Translations of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text) for Latejami
3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
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Tegawna behi tejopaw Kavapoy kavapa tayvi lixadagi tomo tesye kefedabisigoysa xijopi. Ximunza behi luxadagi dape luxami tesye ximunzesa luxujavi dape luxucapi.
Tegawna behi tejopaw Kavapoy kavapa tayvi lixadagi tomo tesye kefedabisigoysa xijopi. Said-to-each-other they quote Let's make we bricks some and thoroughly-bake-them unquote. Ximunza behi luxadagi dape luxami tesye ximunzesa luxujavi dape luxucapi. Had they bricks for stones and was-had tar for adhesive. |
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