Missa |
Gender is only distinguished in animate nouns, overwhelmingly in human arguments; and only obligatorily when a 3rd person singular pronoun marking gender is an argument (which is commonly replaceable by the 3rd person epicene pronoun, which marks no gender, an inanimate argument, or gender not relevant).
Lodeen |
As has been written above, the vowels -a- and -u- mark, respectively, the feminine and the masculine genders. Though, as there is no phenomenon of agreement and as this marking isn't mandatory, Lodeen isn't to be considered as having genders. |
LipTalk |
There is only one form of any noun, the plural doesn't count. The only singular third person pronoun is meant as "he". In this language, an adjective must be applied to give the sense of the feminine gender, otherwise, most nouns take the sense of either masculine or neuter. |