
« September October November »

2011-10-28 20:33 New translation of "We are humans" into Esperanto by nooodl

Ni estas homoj kaj ni venas de Tero.

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2011-10-28 20:31 New translation of "The Rain Song" into Esperanto by nooodl

La Kanto de Pluvo Pluvas en la nokto en la dezerto Pluvas mia animo estas trankvila. La pluveroj defalas en la tago sur la foliojn La pluveroj defalas mia koro leviĝas. La tempo de pluvo venis mallonge en la montoj La tempo de pluvo venis Mia animo ĝojas.

The Rain Song It is raining in the night in the desert It is raining My soul is peaceful. The raindrops are falling in the daytime on the leaves The raindrops are falling My heart lifts. The time of rain has come For a time in the mountains The time of rain has come My soul rejoices.

2011-10-28 20:25 New translation of "All your demands" into Esperanto by nooodl

Ĉiu viaj postuloj estas farotaj.

All your demands will be met.

2011-10-28 20:18 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Esperanto by nooodl

Ne lavu la botelon en la telerlavilon.

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2011-10-28 20:13 nooodl just joined

Welcome nooodl!

2011-10-28 07:50 Changed language: Hesperian

Hesperian by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2011-10-26 13:27 Changed language: Wanya

Wanya by Fenhl was updated.

2011-10-26 09:34 New language: Wanya

Fenhl added Wanya to CALS.

You! wan ya Fenxl (And that's how you greet someone in Wanya.)

Wanya's homepage is at http://piratepad.net/Wanya.

2011-10-23 16:50 New translation of "Farewell" into Hesperian by Rebecca Ashling

Kestime $ daha! [kEsti'mE dA'hA] Sleep with joy!

bye $

2011-10-22 23:39 Changed language: Fae

Fae by Raven Wilder was updated.

2011-10-21 07:49 Changed language: Twaqan

Twaqan by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2011-10-19 11:38 Changed language: Hesperian

Hesperian by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2011-10-18 06:15 New translation of "We are humans" into Hesperian by Rebecca Ashling

Maklehakwa loxisqa duwo.

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2011-10-18 05:55 Changed language: Hesperian

Hesperian by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2011-10-18 00:51 Changed language: High Equatorial Minervan

High Equatorial Minervan by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2011-10-16 07:38 Changed language: Lonaane

Lonaane by Ryan Dell'Erba was updated.

2011-10-16 06:42 New language: Lonaane

luadomati added Lonaane to CALS.

2011-10-10 12:46 Changed language: Proto-Disu

Proto-Disu by Opera was updated.

2011-10-10 09:54 New language: Proto-Disu

Opera added Proto-Disu to CALS.

2011-10-10 09:25 Changed language: Proto-Ksqrian

Proto-Ksqrian by Opera was updated.

2011-10-10 08:50 New language: Proto-Ksqrian

Opera added Proto-Ksqrian to CALS.

2011-10-08 01:59 Changed language: Qucheanya

Qucheanya by Faiuwle was updated.

2011-10-08 00:56 New language: Qucheanya

faiuwle added Qucheanya to CALS.

2011-10-07 05:22 Changed language: Insular Kett

Insular Kett by Nortaneous was updated.

2011-10-07 05:13 New language: Insular Kett

Nortaneous added Insular Kett to CALS.

2011-10-06 23:56 Changed language: Yaufulti

Yaufulti by Finlay was updated.

2011-10-06 23:39 Changed language: Sentalian

Sentalian by Finlay was updated.

2011-10-06 03:07 Changed language: Renge-Terra

Renge-Terra by SHiNKiROU was updated.

2011-10-06 02:59 New language: Renge-Terra

SHiNKiROU added Renge-Terra to CALS.

2011-10-04 00:27 Changed language: Fae

Fae by Raven Wilder was updated.

2011-10-03 02:08 New language: Fae

wilderraven added Fae to CALS.