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2010-06-30 11:42 HolcombLakeisha34 just joined
Welcome HolcombLakeisha34!
2010-06-30 05:48 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into TIAL by Jeff Jones
Petro Bigovo • diyere, hin me zuande a plajo, meo podo kontra yo petro pota gove bo. • me prenda le petro i gova zo "ave, ci te petri gove?" zo • le dica zo "si, me yo petro govo" zo. • me eska le zo "pa ke te no dica me go evita te?" zo. • le dica zo "pa ce me kattive" zo. • le petro mo parolo fairata me ca, me tira le ina oceano. • me no vida ele petro ningan.
"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2010-06-30 05:23 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into TIAL by Jeff Jones
cikko me vida diyere bo Karlo i Jeyko.
cikk-o me vid-a diyer-e bo Karl-o i Jeyk-o child-Nom 1S see-Div yesterday-Mon Rsm Karl-Nom and Jake-Nom
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2010-06-30 03:47 Changed language: Nejadish
- Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.
2010-06-30 02:01 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-29 09:16 Changed language: Ngovasi
- Ngovasi by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-29 08:55 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-29 03:32 Changed language: Nejadish
- Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.
2010-06-28 10:58 New translation of "#6" into draga by Ajinkwai
añ dañ jím eia wáor dañ kwú hañjím: eia jím hoaskyío dañ xeña yir yifa, hei cadayañ ie-chikyixi: eia jím hoakyou dañ xeña yir yeña, hei phawui warzwelat'ou: eia jím hoaqsompi dañ xeña yir dowxa, hei teyou-chikyixi píoñ hoaqsompi: eia jím hoafago dañ xeña yir wáor, hei sa'a ie-chikyxi, hei phawui warzwela dañ jím hoaseu:
Concerning the Stars. There are four types of stars. The name of the first is walking stars, because they wander the night sky. The name of the second is stationary stars. They are distant suns. The name of the third is dying, or falling, stars. They are rocks that fall from the night sky. The name of the fourth is foreign stars. They are the stars that appear for a short time in the night sky. They are suns of worlds whom Goddess destroyed in her wrath.
2010-06-28 02:56 Changed language: Ngovasi
- Ngovasi by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-25 10:19 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-06-25 09:08 ludophile just joined
Welcome ludophile!
2010-06-25 06:15 Changed language: Ngovasi
- Ngovasi by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-25 01:55 Changed language: draga
- draga by Ajinkwai was updated.
2010-06-24 08:15 Changed language: Ngovasi
- Ngovasi by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-24 06:21 Changed language: Nejadish
- Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.
2010-06-24 02:46 Changed language: Ngovasi
- Ngovasi by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-23 03:08 New language: Ngovasi
qiihoskeh added Ngovasi to CALS.
2010-06-23 01:10 Changed language: Uirian
- Uirian by Uiri was updated.
2010-06-23 00:29 Changed language: Nejadish
- Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.
2010-06-22 20:19 Changed language: Uirian
- Uirian by Uiri was updated.
2010-06-21 22:44 New language: Uirian
Uiri added Uirian to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Uirian.)
2010-06-21 20:04 Uiri just joined
Welcome Uiri!
2010-06-21 06:19 Changed language: Néjadish
- Néjadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.
2010-06-21 02:02 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-06-19 22:55 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-17 12:13 Changed language: Watteeteroxo
- Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-06-17 04:04 taylorselseth-2010-06-17-04040 just joined
Welcome taylorselseth-2010-06-17-04040!
2010-06-16 21:52 New translation of "Genesis 11:7" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
7. Pö adap, ha p'edi mōt kofōda müböt, hukki mak' k'utsop'ōt sūnnūja ōnongoppo wibüngk'ue.
Pögo-IMPadap,downhaandp'e-di3LOC-ADEmō-t3PL.ANIM-GENkofōd-alanguage-NOMABSmüböt,confound.IMPhukkiso.thatm-ak'3PL.ANIM-ERGk'utso-p'ōteach.other-GENsūnnūj-aspeech-NOMABSōno-∅-ng-opponot-UNM-PRES-CONDwibüngk'ue-∅.understand-INF7. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
2010-06-16 21:21 New translation of "Genesis 11:6" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
6. Ha Möngek' p'attutso: kakp'u, katp'a yok'p'otta uttong, ha mōdu killegedi kofōda yok'p'otsya uttong; ha t'yazot mak' at'kūk'ya k'ōmchya, ha t'yok pokyudak' ma ōnong ōpk'ōkka k'ōmpatk'a huga mak' kōk'p'oya.
HaandMöng-ek'Lord-ERGp'attuts-∅-o:say-UNM-PASTkakp'u,look.IMPkatp'-apeople-NOMABSyok'p'o-ttaone-ESSut-to-ng,be-ACT-PREShaandmō-du3PL.ANIM-ADEkillege-diall-ADEkofōd-alanguage-NOMABSyok'p'o-tsyaone-ABSTRut-to-ng;be-ACT-PREShaandt'yazotthis.waym-ak'3PL.ANIM-ERGat'kūk'ya-∅-∅begin-UNM-HABk'ōmchya,dohaandt'yoknowpokyud-ak'nothing-ERGm-a3PL.ANIM-NOMABSōno-∅-ngnot-UNM-PRESōpk'ōkka-∅-∅hinder-UNM-HABk'ōm-pa-tk'ado-ADV.INF-EXEhug-aREL-ABSNOMm-ak'3PL.ANIM-ERGkōk'p'oya-∅-∅.come.up.with-UNM-HAB6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
