« December January February »
2012-01-31 06:25 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-29 23:11 Changed language: Salhari
- Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.
2012-01-28 22:11 Changed language: Gonjonic
- Gonjonic by Fringillus was updated.
2012-01-28 22:05 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Dadh bhó sod tódh sá.
Da-dhgive-3SGbhóFUT.PRCso-dhe-DATtódhit.NOM/ACCsá.she.NOMShe will give it to him.
2012-01-28 21:51 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Anadán Ióhannod abhlonn íom
Ana-dá-nNEG-give.PRES-1SGIóhann-odJohn-DAT.SGabhlo-nnapple.ACCíom1SGI don't give John the apple.
2012-01-28 21:48 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Bhúi dann Ióhannod tódh so.
Bhúi da-nna Ióhann-od tódh so.
He has given it to John.
2012-01-28 21:46 Changed language: Gonjonic
- Gonjonic by Fringillus was updated.
2012-01-28 21:45 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Dadh sod tódh sá.
Da-dhgive.PRES-3SGso-dhe-DATtódhit.NOM/ACC.SGsá.she.NOMShe gives it to him.
2012-01-28 21:41 New language: Gonjonic
Fringillus added Gonjonic to CALS.
2012-01-28 21:36 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Dadh Ióhannod tón so.
Da-dhGive.PRES-3SGIóhann-odJohn-DATtó-nDEM-ACC.SGso.he.He gives it to John.
2012-01-28 21:31 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Damas sod abhlonn uéis.
Da-mas so-d abhlo-nn uéis
Give.PRES-1PL he.DAT apple.ACC 1PL
We give him the apple.
2012-01-28 21:25 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Dan abhlonn Ióhannod íom.
Da-n abhlo-nn ióhann-od íom
Give.PRES-1SG apple-ACC.SG John-DAT.SG I.
I give John the apple.
2012-01-28 21:22 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Ísdh so abhlo Ióhannar.
Ísdhbe.3SG.PRESsoDEMabhlo-Øapple–NOMIóhann-arJohn–GEN.SGIt is John’s apple.
2012-01-28 21:18 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Ísdh abhlo ríaros.
Ísdhbe.3SG.PRESabhlo-Øapple-NOMríar-osred-NOMThe apple is red.
2012-01-28 21:16 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
2012-01-28 21:14 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Bháudhan dhé.
Bháudh-an dh-é.
At your service.
2012-01-28 20:56 New translation of "Farewell" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Úadh $!
Úadh!Farewell.INTERJECTIONbye $
2012-01-28 20:44 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Dhannuá by Caudimordax
Anísdh abhlo ríaros.
An-ís-dhNEG-be.3SG.PRESabhlo-Øapple-NOMríar-os.red-NOM.The apple is not red.
2012-01-28 20:25 Changed language: Dhannuá
- Dhannuá by Caudimordax was updated.
2012-01-28 20:23 Changed language: Dhannua
- Dhannua by Caudimordax was updated.
2012-01-28 18:51 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
Ia mogan édte eclo, on mé nedelæt bol.
iaImog-ancan-1SGéd-teeat-INFecloglass||onhe/itmémene-dela-etnot-make-3SGbolpainI can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2012-01-28 18:41 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
Etæ rece!
etæbecome.IMPrecelanguagefiat lingua!
2012-01-28 18:38 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
Prolétari œ evet, uni!
prolétarproletarian-iPLœofevetworld||uniunite.IMPProletariat of the world, unite!
2012-01-28 18:31 New translation of "Farewell" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
buvæ $
bye $
2012-01-28 18:31 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
Nemue ea botélé u ea nadobomuearé.
ne-notmuewash.IMPeathe.Fbotélébottle.OBLuineathe.Fnadobomuearédishwasher.OBLDon't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2012-01-28 18:08 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Olgittic by Mily A. M. D.
Est-le to én craion? Ne, t'est éne fenestre.
estis-le-Qtothaténa.Mcraionpencil||nenot'thatestisénea.FfenestrewindowIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-28 04:01 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-27 22:35 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Svørgska by Svorgska
Äran-yð än pønkyl? Näj, yð äran än fänstär.
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-27 15:03 Changed language: Moten
- Moten by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets was updated.
2012-01-27 11:16 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Desni dal hap nel koler sedir nil lawusanim fo aladalorkai ep partos. Yer dala alai dorpa yuwe fo dakiyup, itok dala tokso daplit sedir iki alceldaplitwel.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2012-01-27 10:29 New language: Nevotak
k1234567890y added Nevotak to CALS.
2012-01-27 05:59 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-27 00:55 Changed language: Ishtol
- Ishtol by Berek was updated.
