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2010-04-30 21:42 Changed language: Wat'étereiti
- Wat'étereiti by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-04-30 08:39 Hear, hear! 250 languages!
Let it be known that Elesu (by con quesa) is the 250th language on CALS!
2010-04-30 08:39 New language: Elesu
con quesa added Elesu to CALS.
2010-04-30 08:31 Changed language: Saimiar
- Saimiar by con quesa was updated.
2010-04-30 08:20 New language: Saimiar
con quesa added Saimiar to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Saimiar.)
2010-04-30 08:09 con quesa just joined
Welcome con quesa!
2010-04-30 03:06 New translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
I'veri standardybasgjol ý morlykonkol rjelgyobzhvev teologje limdöm trajim, lwosys batjol fextim. Máñyspiriti powrisesev bigrwises kappöt szjoklo.
Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.
2010-04-30 01:59 New translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" into Vallese by Jeff Jones
*** from intermediate translation *** ¶ Final ment, una tràdidzon con spirid conduirá tuas aiceons ala cima, resoviand en mancantza. ¶ Muda lò como fâis, porquè todas causas non deven venir al centr. ¶ Lò como fâis est tant emportant què tua vida!
final ment final Adv un-a tràdidzon con spirid condui-r-á tu-as aiceon-s a=la cima Ind-FS tradition.S with spirit.S conduct-Fut-3S 2S.Poss-FP action-P to=Def.FS summit resov-iand en mancantza resolve-Ger in loss.S muda lò como fâi-s change.Imp.2S Def.N how do.Prs-2S porquè tod-as causa-s non dev-en veni-r a=l centr because all-FP thing-P Neg should.Prs-3P come-INF to=DEF.MS center.S lò como fâi-s est tant emportant què tu-a vida Def.N how do.Prs-2S Cop.Prs.3S so/as important than/as 2S.Poss-FS life.S
Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.
2010-04-30 01:42 New translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" into Naisek by Jeff Jones
*** from intermediate translation *** Glohax hal Raxmigil ¶ Swala jemor stor leikin cefklape linkwaripe kori fusbelum, biyoku glohax har taujer swam jemum tai kori hilum raxmigilum swam jemum joufam. ¶ Stor hostin leikax fraspingo cefklape linkwaripe kori fusbelum, juku darbitoku hil brumel taujelum talum. ¶ Nage pyali jemli stwe gamlin kwim raxmigim; stwe glohin kori tim. ¶ Ga moldiki.
gloh-ax h-a-l raxmigi-l understand-Inf Def-Ani-PAbs virtue-PAbs sw-a-la jem-or s-tor leik-in cefkla-pe linkwari-pe kori fusbe-lum all-Ani-PErg person-PErg Cop.Prs-3PErg behave-VN concern-SIns compassionate-SIns about fault-PGen biy-ok-u gloh-ax h-a-r tauje-r sw-a-m jem-um make-Prg-Sec understand-Inf Def-Ani-SErg "heart"-SErg each-Ani-SGen person-SGen t-a-i kori h-i-lum raxmigi-lum sw-a-m jem-um jouf-a-m 3-Ani-SDat about Def-Ina-PGen virtue-PGen each-Ani-SGen person-SGen other-Ani-SGen s-tor host-in leik-ax frasp-ingo cefkla-pe linkwari-pe kori fusbe-lum Cop.Prs-3PErg try-VN behave-Inf determined-Adv concern-SIns compassionate-SIns about fault-PGen juku darbi-t-ok-u h-i-l brume-l tauje-lum t-a-lum very important-V-Prg-Sec Def-Ina-PAbs need-PAbs "heart"-PGen 3-Ani-PGen nage py-a-li jem-li s-twe gaml-in kw-i-m raxmigi-m but few-Ani-PDat person-PDat Cop.Prs-3PDat doubt-VN one-Ina-SGen virtue-SGen s-twe gloh-in kori t-i-m Cop.Prs-3PDat understand-VN about 3-Ina-SGen ga moldi-ki Neg be_certain.Prs-1SDat
Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.
2010-04-29 21:20 New language: Labasje
ftarp added Labasje to CALS.
2010-04-29 20:21 ftarp just joined
Welcome ftarp!
2010-04-26 11:18 New translation-exercise: relay 16
There doesn't seem to be a well agreed upon name for this relay so I picked the first name I found, the Ithkuil relay. Better suggestions in a pm, please.
I'm also looking for the original text/first smooth translation of relay 11, "the primordial soup".
2010-04-25 20:10 Changed language: Kangir
- Kangir by Appleseed was updated.
2010-04-25 18:24 New language: Kangir
Appleseed added Kangir to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Kangir.)
2010-04-25 17:59 Appleseed just joined
Welcome Appleseed!
