Translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Standalone)

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Original: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ehobind taro mon mabre ri woher ir namban epwanri ir ebrendlil. Els mon nolo boblur ir ermrend ir bren nar wondle merilil hobindó taroró.
e-hobind  taro mon  mabre ri    woher ir  namban e-pwanri       ir  e-brendlil
PL-person all  PASS spawn while free  and alike  PL-dignity.GEN and PL-human_right.GEN

els         mon  nolo    boblur     ir  ermrend      ir 
3PL.ANIMATE PASS give_to reason.INS and kindness.GEN and

bren   nar wondle    merilil      hobindó    taroró
should do  heart.INS friendly.INS person.ALL each.ALL