Translations of "Genesis 11:4" (Babel-text) for Latejami


4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.



Tega behi tejopaw Kavapoy kwibusa tayvi tomume tomavi kedugi tomo tesye bijikigi tomo ximunzyu cenzogaymi zogyu datisi tesye kukokavipa tayvi jucadape jevu bikufagupa tayvi bikozogumbe dezogaymaw jotisi xijopi.
Tega behi tejopaw Kavapoy kwibusa tayvi tomume tomavi kedugi tomo tesye bijikigi   tomo ximunzyu cenzogaymi zogyu datisi
Said they quote   Let's   build   we    for    self   city   a    and   skyscraper a    having   top        in    sky
tesye kukokavipa       tayvi jucadape jevu bikufagupa           tayvi bikozogumbe dezogaymaw     jotisi       xijopi
and   make-self-famous we    lest     will be-totally-scattered we    all-over    the-surface-of the-earth unquote
