Himmaswa |
comitative is indicated with the stative verb 'weup' - be together with
instrumental is indicated with the stative verb 'teuk' - use; employ
Hwai kanglooay dua leum teuk gloañjouk. - 1 build PERF house use wood. - I built the house with wood.
Hwai kanglooay dua leum weup klot. - 1 build PERF house be.with older.brother - I built the house with my older brother.
Huttese (fanmade) |
Andras Rajki cites the contrast of "fee" and "goo" to translate "with" in Ben Burtt's Star Wars Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide as an example of the "severe inconsistencies" it contains rendering it a poor template for constructing a coherent grammar out of Huttese. However, the supposedly contradictory examples Burtt provides (Va foppa gee wontahumpa?"Does that come with a warranty?") and ("Jee ho poka foo creeda."I will pay with credit.") coincide perfectly with the comitative/instrumental distinction made in the vast majority of languages in the WALS sample, indiscriminately translated as one and the same word in most Western languages. Ironically enough, Rajki's presumable mother tongue, Hungarian, also at least partially makes this distinction. |