Translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Standalone)

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Original: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ωύλοι ζόνιοι χρίοι άπε αυκεῖντινοι δίγνιτης άπε κωὺραχτον γῆνοντο. Χρόδηντο μέγμαναν άπε κονθῶγνιγϝον άπε λίγοντο γνίοντοι σεῖ αῦρε βρῆτιι ὰνζι.
all-M.PL.NOM.DEF person-PL.NOM free-M.PL.NOM.DEF and equal-M.PL.NOM.DEF dignity-SG.GEN and right-NZ-PL.GEN be_born-3PL.MID.PRES
give-3PL.MID.PRES mind-SG.ACC and conscience-SG.ACC and should-3PL.MID.PRES do-PRES.PTCP-M.PL.NOM.DEF 3.RECP with brother-NZ-SG.GEN spirit-SG.GEN