Existing translations to Rejistanian

Translation Original Rejistanian Interlinear? Translator
Colorless green dreams
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
Tekneluru'het'ny jasam'ta veran min'unidu xalki.
Yes Anonymous
Colorless green ideas
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
Asav'tan'ny jasam'ta veran min'unidu xalki.
Yes Anonymous
bye $
Va'il veka, $
Yes Anonymous
Fight linguistic extinction!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
Kaju'il vaixunus'tan viskoreja! Ines'il viskoreja!
Yes Anonymous
Grandfather and the Dragon
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'neteva tekne'ra ,mi'la'hekax, la. Mi'la'isa'han kisut, alhika'het aji mi'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han nahtaj lajitax jolu, javuke'het kimi aji mi'la'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han jya lajitax jolu, salankij'ny sike min'la'salan yi ji kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'ma'ta 'jlunu jilih. Mi'la'disde 'neteva'han nahsua lune jvenu'ny'sy ji holesa'het'sy ji holesalki'het'sy ji xatrem'het'sy. Mi'la'vesu kali'het esda altena tekne'ra nahsua'ra.
Yes Anonymous
hello $
Hejida, $'he!
No Anonymous
Happy birthday
Happy birthday!
Sijiv rijeva isin!
Yes Anonymous
I can eat glass
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
Xe'ma 'ovik kelas'het, xe'tore'ta mi.
Yes Anonymous
The Tower of Babel
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
Tekne'he'ny hakim mi'la'seve rejavisko'het mje ji oda'het'ny vinik hite. Hej'ny min'la'hax hadi'het kehma tani'ra Xinar ji min'la'va 'myju jilih'ra ,min'la'neteva jya'tes, jet. Min'la'visko "Han'xen, va'xen jemanaj'het'ny ji ariv'xen ama min." Min'la'seve jemanaj'het'ny umis'het reja ji sasaja'het'ny helkumis'het reja. Min'la'visko "Va'xen xen'han kali'het ji kumutek'het ,mi'ki'sidekhir xilat'het'han, het ji estavilir'xen elu'het'xen ,xen'ki'rala'iriku tekne'het'ra, mexe." Kansa'he mi'la'han anik ji mi'la'mesu kali'het ji kumutek'het ,hej'ny min'la'va min, het. Kansa'he mi'la'visko "Mesu'han'iln, min'ken jataru'het mje ji rejavisko'het mje ji min'tari aj ,min'ma, het. Min'xan xan'het'ny ji min'ma 'leje ji 'yri ,min'iti jilih, lija. Han'xe, anik'xe ji deldel'xe rejavisko'het'min ,min'ma'ta 'hadada vylis'tan'min luru'he'ny, het." Kansa'he mi'la'va jilih ,mi'la'iriku min, yke ji min'netux 'va kali'het. Kali'het mi'elu Ivavel ,Kansa'he mi'la'deldel rejavisko'het'min tekne'he'ny, lija ji mi'la'iriku min tekne'het'han hakim.
No Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 1
Move out!
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 2
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 3
We're on it.
Xen'va jilih.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 4
No problem.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 6
Very well.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 8
Let's get moving.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Select 2
Tell me what to do.
Visko'il xe, xe'va sunjet.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Select 5
What's the plan?
Xan'het mi'aru sunjet?
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Select 6
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Select 7
Your orders?
Il'shensa sunjet?
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Select 8
What do you need?
Il'ena sunjet?
Yes Anonymous
#1: Starlings' song
The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In the night the lark worships the stars Who sees the true nature of birds?
Jada'het'mi kijya'het mi'xuka va'tan'ny nim Lokoku'het mi'hame ekura'het'jet minas Sutniku'het mi'lankax ethana'het'ny yunad'jet Sunhe mi'mesu sutuva'tan'mi leji tansaha'het?
No Anonymous
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Sidin'het mevika kiristi isin!
Yes Anonymous
CotW Intro
On this page you can find Challenge of the Week (CotW), a project by #conlang. Each week, a challenge is posted by members of the channel, and all members can translate the text into their conlang(s). If you want, we can upload your translation, too. Just join #conlang and give us the text/link.
Il’ma ‘hax jilih ohix’het’mi semynu ,mi’rala ‘leje #conlang’sy, het jatni’het’ra. Ohix’het mi’rala’jitni #conlang’he’ny semynu’het hakim ji odis’he’ny hakim mi’ma’ytinvisko ameri’het rejavisko’het’han’min larava. Xen’ma ‘retesalan ameri’het’il ytinvisko ,il’esina, nka.
No Anonymous
My hovercraft is full of eels
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Avutu'het'xe nasume mi'la'rala'letve tevme'het durui ikisesda.
No Anonymous