Translations of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Standalone) for Khan Nilau Khaftim


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.



Talupim tunkhetau khatau me phum thajnau pha lejstu lif-fan pha lip-pekjepsim. Thafjets pha wymes me phent tjani pha phip-phikkemep lik-khet musallunjeifj.
tal-up-im    tunkhet-au  khat-au        me  ph-um          thajn-au    pha lejst-u      lif=fan     pha lip=pek-j-eps-im                     .
animal-be-PL human-ADJ   everything-ADJ PAS 3PL-give.birth freedom-ADJ AND equality-ADJ INS-dignity AND INS=abstraction-INDEF.SBJ-protect-PL .
ta'lʊ.pim    tʊn'kʰe.taʊ 'kʰa.taʊ       me  pʰʊm           'tʰaɪ.naʊ   pʰa 'leɪ.stʊ     lif'fan	    pʰa'kʲep.sim                        .

thafjets   pha wymes     me  ph-ent   tjan-i      pha phip=ph-ikk-em-ep               lik=khet    musallunjeifj
reason     AND conscience PAS 3PL-give PRO.DAT-3PL AND should=behave-about-one.another INS=stomach kinship
'tʰa.fʲets pʰa 'wy.mes   me  pʰent    'tʲ     pʰa pʰip.pʰik'kem.ep                likʰ'kʰet   mʊ.sal'lu.nʲeɪfʲ

Thafjets, wymes, and musallunjeifj are loanwords from Ladoçei Htoleiþe (Ladochei T'oleithe) daðets, huhïmes, and musallunyeiþ. Khan Khaftim contains a large number of these.