2012-01-26 19:55 Changed language: Olgittic
- Olgittic by Milyamd was updated.
2012-01-26 19:05 New language: Olgittic
milyamd added Olgittic to CALS.
Edrove olgittine (And that's how you greet someone in Olgittic.)
2012-01-26 15:17 Changed language: Emyt
- Emyt by Milyamd was updated.
2012-01-26 09:16 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-25 21:29 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Ilpątyl nęmyt sal!
il-OPT-pątylhappynęmytnewsalyearHappy New Year!
2012-01-25 21:28 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Nǫdejnek, yn i-solnįmen riazivek, Karoltǫ- ni Zejkąmyv.
nǫ-PLdejnekboy||ynRELi-3PERSsolnįsee-mPAST-en1SGriazivekyesterday||Karoltǫ-Karl.PREDniandZejką-Jake.PRED-myvPASTThe boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2012-01-25 21:16 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
sųgo-non1PL/IMP-rakINCLet's get moving.
2012-01-25 21:14 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
kurtan-doneepejlįconsider-duś2SG/IMPConsider it done.
2012-01-25 21:10 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Ęton itovoh.
ębe-t-PRES-on-1PLitoit-voh-onWe're on it.
2012-01-25 21:08 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
2012-01-25 21:05 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
kanohrekout_of_here<<kanohhere-rekfromMove out!
2012-01-25 21:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Yn miltątu.
ynRELmiltąwant-tPRES-u2SGAs you wish.
2012-01-25 21:00 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Vivoh voltibuś ętov?
vivohwherevoltibuśbeachębe.PRED-tov-PRESWhere is the beach?
2012-01-25 20:55 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Vivoh bar ętov?
vivohwherebarbarębe.PRED-tovPRESWhere is the bar?
2012-01-25 20:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Savoh me-kiśselvųduś!
savohthereme-me.GENkiś-notselvųtouch-duś2SG/IMPDon't touch me there!
2012-01-25 20:49 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Vivoh mer'ajvel ętov?
vivohwheremer-myajvelroomębe.PRED-tovPRESWhere is my room?
2012-01-25 19:48 New translation of "We are humans" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Buntǫren ni ęren geuhrek.
bunhuman-tǫ-PRED-r-GNO-en-1PLniandębe.PRED-r-GNO-en-1PLgeearth.POST-uh-in-rek-fromWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-01-25 19:44 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Emyt by Mily A. M. D.
Ih ebagontǫrav? Ker, ih evvaltǫrav.
ihitebagonpencil-tǫ-PRED-rav?-GNO||ker,no,ihitevvalwindow-tǫ-PRED-rav-GNOIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-25 19:39 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Polish by Mily A. M. D.
Bezbarwne zielone sny śpią wściekle.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2012-01-25 19:38 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Polish by Mily A. M. D.
To (jest) ołówek? Nie, to (jest) okno.
tothatjestisołówek?pencil?||nie,no,tothatjestisoknowindowIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-25 19:36 New translation of "Smile" into Polish by Mily A. M. D.
Głos powiedział mi: "Uśmiechnij się i bądź szczęśliwy! Może być gorzej!" Więc uśmiechnąłem się i byłem szczęśliwy. I stało się gorzej.
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2012-01-24 22:14 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-24 09:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Cerstan by doranwen
Ci trésla?
What do you need?
2012-01-24 09:47 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Cerstan by doranwen
Cai ménta cors-neí?
Where is my room?
2012-01-24 09:45 New translation of "We are humans" into Cerstan by doranwen
Anuma datan anuma-si Veranín.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-01-24 09:41 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Cerstan by doranwen
Soyenitne canle reshavri calinan!
Happy birthday!
2012-01-24 09:40 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Cerstan by doranwen
Satú larsata lanat, hrasétta çardos Shinaran hyacelita-si caide.
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2012-01-24 09:40 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Cerstan by doranwen
Cwide Veranodh can ce-cerés ceras privét.
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2012-01-24 09:37 Changed language: Cerstan
- Cerstan by Doranwen was updated.
2012-01-24 08:04 New language: Cerstan
doranwen added Cerstan to CALS.
Daspi! Cerstan (And that's how you greet someone in Cerstan.)
Cerstan's homepage is at http://www.doranwen.com/language.html.
2012-01-23 20:48 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Sakawi by k1234567890y
Yohan giteti kunomos(u)tomis(i)taki
He gives it to John.
2012-01-23 20:47 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Sakawi by k1234567890y
Yohan giteti dhama kunomos(u)tominaki
I give John the apple.
