Translation of "Yellow Brick Road" (Standalone)

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Original: Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
Yele, wimmin, leim þodoçþo bake si çodûça ðûþûddotað?
yele      , wimmin   , leim  þod<oç>þo            bak-e    si çod-uça         		ð<û>þûd-dot-að
attention , friend   , where be.located<3SG.INAN> road-DEF of yellow-ADJ.INAN.INDEF.PL	build<PL>-INAN.ACT.PART-INDEF.INS
'je.le    , 'wim.min , leɪ̯m  þo'doç.þo            'bɑ.ke   si ço'duçɑ                   ðɯ.þɯ'do.tað

There is a vocative particle <ha>, but it is not used with <yele> "hail!; attention!" or <leyele> "hello."