Existing translations to Gjeyejz-sjayajz

Translation Original Gjeyejz-sjayajz Interlinear? Translator
Cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am
Gjuq yeq luyesjal gjugeqal.
Yes Anonymous
hello $
Qäreq jzarel! (/qæʀɛq ʐaʀɛʟ/)
Yes Anonymous
We are humans
We are humans and we are from Earth.
Huyec jzäyegal. Uruyec gayeral.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #3
I give John the apple.
Jzayel-Jzalac qäyeq-uruxac lagjelal.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: want
I want to give it to her.
Req jzareläl lagjelal.
Yes Anonymous