2010-04-25 17:55 Working just joined
Welcome Working!
2010-04-25 11:39 Changed language: Zanese
- Zanese by Solarius was updated.
2010-04-23 03:39 CRH13 just joined
Welcome CRH13!
2010-04-22 04:02 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-22 03:07 New translation of "Look on my works, ye Mighty" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Ozymandiaz alfym singkim, sztetzrys vozhgol issim, very froenim, et labjol ringkim, et sznheehykaltys komdi. Tallejoo, i'skoftrtze gudym tallam, dypatzjonhi litim, dyi ahyi sorvjis, stamtat vjallono. Handi dyi zel mogdjim, at artzol feedim. Et pedzdjono bordi aprjim: "Mi Ozimandias, kongykongijo, myvorkol zehejoo! Maettee! Et Daszfjoe! Aadingi rasztrnit. Rundydakjoji, yi kolszjyrakki, bendzrit et vaarit. Loeni et leebysandi sztraaxis.
Ozymandias Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
2010-04-22 00:48 Changed language: Xylphika
- Xylphika by Ketsuban was updated.
2010-04-20 22:23 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-20 08:51 Changed language: Apituka
- Apituka by Ety was updated.
2010-04-20 08:48 New language: Apituka
etymological added Apituka to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Apituka.)
2010-04-19 19:21 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Nipmel by ttaga
Lak thinsek khermarmi' thinseknalo'.
bottle wash NEG.IMP.2SG dishwasher.LOC
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2010-04-19 19:18 Changed language: Nipmel
- Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-04-19 09:29 etymological just joined
Welcome etymological!
2010-04-18 13:15 New translation of "#14: Wedding" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
CERMNYMARJYPWORTO (Parto 1) [Jetzo prjeszti goldysczjenczol gebom, daszý hi vlossum, kantrkyeke, et eki dol nekjyekel platrim, et avdrý prjeszti dim, zi rittim:] Mi [ñámo] moj cánel [ñámo] bindim, daga dagorke, vahý epjytzajtorkavow sadytzajtorko, vahý soljydagorkavow réñydagorko, godysajltavow bado, wäjlcavow poprjo, et uri jetzorkave uryñawylebykwösino sattim, ahdý solinavev somino binditev egit. Ý mi cánel pledgim, myloborisavev onworiso jahreje. [et andri samol dim, rattim] (Parto 2) [Jetzo prjeszti zagom:] Spiritol kallejó, prjajejó! [et ebri attjando zagomow singom:] Soljypadré, zylebol szjenejó! Skáhé, ahý xláro issejó! Erdáhow Réñé, zol grö ilfejó! Vurunysastré, zynattol ilmnjejó! Lalapybrazé, zel cánybehvjol gudo issejó! Márymadré, veno zi cánysjorfeje sajlim, kalmejó! Forsté, zel szädolev szältrol gebejó! Raxyspirité, zywéjol ovzdrejó áñ! Litkys (göldys) czjenczi loburga, zol bindejó! Allol cánol spiritol kwoszñol vahev, zol gödejávev vlossejó, veno zi forcol zykworsono fätulev lobul sattim. Issimené, issimoné, jahreje issé.
PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] Father Sun, shine upon their life, Sky, be always clear, Earth and Rain, help them to grow, Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface, Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, Forest, give them shade and shelter, Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them when they set forth on their course with faith and love. May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.
2010-04-17 23:19 Changed language: Stemmutsian
- Stemmutsian by James Seamus was updated.
2010-04-17 21:17 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-04-16 11:42 New language: Nipmel
ttaga added Nipmel to CALS.
2010-04-16 10:15 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-16 03:11 Changed language: Xylphika
- Xylphika by Ketsuban was updated.
2010-04-16 01:21 Changed language: Ferzhic
- Ferzhic by Scott Eaton was updated.
2010-04-16 00:12 New language: Ferzhic
seaton10 added Ferzhic to CALS.
2010-04-16 00:02 seaton10 just joined
Welcome seaton10!
2010-04-15 23:26 Changed language: Xylphika
- Xylphika by Ketsuban was updated.
2010-04-15 22:58 Ketsuban just joined
Welcome Ketsuban!
2010-04-15 08:48 Changed language: Dothraki
- Dothraki by David J. Peterson was updated.
2010-04-15 08:32 New language: Dothraki
Dedalvs added Dothraki to CALS.
Dothraki's homepage is at http://dothraki.com/.
2010-04-14 15:33 Zelos just joined
Welcome Zelos!
2010-04-14 10:40 New language: Ishtol
Berek added Ishtol to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Ishtol.)
2010-04-14 09:48 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-14 06:09 nortala just joined
Welcome nortala!
