
« April May June »

2010-05-31 13:46 Changed language: Dzuutani

Dzuutani by Neko244 was updated.

2010-05-31 05:58 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Alpic by TaylorSelseth

Misaifasa selkjo, sineglnima.


I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2010-05-31 05:44 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Alpic by TaylorSelseth

Mibente, vo mjo


I think, therefore I am

2010-05-31 05:23 Changed language: Alpic

Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2010-05-30 20:17 Changed language: Dzuutani

Dzuutani by Neko244 was updated.

2010-05-30 14:38 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Pahukɛhatahi tramɛza, akɛgoredama kahiza.


I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2010-05-30 14:32 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Dzuutani by Neko244



Move out!

2010-05-30 03:19 Stupid network lead to downtime

Yesterday, the 29th of May, the network to the proper server must have left to watch the Eurovision Song Contest or something, as it refused to pass on messages. Or maybe it's gone on a sympathy strike for the local transport union, whose members have refused to drive anywhere for the last three weeks. It was therefore necessary to move the database itself to another server.

2010-05-28 02:52 Changed language: draga

draga by Ajinkwai was updated.

2010-05-28 00:35 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into draga by Ajinkwai

ía kyeafa hou wuiac:

Doesn't translate well:

ía                kyeafa                    hou                    wui              -ac
(1p Subjective)  realize, recognize      and correspondingly     manifestation    (1p)

I think, therefore I am

2010-05-28 00:28 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into draga by Ajinkwai

añ dañ tíoñ hoa-siha, hoa-hluisien, he' sowa ogalo:

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

2010-05-28 00:15 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into draga by Ajinkwai

fae-huiac: fae-haxa (-yac/-xeañ): fe'ala-haxa: dowxa haxa: kyeaca haxa: feañ haxa: / fikwo haxa: fía-fikwo haxa: haña ba.oae: haña ba.oae swaer: haña ba.oae ogalo: dowxa peqayo: dowxa peqayo hoa-qxowa.hae: dowxa láor qxawo.hae om peqayo: ñe'ala pa'o om peqayo hoa-qxowa.hae: ñe'ala pa'o om dowxa peqayo hoa-qxowa.hae: xewa yañ-yifa dowxa xewa yañ-sipo xewa yañ-dowxa xewa yañ-jehaer

my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions

2010-05-28 00:10 Changed language: Alpic

Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2010-05-27 22:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into draga by Ajinkwai

ía fworpayam:

On our way.

2010-05-27 22:41 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into draga by Ajinkwai

xe'a wañ dañ jorgae:

What's the plan?

2010-05-27 22:36 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into draga by Ajinkwai

xe'a wañ t'ae dañ doqyic:

Where is my room?

2010-05-27 22:32 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into draga by Ajinkwai

mú wañ (kyae): mú kyeiañ wañ:

What do you need?

2010-05-27 22:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into draga by Ajinkwai

a jwae:


2010-05-27 21:24 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into draga by Ajinkwai

a skyae hoa-hluisien, hoa-siha, hei seuwa ogalo:

Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.

2010-05-27 21:12 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into draga by Ajinkwai

fo qhoawa phaecwa ho-tyieqma sae:

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2010-05-27 20:31 Changed language: Alpic

Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2010-05-27 18:25 New translation of "Farewell" into draga by Ajinkwai

a píawañ ciñ:

bye $

2010-05-27 18:22 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into draga by Ajinkwai

añfe'ala wui dañ hyirxñ yañ-jímpa:

1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2010-05-27 17:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into draga by Ajinkwai

kwui! a kweiayam:

Let's get moving.

2010-05-27 17:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into draga by Ajinkwai

añmagyi fo phoyañ:

As you wish.

2010-05-27 17:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into draga by Ajinkwai

xe'a (wañ):


2010-05-27 17:54 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into draga by Ajinkwai

fo magyi sei wiñac (yañ-phawui):

Don't touch me there!

2010-05-27 17:41 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into draga by Ajinkwai

añ-qhaw qái caeq xeña, fwuia fae-cawo yañ-piwihyela: añ-qhaw xweu caeq xeña, fwuia pha-cawo yañ-piwihyela:

añ-        qhaw      qái  /  xweu              caeq         -xeña

TOPIC      Karl      and  /  together with     Jake      (foreign names)

fwuia               fae-  /  pha-                 cawo         yañ-      piwi-hyela

(1p WITNESS)      (Def. Pl. Art. /  Def. Art.)   child      (LOCATIVE)  yesterday (lit. "today's older sibling")

The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2010-05-27 17:03 New language: draga

Ajinkwai added draga to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in draga.)

draga's homepage is at http://slxlr.true.ws/lang.

