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2011-01-31 09:20 keenir-2011-01-31-092026548715 just joined

Welcome keenir-2011-01-31-092026548715!

2011-01-30 16:02 Changed language: Jajuna

Jajuna by Max Dominik Weber was updated.

2011-01-30 14:58 New language: Jajuna

Fenhl added Jajuna to CALS.

Jajuna's homepage is at http://b.masuco.de/jajuna.htm.

2011-01-30 00:49 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-29 20:46 Kurbel just joined

Welcome Kurbel!

2011-01-29 13:00 Changed language: Yaufulti

Yaufulti by Finlay was updated.

2011-01-29 00:33 Changed language: Knorobmoakn

Knorobmoakn by cromulant was updated.

2011-01-28 22:50 New language: Avrelang

vecfaranti added Avrelang to CALS.

Avrelang's homepage is at http://www.kariemil.com/hobby/calara/avrelang.html.

2011-01-28 22:50 Changed language: Bleg

Bleg by Bleg was updated.

2011-01-28 22:48 New language: Avrelang

vecfaranti added Avrelang to CALS.

Avrelang's homepage is at http://www.kariemil.com/hobby/calara/avrelang.html.

2011-01-27 23:30 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-26 00:08 Changed language: Nipmel

Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-25 23:42 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-25 14:48 Algorab just joined

Welcome Algorab!

2011-01-25 07:29 New language: Iokgoa

cromulant added Iokgoa to CALS.

2011-01-21 16:42 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-20 11:06 Changed language: Audente

Audente by Bill3000 was updated.

2011-01-20 09:41 New language: Audente

Bill3000 added Audente to CALS.

Audente's homepage is at http://bill3000.net/wiki/index.php?title=Audente.

2011-01-20 09:39 bill3000-2011-01-20-0939154964 just joined

Welcome bill3000-2011-01-20-0939154964!

2011-01-19 14:58 New translation of "#1: Starlings' song" into Batu by Fenhl

lukxafsad-or-naliz kul-bliksad nacip . fmalmof Heron-xaf pa malsip . Lark-xaf mafko manapxum . kim ? ?kwaw? xafko-or-plo-max funap .

The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In the night the lark worships the stars Who sees the true nature of birds?

2011-01-19 13:06 New translation of "Farewell" into Batu by Fenhl

kwon $ mulop .

1SG $ wish.goodbye-INF

bye $

2011-01-19 13:04 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Batu by Fenhl

wum-wrunta-flunisad la-lumap .

colorless green idea-PL furious sleep-IND

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

2011-01-19 13:02 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Batu by Fenhl

wum-wrunta-nhsad la-lumap .

colorless green dream-PL furious sleep-IND

Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.

2011-01-19 12:56 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Batu by Fenhl

kwon flunp : kwon php .

1SG think-INF therefore 1SG be-INF

I think, therefore I am

2011-01-19 00:25 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Batu by Fenhl

kwen ma-nen ragimalsi-tux-malsitun .

2SG liquid container dishwasher using wash-IMP-NEG

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2011-01-15 16:56 Changed language: Ngaru

Ngaru by Rentzlow was updated.

2011-01-15 16:34 New language: Ngaru

Rentzlow added Ngaru to CALS.

2011-01-15 16:28 Rentzlow just joined

Welcome Rentzlow!

2011-01-15 13:06 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-15 05:00 Changed language: Kēlen

Kēlen by Sylvia Sotomayor was updated.

2011-01-13 21:21 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-13 17:42 New language: Dapaq

Udrihel added Dapaq to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Dapaq.)

2011-01-12 20:05 Changed language: Kēlen

Kēlen by Sylvia Sotomayor was updated.

2011-01-11 23:50 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Kēlen by sylvia

sele antōli tō jāo pa le anlā;

s- ele      antōli    tō jāo  pa  le  anlā
SE 1SG.BEN  N.CO      CONJ    PA  1P  N.ST
 	    thoughts  so          I   existence

I think, therefore I am

2011-01-11 23:03 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Kēlen by sylvia

la jahāwekien sūkēñ;

la jahāwekien sūkēñ
LA beach      where

Where is the beach?

