Translations of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Standalone) for Oltic
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
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Ωύλοι ζόνιοι χρίοι άπε αυκεῖντινοι δίγνιτης άπε κωὺραχτον γῆνοντο.
Χρόδηντο μέγμαναν άπε κονθῶγνιγϝον άπε λίγοντο γνίοντοι σεῖ αῦρε βρῆτιι ὰνζι.
all-M.PL.NOM.DEF person-PL.NOM free-M.PL.NOM.DEF and equal-M.PL.NOM.DEF dignity-SG.GEN and right-NZ-PL.GEN be_born-3PL.MID.PRES give-3PL.MID.PRES mind-SG.ACC and conscience-SG.ACC and should-3PL.MID.PRES do-PRES.PTCP-M.PL.NOM.DEF 3.RECP with brother-NZ-SG.GEN spirit-SG.GEN |
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