Genesis 11:3

3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

From the King James Version.
Language Translation Interlinear? Translator
Common Honey "Gafûtâ fmyvûkfê sin dêâ kê zoâ xyt gyvnamfê sin dêâ." tanfêgân duâ. Thefamâ xoksmâ gafûtâ kê thefamsaznöt xoksmâ xananzyröksaznöt. No mr-martian 5
Dacayan Et zi eka ekel zagam, Kajejó, bröxol máxejó, et dol ögnat drohym. Et zi bröxol pjetraga avim, et muddol mratraga dam. No Ali Ghozali 6
Eezee 3. And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Goo tuu, let us maak brik, and burn them fhuroolee. And thaa had brik for stoon, and sliim had thaa for morter. No tmoy 5
Himmaswa Weup tui beym nung dreung twarng euuk tui wuach heat seach hwai beym kanglooay seuk yeuukket bar loy. Yeukket wat pau ley oupgaiyp wat oupsiang. Yes clawgrip 4
Ithkuil III Ai’tilatunš çu iùktict’awélgümui no aň uok’auqvaludai ˉxhe. Öň êktict’algui îktalgöň ôňgyé’c. Yes Wilh3lm
Latejami Tegawna behi tejopaw Kavapoy kavapa tayvi lixadagi tomo tesye kefedabisigoysa xijopi. Ximunza behi luxadagi dape luxami tesye ximunzesa luxujavi dape luxucapi. Yes leonporter 1
Levran Nan se láre vra hánutsyer sir rutsír: Dórle síva risír nan stul síva vátsyo hir tákir síva vurír tsir méhi tséve. Nan tse vra gávi méhi tse mor mánura stir tákir ta lúgror. Yes Irkan 5
Mîrkšam Orm mośuzośorf ôst tosmorok, tosmor šam ajtô ehûśiejiftak âzêćik orm ćńeûrhraj îmzîń hnojuk am orm meśizetiś âzêćik oš kopok, šêjîk oš nûstfûsôk. Yes sciric 5
Miut Wẽh lhuèhbey tuo-hnuàe hniũ, Ken, tsióh päy kuôy wẽh thièt xàktsī. Wẽh lhuèhbey í kuôy ōi kâ, í tsìt ōi xǔ tyǐht. Yes SorajimaAsugawa 1
Muosan 3. Mā sizēyatsarā: kā'ē, o bothet māga haterū, dī vonnē iron. Mā tavitsarā o ta bothet po ta shō, mā ta toi po ta jigë. No elgatoloco 1
Nao data kihe tupia pe jume nebei douadom din pupek ta - douadom ki gui doua din ciltestenbeneko gui testenbenekodom Yes leonporter 1
Nevotak res muis nuz "tok, hatiz ur es wa teuz duzmeh hu enu res", es res nom duzmeh nai tom, nom duzhiru nai rairu. Yes k1234567890y 6
Proto-Kunnu-lujungo 3. Ha mak' k'utsodo p'attutso: kwe, k'yōdoga k'ōmchwat, t'a sak'yōt myollot. Ha mōdu k'yōda kollotta utto, ha pūkka twapk'otta. Yes Qwynegold 5
Reisu 3. Ya esa neinala lo enosairifu, yata, eka eisa leika koposa, ya kusi batei esa. Ya esa mainola dorixusu lo kopo, ya savi lo suko. Yes KarenTerry 5
Soc'ul' Āhxauc xec, Cozñéi, cozatx cozxem xem pfuyem. Āhun' hed' pfuyem xeu je xem'ian pfur'xu je. Yes Dillon 1
Sona Latoisi "Daha mie kasinka agaitue ge zorutaka." Imato agaitu ama je ge igeulo ama kanyigegan. Yes leonporter 1
Tallfellow 3. Els taro rum ma ehenguló, "Ar ho dopa erugrel ir wiglors eng engombe." Els rum brawo erugrel imo sarm ir engegwo imo orngeng. Yes Enrique Gamez 4
Tangachi 3. Tengnak, "šužai gšïfžqeka qaisaš saba it qlaifšif vliska," it qaisak saba it tantangak saba vam. Yes dhagrow 2
Theadish 3. Ler Chäme dichwit, "Nos chewi Latere." No Klisz 4
Thensarian 3. İe hechensré vo nadnék, "Nemâ, šídlans fkǎšàch ie méšnisáilensich." Íe héva̋ksré fkǎšàch vōjéch neldé, íe héva̋ken žáft vōjéch návsin. No IlL 4
Waku Ko kkenei muxu kīri ge, hā moka, hā tēha mu ppattu, hā korō xullu. Ko romo mu ppattu mō mu ppahā, ko romo ma mitimi mō ma hēpparatī. No ttaga 4