
« August September October »

2010-09-27 05:16 Changed language: Shuran

Shuran by Hiztegi was updated.

2010-09-22 11:04 Changed language: ISFPNL

ISFPNL by Neko244 was updated.

2010-09-20 21:29 mankoneko just joined

Welcome mankoneko!

2010-09-20 11:30 RussellKristin31 just joined

Welcome RussellKristin31!

2010-09-15 20:17 Changed language: Wered

Wered by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-09-14 20:11 Sound-cleanup done!

There are now only nine sounds left to fix:

  • three taps (UPSID have alveolar flaps and taps, separately)
  • three sounds are claimed impossible to pronounce by the IPA (voiced palatal trill, voiced glottal stop and voiced pharyngeal plosive)
  • three fricative vowels, as UPSID does not define anywhere what is meant with fricative vowels

It is therefore time for the sound-entering-interface! Are there any free-to-use X-SAMPA/CXS/Z-SAMPA/Kirshenbaum to IPA-converters written in Python out there? Tell the admin all about it.

2010-09-14 08:12 Changed language: draga

draga by Ajinkwai was updated.

2010-09-12 10:38 Changed language: Elesu

Elesu by con quesa was updated.

2010-09-11 11:10 Changed language: Enamyn

Enamyn by Peter was updated.

2010-09-11 09:17 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into draga by Ajinkwai

añ dañ xou phíaca-papeloxui: --------------------------- a phakwae pei: eia fe'alatew dañ pígwokyeax hei feañsieñ dañ ftyeañ-xeñamesis: eia cada crkyíeñewa hei wíar-fpaá hamarxiñdarxui hei yíamphalyaña-fmmei: eia pígwotyigi, báwa - qhwui, a xío quiopíoñ hei qhwui a heuxaeq, a heupíoñ war quiokwae, heulofoña war cwae: eia pígwotyigi, báwa - qhwui, a pehwo hei xío dañ phíacalyañ xweu yifa phíaca-úaloxou bao - yíamhíesda-skwaer dañ xeñaweiaqs: hei xweña-fo phawuisieñ ou yamargya-daqtew yíamxqaweipaweiaqs: eia fwíachou YaHWaHoxui dada yíamkyiáfalor dañ xío-phahaña a phíacalyañ kyá phíaca-xou eia pío YaHWaHoxui báwa - qoei! a-wui dañ haña bao - añfe'alatew fwuia dañ phakyíeñewa añfe'alatew fwuia dañ hyiírxñ: fwuia añpehwo hokwihayom ou phyáoqo sei jiwa dañ híewajorga-fmmei: bao - fo jeuqyir-xeañ hei phapígwomei xqemi crphayac dada kyíafasieñtyigi hañpígwo-fmmei: eia wui YaHWaHoxui, pái fíaxqaweipa-fmmei yamargya-daqtew: hei eia sehae cr-phíacalyañ hopapoloxui-dirxeña dasi phamieqsfwor xqemi-YaHWaHoxui dirpígwo ou phamieqs-chou yarmargya-daqtew dañ fíaxqaweipa-phahaña:

And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.

2010-09-10 20:44 Changed language: Saimiar

Saimiar by con quesa was updated.

2010-09-10 19:08 Changed language: Enamyn

Enamyn by Peter was updated.

2010-09-10 08:56 RivasDarlene27 just joined

Welcome RivasDarlene27!

2010-09-09 20:06 Maia just joined

Welcome Maia!

2010-09-08 08:53 Changed language: Enamyn

Enamyn by Peter was updated.

2010-09-07 17:20 New language: Enamyn

peter added Enamyn to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Enamyn.)

2010-09-07 17:02 peter just joined

Welcome peter!

2010-09-07 10:15 Changed language: draga

draga by Ajinkwai was updated.

2010-09-06 00:38 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Emnonian by shampus

ajus nis si, tet, ajus si

I think, therefore I am

2010-09-06 00:28 Changed language: Emnonian

Emnonian by Personak was updated.

2010-09-05 23:23 New language: Emnonian

shampus added Emnonian to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Emnonian.)

Emnonian's homepage is at http://nathanmswan.wikkii.com/wiki/Emnonian_language.

2010-09-05 23:21 shampus just joined

Welcome shampus!

2010-09-05 22:06 personak-2010-09-05-2206433137 just joined

Welcome personak-2010-09-05-2206433137!

2010-09-05 21:04 personak just joined

Welcome personak!

2010-09-05 17:29 Help needed!

Support for describing exactly which sounds a (spoken) language has is being added to CALS. The phoneme-data is from UPSID, but UPSID was before unicode and used ASCII symbols and not very ipa-ish descriptions of the sounds. Thus, it has been necessary to figure out which UPSID ASCII symbol goes with which IPA symbol.

This is where you can help! Head on over to the secret sound-lab and comment on those sounds whose IPA symbols or descriptions are off!

2010-09-05 11:17 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into draga by Ajinkwai

fo yíama-jauú dañ jehaerpa-hyirxñ, hei' fwaioñ phawui dañ hyiírxñ jwae:

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2010-09-05 10:41 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into draga by Ajinkwai

fo iam-hyirxnpa:

fo   = Speech Act Particle: Irrealis, Optative or Imperative statement
yiam(a)- = "Approaching a state"
hyiirxn = "Language"
-pa = Weak (i.e. "Iconic") Definite Article

fiat lingua!

2010-09-04 23:13 Changed language: Torimish

Torimish by aarginost was updated.

2010-09-04 22:53 Changed language: Batu

Batu by Max Dominik Weber was updated.

2010-09-04 21:49 Changed language: Torimish

Torimish by aarginost was updated.

2010-09-04 21:40 New language: Batu

Fenhl added Batu to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Batu.)

2010-09-04 20:57 Fenhl just joined

Welcome Fenhl!

2010-09-04 03:44 Changed language: Torimish

Torimish by aarginost was updated.

2010-09-03 23:51 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Torimish by aarginost

Ý ých ak' ých-yt ac áç yt kac.

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2010-09-03 23:42 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Torimish by aarginost

Yç ay iyç!

Happy New Year!

2010-09-03 23:41 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Torimish by aarginost

Chí ayt iyç!

Merry Christmas!

2010-09-03 23:02 Changed language: Torimish

Torimish by aarginost was updated.

2010-09-03 18:30 Betsumei just joined

Welcome Betsumei!

2010-09-03 15:46 Changed language: Torimish

Torimish by aarginost was updated.

2010-09-03 08:47 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Mikiana by Rebecca Bettencourt

Hömanashangem avra süna il shama ardhapresha il ryttem na kessöbenen. The cassitna il ryttitna maginnenen, il the minatra fe yen prerrha korrenska fi na deden hetnen.

Hömanashangem avra süna il  shama ardhapresha il  ryttem na kessöbenen.
Human-beings  all  free and equal dignity     and rights in are-born.

The  cassitna il  ryttitna maginnenen, il  the  minatra   fe yen prerrha korrenska   fi na deden hetnen.
They logic    and morality are-given,  and they one-other at a   spirit  brotherness of in need  act.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2010-09-03 03:22 New language: Torimish

aarginost added Torimish to CALS.

2010-09-02 23:24 aarginost just joined

Welcome aarginost!