Translation: |
Té ghécher me badhégéd cu Fulaner ba palír,
Tonúr gon philána ét fémoc dí ba adena
cu gatín cébh gatín. An cu céd,
Gécir ghaloca ét féreté fhílé,
Balin írím ce ralat chótilichona,
Té dí cu ghona. On cobh lóren ghala,
Dél me dí, fíran bhoghal, cím lóghal ba fégon,
rún na té rún. An cu bhoci, din me dí,
cu Fulaner ba palír.
Lé gar dí ba ógil bhe ínilona.
On dat fédhoc del ré do ónel reta me dí;
Tel té ré ba ít pon gar ít ce níl.
In gar cún do dí ét té din me re,
Lé gon me dí cu badhégéd ét té ghécher
cu Fulaner ba palír |
Interlinear: |
The poppies are blown in Flander's Field,
Around the grave-stones, row after row,
Which mark our places. And in the sky,
Sing the skylarks who bravely fly,
Weakly heard 'neath shouting guns.
We are the woken. If but a few days ago,
We lived, felt sunrise and saw sunset's light,
Love and were loved. Yet now, we sleep,
in Flander's Field.
Go [and] Keep our fight against the foreign foes.
We shall throw the torch from failing hands,
that it may be yours for to keep up high.
If you do not keep word with us who sleep,
We shall not wake amongst poppies which blow,
in Flander's Field. |