTCP-N.SG.GEN.DEF in world-SG.GEN center-SG.GEN 1SG COP.3SG.PRES and 3SG.M.REFL COP.1SG.PRES |