Existing translations to Votgil
Translation | Original | Votgil | Interlinear? | Translator |
Cogito ergo sum | I think, therefore I am |
NuyXok,ForÐatLögNuyVizJak. |
No | Anonymous |
Colorless green ideas | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. |
GynKepSisNötWixKulGerSly. |
No | Anonymous |
Farewell | bye $ |
VötHey $ |
No | Anonymous |
Greeting | hello $ |
Hey |
No | Anonymous |
I can eat glass | I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. |
NuyKan"YotGle",ÐisXiqNötHrtNuy. |
No | Anonymous |
Wanting to give money | Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday? |
ForWitPrpYwnWuzWön"GivMunTwrÐytMan"CinÐytTanJwrVötNesDey? |
No | Anonymous |
#10: Olympic Relay | Beware of the baby!
O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions. |
O VötGwd,WitXiqWuzVizHen? JwrVötNesDey,SumBydNwbFimWuzGofTwrNuyZisHosFor"SteWixÐytVerNwbPrs".ÐytFimWuzDwnWim"ÐytFimWuzKwdDwnFor"MywÐytNwbPrs"".ÐytFimWuzPleWixÐytNwbPrs.ÐytFimWuzSeyMwzForÐytNwbPrs.ÐytFimPrsWuzDwnLötÐorXiqZis.ButÐytNwbPrsWuzFetÐytFimVan"WuzBrkÐytFimCinTwrPörZis"Van"WuzYotÐytFim"Van"WuzXroÐytWis"PörZisSte"VötCinTwrÐytWid".NuyCwdDwnWitXiq?NuyNötNon.ForÐatLögNuyZisNötSeyCenXiqBawÐytHenXiq,For"ÐytPolNötBeg"CasNoyRerZis"". |
No | Anonymous |