2011-01-11 23:01 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Kēlen by sylvia

iēlte la anmārwi pa antaxōni ān tēna; il ñatta jarēþa rūānnie il ñatta jamāesa japōññe sū jekiēn xīnār il aþ ñatta āke jamāramma; ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jacālmi jajūti nā aþ te sāim nīkan jacālmi ñe jakīþi aþ te sāim nīkan ancēwri ñe anhērmi; ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr ja ñi jōl rā anīstīli; ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna lewēra tō tūaþ wā ñi ñēim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa; il aþ ñi λi ārōn rā āke tō sema mo sarōña jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr ja ōrra ñatta; il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne; il tamma ien rēha ñatta janahan ja se jaþēŋŋe jacē lā; il tamma ien ē ñi liēn rā āke aþ ñalla anwaxāon tō tūaþ ñi anxiēna nīkamma sāim ankewōra cī; ē ñamma jāo ā λi ārōn ī ñamma sāim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa ī sū jamāonre ñamma jalāīke jahūwīke; tō jāo sete sawēra λi waxāon tō sū āke ōrra ñamma anwaxāon tō antaxōni tēna ā λi ārōn;

And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.

2011-01-11 23:00 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into Kēlen by sylvia

la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rūjapēxa; la jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa; ñi nāra lemōra ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa; se jīxōsa cī ānen anwālte annāra il anpēxeni ī ñi rūjapēxa;

Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.

2011-01-11 23:00 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Kēlen by sylvia

xiēn jē jakīþa jatēnnā; il talōnte tiēlen ñi le rā jahāwekien nō il ñi lerāka jawāna sū jakīþa ja pa antēnnā ōl; ē ñalla jakīþa jatēnnā rā lekū mē ōl aþ telme ien la riēn makīþa matēnnā kēñ; temle ke makīþa matēnnā ien jalā la liēn makīþa matēnnā; telme jakēña mo makīþa matēnnā ien tō wā terle jasōra xiēn jē jaþīña tōkēñ; temle jerrasōr ien tō la liēn makīþa matēnnā mapēnne lā; tō tele janūra to makīþa matēnnā jerrasōr tō jāo ñalla ja rā anālhāri mē ānen antāken; ilwae sele jarūna wā mo lerōña to jakīþa jatēnnā jē nā; se jatōrren;

"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.

2011-01-11 22:53 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Kēlen by sylvia

ñi antaxōni cī;

ñi antaxōni cī

fiat lingua!

2011-01-11 22:50 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Kēlen by sylvia

tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;

tō	la  mēli     manaren   tēna  ñe	   anhēnārīki  anīλi  jañāona  jañēie
CONJ	LA  N.AN.CO  PN.AN.CO  MOD   CONJ  N.CO	       N.CO   N.SG     N.SG
because	LA  person   every     each  =	   society     cloth  thread   equal

tō	pa  ñēim      tēna  ē     lenārre  ē     lewēren
because	PA  we        each  and   soul     and   identity

tō jāo  hēja    s- enneñ          anēla       anciēri     ke	  mān      mo   mīþa
so      SHOULD   	 	  personhood  courtesies          one           other

ien   s- exe      mo   maþūskīri  mo   sāim  maþūskīri-	ēma       cī
that	 	       weft-kin	       them  weft-kin		

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2011-01-11 22:31 sylvia just joined

Welcome sylvia!

2011-01-11 00:47 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-06 00:36 Changed language: Imuthan

Imuthan by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2011-01-06 00:34 Changed language: Kiassan Turasta

Kiassan Turasta by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2011-01-06 00:30 Changed language: Uscaniv

Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2011-01-06 00:29 Changed language: Imuthan

Imuthan by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2011-01-05 05:04 Changed language: Uzkian

Uzkian by aarginost was updated.

2011-01-04 00:40 Changed language: Watteetexu

Watteetexu by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-01-03 22:36 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Kiassan Turasta by vecfaranti

Kinire oslaut!


Happy New Year!

2011-01-03 22:35 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Kiassan Turasta by vecfaranti

Kinire yol!


Merry Christmas!

2011-01-03 00:12 Changed language: Kiassan Turasta

Kiassan Turasta by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.