2012-01-23 19:59 Changed language: Rarlang
- Rarlang by aarginost was updated.
2012-01-23 19:51 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Sakawi by k1234567890y
She gives it to him.
2012-01-23 19:49 Changed language: Rarlang
- Rarlang by aarginost was updated.
2012-01-22 22:17 Changed language: Sakawi
- Sakawi by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-22 21:14 Changed language: Lonmai Luna
- Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-22 03:57 Changed language: Sakawi
- Sakawi by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-22 02:35 Changed language: Lonmai Luna
- Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-22 02:24 Changed language: Sakawi
- Sakawi by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-22 00:05 New language: Sakawi
k1234567890y added Sakawi to CALS.
2012-01-20 13:33 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Nauspayr by sam_s89
Vulukas sprỳnale tenkalepale damaskunk zagayalevhurr
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2012-01-20 13:17 Changed language: Nauspayr
- Nauspayr by Sam Stutter was updated.
2012-01-20 12:24 New language: Nauspayr
sam_s89 added Nauspayr to CALS.
Shalù Nỳspèkè (And that's how you greet someone in Nauspayr.)
2012-01-20 06:49 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Salhari by Alex Sands
Nahali ki sayan!
Language-DAT be-IMP-AFF
fiat lingua!
2012-01-20 05:35 Changed language: Salhari
- Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.
2012-01-19 10:17 Changed language: Dothraki
- Dothraki by David J. Peterson was updated.
2012-01-19 08:55 Changed language: Moten
- Moten by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets was updated.
2012-01-19 07:11 Changed language: Salhari
- Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.
2012-01-18 21:05 SOPA on hold, danger not over
2012-01-18 12:59 Changed language: Moten
- Moten by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets was updated.
2012-01-18 05:46 Changed language: Salhari
- Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.
2012-01-18 05:17 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Salhari by Alex Sands
Ja se sahi yu rainara, ja yu butota.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2012-01-18 04:39 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Salhari by Alex Sands
Nahali kya reku sazeyan! Nahali devayan!
Language-GEN demise rally.against-IMP-PRS-AFF! Language create-IMP-PRS-AFF!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2012-01-18 04:07 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Salhari by Alex Sands
Haî ja atvana, hoojja ja sanai.
COND 1SG think-AFF-PRS, therefore 1SG be-AFF-PRS-GENERIC
I think, therefore I am
2012-01-18 04:01 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Salhari by Alex Sands
Pênsîl sana? Sata, jahu sana.
Pencil be-AFF-PRS? Be-NEG-PRS, window be-AFF-PRS.
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-18 03:37 Changed language: Salhari
- Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.
2012-01-18 03:08 New language: Salhari
Alex Sands added Salhari to CALS.
2012-01-18 00:24 Changed language: Tmaśareʔ
- Tmaśareʔ by Jan Strasser was updated.
2012-01-17 23:54 Changed language: Majlang
- Majlang by aarginost was updated.
2012-01-17 23:49 Changed language: Tmaśareʔ
- Tmaśareʔ by Jan Strasser was updated.
2012-01-17 22:25 New language: Tmaśareʔ
cedh audmanh added Tmaśareʔ to CALS.
Tmaśareʔ's homepage is at http://tzirtzi.ipage.com/akana/index.php?title=Tma%C5%9Bare%CA%94.
2012-01-17 22:21 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by Jan Strasser was updated.
2012-01-17 22:20 Changed language: Kuyʔūn
- Kuyʔūn by Jan Strasser was updated.
2012-01-17 22:00 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by cedh audmanh was updated.
2012-01-17 21:59 Changed language: Kuy'u:n
- Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.
2012-01-17 19:46 Changed language: Rarlang
- Rarlang by aarginost was updated.
2012-01-17 19:00 Stop SOPA!
Even though CALS isn't hosted in the USA, on the 18th of January (EST) CALS will be censored in sympathy with the citizens of the USA.
SOPA is not only the nuclear bomb of the internet, it's a bomb of unknown efficiency. It is not possible to know in advance when you censor names (DNS) on the internet whether you'll hit one site or a million.
2012-01-17 05:10 Changed language: Majlang
- Majlang by aarginost was updated.
2012-01-13 11:13 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into dhannua by Caudimordax
Bhúi ca bhresso ta úenso úehirannad áuria ta bhúi bhuann palann í Sinaror landha sei, ué uíadhirannad tar sei.