2010-06-16 20:47 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
5. Ha Mönge killūssigut ha k'ungt'ot, hugaga ompossagak' udo nagōtpappu, t'yampak'p'o k'ūditto.
HaandMöng-elord-NOMABSkillūssigu-tcity-GENhaandk'ungt'o-t,tower-GENhuga-g-aREL-PL-NOMABSompossa-g-ak'human-PL-ERGud-∅-oPROGR-UNM-PASTnagōt-pappu,build-PROGRt'yam-pa-k'p'osee-ADV.INF-TRANSLk'ūdi-tt-o.come-ACT-PAST5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
2010-06-16 20:20 New translation of "Genesis 11:4" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
4. Ha mak' p'attutso: kwe, killūssiga ha k'ungt'a, hugat mūjessa k'ūdik'ūdi widök'wittö k'allollabat, nagōtk'wat; ha t'oba mitkefwet, k'allo pa k'ūding k'ūdi nessupk'öttūkti sokkot pwa-ot'pado.
Haandm-ak'3PL.ANIM-ERGp'attuts-∅-osay-UNM-PASTkwe,hear.IMPkillūssig-acity-NOMABShaandk'ungt'-atower-NOMABShuga-tRELPRON-GENmūjess-atop-NOMABSk'ūdik'ūdiREMFUTwidök'wittöreachk'allollab-atheaven-ILLnagōtk'-∅-watbuild-UNM-HORThaandt'ob-aname-NOMABSmitkef-∅-wetobtain-UNM-HORTk'alloorp-a1PL-NOMABSk'ūdingFUTk'ūdiPASSnessupk'ö-ttūk-tisprinkle-PASS-FREQsokkotalongpwa.ot'pa-doworld-ALL4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
2010-06-16 06:48 Changed language: Skerre
- Skerre by Doug Ball was updated.
2010-06-16 01:30 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-15 18:51 Changed language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo
- Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold was updated.
2010-06-15 03:05 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-14 07:01 Changed language: Miini
- Miini by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-06-14 04:01 Changed language: TIAL
- TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2010-06-13 19:54 New language: TIAL
qiihoskeh added TIAL to CALS.
2010-06-12 15:25 Changed language: Dacayan
- Dacayan by Ali Ghozali was updated.
2010-06-12 14:19 Changed language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo
- Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold was updated.
2010-06-12 04:27 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Tine by xroox
gamul nurdá
What do you need?
2010-06-12 04:25 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Tine by xroox
gamow cínel cén?
Where is my room?
2010-06-12 04:22 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Tine by xroox
netnknt 'amíniwl dinmíslenër dinnetnid
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2010-06-12 04:14 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Tine by xroox
nhappéđi lhatoóm flhezë' mirý cajnytátđë
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2010-06-12 04:12 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Tine by xroox
nhappéđi lhatoóm rnz mirý cajnytátđë
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2010-06-12 03:56 New translation of "Farewell" into Tine by xroox
bóow! $
bye $
2010-06-12 03:53 Changed language: Tine
- Tine by xroox was updated.
2010-06-12 03:48 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2010-06-11 21:39 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
3. Ha mak' k'utsodo p'attutso: kwe, k'yōdoga k'ōmchwat, t'a sak'yōt myollot. Ha mōdu k'yōda kollotta utto, ha pūkka twapk'otta.
Haandm-ak'3PL-ERGk'utso-doeach.other-ALLp'attuts-∅-o:say-UNM-PASTkwe,hear.IMPk'yōdo-g-abrick-PL-NOMABSk'ōmch-∅-wat,make-UNM-HORTt'-a3PL.INANIM-NOMABSsa-k'y-ōtburn-CAUS-INSTR.INFmyollot.wellHaandmō-du3PL.ANIM-ADEk'yōd-abrick-NOMABSkollo-ttastone-ESSut-t-o,be-ACT-PASThaandpūkk-amud-NOMABStwapk'o-tta.mortar-ESS3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
2010-06-11 21:07 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
Ha kugu pwa-ot'padu udodo kofōda yok'p'otsya rallot.
haandkuguwholepwa.ot'pa-duworld-ADEud-odobe-REMPASTkofōd-alanguage-NOMABSyok'p'o-tsyaone-ABSTRrallotonly1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2010-06-11 20:50 Changed language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo
- Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold was updated.
2010-06-08 18:43 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
Myolya p'yotk'yopya-syazola!
myolyagoodp'yotk'yopya-syazol-abirth-day-NOMABSHappy birthday!
2010-06-08 18:17 New translation of "Farewell" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
T'yampossagat $!
t'yam-possa-g-atsee-DEVN-PL-ILLbye $
2010-06-08 18:10 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold
Pot'a ihikködittö, p'ok'p'o pot'a utto.
pot'-a1SG-NOMABSihikködi-ttö-∅think-ACT-HABp'ok'p'othereforepot'-a1SG-NOMABSut-to-∅be-ACT-HABI think, therefore I am
2010-06-08 17:45 Changed language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo
- Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold was updated.
2010-06-08 12:26 New language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo
Qwynegold added Proto-Kunnu-lujungo to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Proto-Kunnu-lujungo.)
Proto-Kunnu-lujungo's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Proto-Kunnu-l%C5%ABjungo.
2010-06-07 16:29 Changed language: Spanyo
- Spanyo by shumai was updated.
2010-06-01 04:02 Changed language: Alpic
- Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.