2010-04-14 04:03 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-14 02:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Jezzali by sakir
Bib ke
again yes
Very well.
2010-04-14 02:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Jezzali by sakir
Nemune maina
Behold that-it-is
Consider it done.
2010-04-14 01:37 Changed language: magaoan
- magaoan by capnodulia was updated.
2010-04-14 01:21 New language: magaoan
capnodulia added magaoan to CALS.
2010-04-13 23:11 capnodulia just joined
Welcome capnodulia!
2010-04-12 21:57 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-12 21:51 Ienpw_III just joined
Welcome Ienpw_III!
2010-04-12 12:45 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-12 08:31 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Vallese by Jeff Jones
Atentzón Al Infant! ¶ Ai, gofrê! Qué est passad? ¶ Èbian, dijar una værgen formosa mais estota ven-t à nuæstra casa, è teneva què cantar pole laitant. Ella fege lò tod què podeva porquè geogar congle laitant: ella geogau dez geuægs con loi, loi cantau «duærme, gatinhe, duærme», ed esto àgeudava. Mais tonc, el infante l assotau è la talhau à piatzas! Ill la manceau è puæs dègeitau las rèmaniantzas pella fenestra. Qué on puæd fǽre nos? ¶ Àjàjai, dunuæv sejons profonda ment engla miarda! Qué vâmes à fǽr? ¶ Èbian, dentra tante tiampes vâmes à dever estar silent sobe questa causa. Jo, lò plus de tod, non voj ir ales vìlantes volontæres! ¶ Ciart! Elles pausan dez quezzons sufigiantissmas.
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2010-04-11 19:28 kirari567 just joined
Welcome kirari567!
2010-04-10 23:26 New translation of "#15: The Dancing Out Of Time Relay" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Rädli zol täntzom zehim. Zi álädrol avim. Zi ámüzgol áñ, alý zyvwazoj, korjygrafjol studjum áñ. Äczý kajim vo hi villim. Nejý, zytäntzi graszjisotsis, allytäntzakta harmonisotsis. Átäntzori zol litjisistas. Zi tarnam et wéjbam et ý zi egymindol zehit. Di lästys difikultys borkol zola issim. A'täntzori grandisys bohol pattisys efrotul máximáx? Nejý zi ä'steppol dákim.
A Riddle See them dance. The have no leader. They have no music but their own voices, nor have they studied any choreography. Each goes where he will. But their dance is the most graceful, the most harmonious of all dances. There are no dancers more lithe than they are. They turn and weave so that they seem to have a single mind. This seems the least difficult work for them. Do any dancers make greater beauty with less effort? But they take not a single step.
2010-04-10 23:12 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Bevol vowrejó! Äjré, vahi issim? Jatzo, fatkys jungys güli uryoze kómam, bevol botczam. Szi dam vahol szi bevol entrmamwen. Szi dol zhviram, songol songam, et adrý. Negatzý, bevi szol atkam. Szol pjetzurke tóram, divram, et vinetrene cróham. Vahi dáx? Vahi dáx? Räjlym ñówim áñ. Et ý, issö tzajtol, uri storjol silentas koppim, preventötka politzi añüjys askol askim.
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2010-04-10 22:54 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-10 13:32 New translation of "#6" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Kanszjý Astra. Czatrys tejpyastrojo. Primjyñámi bolkön astrijo, kozý zi nattyskáhaje bandrim. Sekundyñámi státratkön astrijo. Zi diszñys zollijo. Drittyñámi mortön, owý fallön astrijo. Zi raxijo vahi nattyskáha fallim. Fuertyñámi forñys astrijo. Zi astrijo vahi szrtys tzajtola nattyskáho apparim. Zi zollijo verol Ödeji szyängrjo desztrim.
Concerning the Stars. There are four types of stars. The name of the first is walking stars, because they wander the night sky. The name of the second is stationary stars. They are distant suns. The name of the third is dying, or falling, stars. They are rocks that fall from the night sky. The name of the fourth is foreign stars. They are the stars that appear for a short time in the night sky. They are suns of worlds whom Goddess destroyed in her wrath.