2010-05-27 15:49 Changed language: Dzuutani

Dzuutani by Neko244 was updated.

2010-05-27 15:35 Ajinkwai just joined

Welcome Ajinkwai!

2010-05-27 14:01 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Bakahuzɛhiaatɛ tukenibiza raadetpi. Ideeunɛhiaatɛ raadeza!


Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2010-05-27 13:52 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Soruunɛtahi, dahu ɛtahi.


I think, therefore I am

2010-05-27 13:49 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Mita Tuka Ee!


Happy New Year!

2010-05-27 13:45 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Ramiit, tembistahi dɛza kiree, ɛs Kaarɛ Dreekɛs.


The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2010-05-27 13:36 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Raadɛhiaatɛ, srit hapotɛn.


Tell me what to do.

2010-05-27 13:32 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Gamitɛ hapotɛn?


What do you need?

2010-05-27 13:31 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Dzuutani by Neko244



2010-05-27 13:28 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Pɛraazrɛ trimepo?

Where is the beach?

2010-05-27 13:27 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Hasrahhia trimepo?


Where is my room?

2010-05-27 13:18 New translation of "Pity" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Ɛhiaa orombɛti, girahiɛ, ɛt iira da darɛ, unɛt dɛzahu raadeza.

Ɛ-hiaa-Ø orombɛt-i girahiɛ-Ø ɛt iira da darɛ unɛt dɛ-zahu raade-za
be-IMP-3SG pity-PTCP think-3SG be only one way make REL-INS language-ACC

Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.

2010-05-27 12:58 Changed language: Dzuutani

Dzuutani by Neko244 was updated.

2010-05-27 12:56 New translation of "Farewell" into Dzuutani by Neko244

Nedetembit, $!

bye $

2010-05-27 12:52 Changed language: Dzuutani

Dzuutani by Neko244 was updated.

2010-05-27 11:49 New language: Dzuutani

Neko244 added Dzuutani to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Dzuutani.)

2010-05-26 10:42 Neko244 just joined

Welcome Neko244!

2010-05-26 03:26 Colonel Cathcart just joined

Welcome Colonel Cathcart!

2010-05-26 00:47 Changed language: Paagnnyaglŝ

Paagnnyaglŝ by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2010-05-24 16:52 Changed language: Rnihonön

Rnihonön by pmva was updated.

2010-05-24 01:47 pZoiusa just joined

Welcome pZoiusa!

2010-05-23 22:23 Changed language: Ishot

Ishot by shumai was updated.

2010-05-23 22:16 Changed language: Panjou

Panjou by shumai was updated.

2010-05-23 18:38 Changed language: Longrimol

Longrimol by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.

2010-05-23 18:24 Changed language: Classical Magorian

Classical Magorian by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.

2010-05-23 17:12 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into Latvian by caleweth

Mani draugi Mani labākie draugi Viens no maniem labākajiem draugiem Trīs no maniem labākajiem draugiem Daži no maniem labākajiem draugiem Lielākā daļa no maniem labākajiem draugiem Visi mani labākie draugi Smieklīgs cilvēks Ļoti smieklīgs cilvēks Vissmieklīgākais cilvēks Trīs krekli Trīs tīri krekli Trīs vistīrākie krekli Divi jaunākie no tīrajiem krekliem Divi jaunākie no trīs tīrajiem krekliem Pirmais jautājums Pirmie trīs jautājumi Trešais jautājums Pēdējais jautājums

my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions

2010-05-23 17:08 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into Longrimol by caleweth

Elëëdh näidh Elëëdh läthös näidh Dar elëëdhe läthös näidh Nem elëëdh läthös näidh Elédheli lathel naidhel Elédheli fâ lathel naidhel Elëëdh läthös näidh wichïn Endan pat Endan amphat Endan pados wichinyrth Nem lassäir Nem lassäir wenääth Nem lassäir wenáthös Jâ ghrendös lassäirÿrst wenääth Jâ ghrendös nem lassäirÿrst wenääth I ére bhethtar I nem bethtäir dhrachúla I nëm bethtar I gaun bethtäira

my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions

2010-05-22 01:25 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Korean by neurose

좋으실 대로.

As you wish.

2010-05-22 01:23 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Korean by neurose

만국의 노동자여, 단결하라!

Proletariat of the world, unite!

2010-05-22 01:20 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Korean by neurose

나는 생각한다, 고로 존재한다.

I think, therefore I am

2010-05-21 17:25 More scary updates...

Django (the underlying software) has been updated to v1.2. Testing didn't spot any problems but one never knows.

2010-05-19 21:34 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Itra Kir by shumai

Kihtidyaa uba nuum, am naraatgwaqila.