2010-04-10 13:18 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-09 18:59 Changed language: Wat'étereiti
- Wat'étereiti by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-04-09 10:30 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Myfröndo, mybastysfröndo, mybastysfröndyeko, mybastysfröndytrjo, mybastysfröndyzömo, mybastysfröndymüzo, mybastysfröndyallo, pañys máño, pañajys máño, pañojszys máño, trjys szrto, trjys klínys szrto, trys klínejszys szrto, klínys szrtyñawejszysdwo, trjys klínys szrtyñawejszysdwo, egás asko, egás trjys asko, trjás asko, lasztys asko
my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions
2010-04-09 10:11 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-08 20:00 Changed language: Wat'étereiti
- Wat'étereiti by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-04-07 10:25 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-07 10:09 New translation of "#8" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Ivlys máñi manzdrjelo libam. Hi bajljim [áfundym] mongki gradys träzhrol avam, et dol koftam. Ivlys máñi politzymáñosa. A'dago, hi mongkol veri manzdrje báxö akszjam. "Kjol gebejó!" zagam hi. "Mi manzdrjol krimnjorol verol jero hidjam saczczamin." Mongki zagam, "Kjol áñ." Ivlys politzymáñi hoj ravzhine orlim, nejý mongki manzdrje abröl törejo kajam.
A wicked man lived near a monastery. He believed [unfoundedly] that the monks had great treasure, and covetted it. The wicked man became a policeman. One day, he accosted a monk who was returning to the monastery. "Give me your key," he said. "I want to search the monastery for any criminals who may be hiding there." The monk said, "I have no key." The wicked policeman flew into a rage [lit. hurled himself into a rage], but the monk went into the monastery through the open door.
2010-04-07 09:53 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
"Dalxön Raxo" Jatzo mi köstejo bokam, veno mi raxono dý dalxö trappat. Mi dalxön raxol paktram et zagam, "Á! Dalxön raxijáx?" Dalxön raxi zagam, "Né, Mi issim." Dáñý mi askam, "Vari mol avwadö áñtallam?" Dalxön raxi anvrtam, "Kozý mi majñys dalxön raxijo." Dalxön raxybordi mol angrjas máxam, ý mi márine cortam. Mi dalxön raxol ahý zeham áñ.
"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2010-04-07 09:29 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-06 16:36 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2010-04-06 16:34 Changed language: Neo-Khitanese
- Neo-Khitanese by Kuroda was updated.
2010-04-06 04:12 Keenir just joined
Welcome Keenir!
2010-04-04 22:52 Changed language: Kono Mai
- Kono Mai by phaed was updated.
2010-04-04 16:19 New language: Kono Mai
phaed added Kono Mai to CALS.
2010-04-04 16:17 phaed just joined
Welcome phaed!
2010-04-03 06:25 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-03 05:59 New translation of "#13: The Missed Bus Relay" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
A'mognurko Detzembro, mi follöyszjenol strassejo bus'ystappa zehamwen. Grazhji, ovvjym hywéjo szüle, gardnybaleno stáñam. Hi hüzhys rodys katzol hyszjoldrono avam, et i'anmji zgilys ekwam veno a'grazhji gvákö ardym trajtam. Engkrys pangkul, hi bus'ystappol boczam, ñówö bus'i kómamang. A'katzi áñ disztrvis. Egym, hi powkol balde pattam, néjý kaltasís daja, ý hi prestym grazhjybaxypäxe báxam. Momnji veno hi kongfrtym zetzam, avö hylegol tokkam, szülybusi kómam. Mi supjim, a'katzi kajtys intrtys dagol spentam.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
2010-04-03 05:38 New translation of "#7" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Fsiskiñi ródejo vokkim et ömáñol zehim, bärym koñszis, et szyljegol kottat, döjczono läjim. Hi aprxim, ilfö szel issimin, zagö, 'Fäjrejó áñ! Mi szjorim dá, ilfol raszfim.'. Ömáñi hel lawkim ét zagim, 'Myhozvni dröjhym ilfol najdim.'. Fsiskiñi askim, 'Vari? Hi vo?'. Szi anvrtim, 'Ozojo, adltrys urydotri räxszim.'.
A physician is walking on the road and sees a woman, barely conscious and with her legs cut off, lying in a ditch. He approaches, hoping to help her, saying, “Don’t fear! I’ll make sure that you receive help.” The woman looks at him and said, “My husband truly needs your help.” The physician asks, “Why? Where is he?” She answers, “He’s at home, raising our three adolescent daughters.”
2010-04-02 22:15 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-02 22:04 New translation of "#5: From the book of chaos" into Dacayan by Ali Ghozali
Primjys kószys vókol litim: kószymáryeszñi dingol kumdim, ý já zi ramszjam ahý, et movjim áñ. Veno mazhgori i'mára djofim, kószi movjö miczym vognim. Bohys kószi! Cányarsi endalol follis, inftol patzis, cányarsi mundijo.
Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.
2010-04-02 21:16 New language: Ueyoonja
penguinsquishy added Ueyoonja to CALS.
2010-04-01 11:31 Changed language: Wat'étereiti
- Wat'étereiti by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-04-01 04:21 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-04-01 00:42 Changed language: Wilas
- Wilas by Solarius was updated.
2010-04-01 00:34 New language: Wilas
Solarius added Wilas to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Wilas.)