Kihti-dyaa        uba nuu-m,     am    naraat-gwa-q-ila
sand-misc.product eat be.able-1, 1.ABS be.hurt-CAUS-3.INAM-NEG

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2010-05-19 16:17 New translation of "Look on my works, ye Mighty" into German by Carsten Becker

Halb versunken liegt dar ein zerschmettertes Angesicht, dessen Stirnrunzeln und gekräuselte Lippen und das höhnische Lächeln kalter Befehlsgewalt davon künden, dass sein Bildner jene Leidenschaften wohl zu lesen wusste, welche noch überleben, diesen leblosen Dingen aufgedrückt: Die Hand, die sie verspottete und das Herz, das sie nährte. Und auf dem Sockel erscheinen die Worte: "Ich bin Ozymandias, König der Könige: Schaut auf meine Werke, Ihr Mächtigen, und verzweifelt!" Nichts weiter blieb. Rund um den Verfall dieses kolossalen Wracks breitet sich grenzenlos und bar der Sand in die Ferne aus.

Ozymandias Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

2010-05-19 02:46 Changed language: Paagnnyaglŝ

Paagnnyaglŝ by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2010-05-19 01:45 New language: Paagnnyaglŝ

TaylorSelseth added Paagnnyaglŝ to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Paagnnyaglŝ.)

2010-05-19 01:02 Changed language: Itra Kir

Itra Kir by shumai was updated.

2010-05-15 18:26 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Kalasic by Kalasi

De bás Ie leiked de otre dá nepe Karl a Jake

The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2010-05-15 18:20 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Kalasic by Kalasi

$, joiful birfis!

Happy birthday!

2010-05-15 18:16 Changed language: Kalasic

Kalasic by Stephen T. was updated.

2010-05-15 18:13 New language: Kalasic

Kalasi added Kalasic to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Kalasic.)

2010-05-15 18:09 Kalasi just joined

Welcome Kalasi!

2010-05-12 01:23 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Panjou by shumai

Vuxa kontra la-ettinxón d'izomà. Laimventa un izoma!

Vux-a       kontra  la=ettinxón      d=izomà.        La-imvent-a     un=izoma!
fight-2.IMP against DEF.F=extinction of=language.PL. 3f-invent-2.IMP INDEF.M=language!

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2010-05-12 01:09 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Panjou by shumai

Yenso, vego sitto.

Yens-o,       vego      sitt-o.
think-1.PRES, therefore exist-1.PRES

I think, therefore I am

2010-05-11 23:34 Changed language: Panjou

Panjou by shumai was updated.

2010-05-11 23:06 Changed language: Dacayan

Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2010-05-10 04:18 New language: Kaitiri

Original Queen Xalele added Kaitiri to CALS.

2010-05-10 01:06 Original Queen Xalele just joined

Welcome Original Queen Xalele!

2010-05-09 11:39 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Tinzirean by Ah Puch

make ni mikalmu ospen. ani ka yasurakintu ya.

mak -e ni mikalmu ospe =n. ani ka yasuraki -ntu ya. 
eat -DUR 1s flesh bottle =of. 1s TOP be.perilous -NEG 3s. 

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2010-05-09 11:28 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Tinzirean by Ah Puch

chettenga ma ainin ngazun, tukawasenga ma ngazu

chett -enga ma ain -in ngazu =n, tukawas -enga ma ngazu
defeat -OBL 2sINF die -NOM language =of, build -OBL 2sINF language

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2010-05-09 10:31 Changed language: Tinzirean

Tinzirean by Ah Puch was updated.

2010-05-08 02:12 Changed language: Kazujisha

Kazujisha by Avaja was updated.

2010-05-08 01:26 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Kazujisha by Avaja

Kangajeti despe sluvi

think therefore exist

I think, therefore I am

2010-05-05 19:26 Changed language: Classical Magorian

Classical Magorian by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.

2010-05-04 12:12 Server upgraded

CALS is now running on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. Preparations have started to move to a new server entirely, running FreeBSD.

2010-05-04 08:33 Changed language: Dacayan

Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2010-05-03 21:34 Changed language: Matenem

Matenem by shumai was updated.

2010-05-02 18:39 New language: Nenek

penguinsquishy added Nenek to CALS.

2010-05-02 04:55 Changed language: Matenem

Matenem by shumai was updated.

2010-05-01 22:53 Changed language: matorian

matorian by capnodulia was updated.

2010-05-01 02:34 Changed language: Matenem

Matenem by shumai was updated.

2010-05-01 02:27 Changed language: Nova

Nova by shumai was updated.

2010-05-01 02:21 Changed language: Matenem

Matenem by shumai was updated.