Bhúibe.3SGcaalsobhres-sowalk-PTCP.SG.NOMtasubclause.PRTúensowhenúeh-ir-annadtravel-IPFV.PST-3PLáuriafrom_east.ADVtasubclause.PRTbhúibe.3SGbhua-nnfind-PST.PTCP.SGpala-nnplain-ACC.SGíinSinarorShinar.GEN.SGlandhaland-LOCsei,theyuéanduíadh-ir-annadlive-IPFV.PST-3PLtartheresei.they.2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2012-01-13 10:23 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into dhannua by Caudimordax
Bhúiridh ca Ardh-ar iuó Dhannuá-r, ué iuó lussór.
be.3SG-PST also earth.GEN one language-GEN.SG, and one speech.GEN.SG
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2012-01-13 09:36 New translation of "Berlitzism" into dhannua by Caudimordax
Ísdh an so penna? Ne, isdh iuó fanasdh.
is.3SG.PRES Q DEM pencil.NOM? No, is.3SG.PRES one window.NOM
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-13 09:25 Changed language: dhannua
- dhannua by Caudimordax was updated.
2012-01-13 09:05 New language: dhannua
caudimordax added dhannua to CALS.
Hea! Dhannuá Bhlóar (And that's how you greet someone in dhannua.)
2012-01-12 20:13 New language: Apiyan
pedza added Apiyan to CALS.
Vun ġurn Apiano (And that's how you greet someone in Apiyan.)
2012-01-11 20:57 Changed language: Na'vi
- Na'vi by Paul Frommer was updated.
2012-01-09 07:48 Changed language: Kymna
- Kymna by Roman Rausch was updated.
2012-01-09 07:47 Changed language: Talmit
- Talmit by Roman Rausch was updated.
2012-01-09 04:48 Changed language: Naxbaha
- Naxbaha by Rebecca Ashling was updated.
2012-01-08 00:38 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2012-01-03 01:44 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into Celinese by A. Ayres
Sochand aith ryfoch ynosig, Draifand laith taros. Marí ðo draifand laith taros Polí sí. Caith go mo maros ar mo nolothot, Draifand laith taros. Echrí célois lyrent go mo norír Draifío laith taros.
Soch-and aith ryfoch ynos-ig stand-PTCP at shore island-ADJ Draif-and laith taros. drift-PTCP towards sea Mar-í ðo draifand laith taros wish-1SG.PRS that drift-PTCP towards sea Polí sí. able.INF be.1SG-PRS Caith go mo maros-ot ar mo noloth-ot, all of my hope.FPL and my dream.FPL Draif-and laith taros. drift-PTCP towards sea Echrí cé-lois draif-ío lyrent watch.1SG-PRS with-time drift.3SG-PRS boat go mo nor-ír laith taros. of my love-person towards sea
Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.
2012-01-03 01:31 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Celinese by A. Ayres
Ifaneifos lyra!
ifan-eifosyoung-yearlyrapleasantHappy New Year!
2012-01-03 01:30 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Celinese by A. Ayres
Sío luiðgrefog? Né, sío fynyst.
Sí-obe.3SG-PRSluið-gref-og?lead-write-implementNé,NEGsí-obe.3SG-PRSfynyst.windowIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-02 07:07 Changed language: Lonmai Luna
- Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-02 03:50 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2012-01-02 03:48 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
masik sep dinak on e lir iltosepikap on.
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2012-01-01 23:56 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-01-01 23:51 New translation of "Olivia" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
(alen) Olifiya/(aln) Olibiya
2012-01-01 23:48 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
Happy birthday!
2012-01-01 23:48 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Haiye polta partafam (imen kati)!
Happy birthday!
2012-01-01 23:46 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Haiye polta partafam imen alen Yesus!
Merry Christmas!
2012-01-01 23:28 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Haiye polta fansa mal ole on.
Happy New Year!
2012-01-01 23:05 New translation of "Oliver" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
(alen) Olifer/(alen) Oliber
2012-01-01 23:04 New translation of "Mary " into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
(alen) Mari/(alen) Mariya
2012-01-01 23:03 New translation of "Jacob" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
(alen) Yakob/(alen) Yakov
2012-01-01 22:51 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Sel modo dorpa abakcede on ili alen Yohan.
I don't give John the apple.
2012-01-01 22:51 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Abakcede on modo apek.
The apple is not red.
2012-01-01 22:48 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Dala dorpa tobo al ili dal al letewo.
She will give it to him.
2012-01-01 22:47 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Dala dorpa tobo al ili dal al.
She gives it to him.
2012-01-01 22:46 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Dala dorpa tobo al ili alen Yohan.
He gives it to John.
2012-01-01 22:45 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Sefa dorpa abakcede on ili dala.(exclusive we)/Seka dorpa abakcede on ili dala.(inclusive we)/Sefe dorpa abakcede on ili dala.(exclusive we two)/Seki dorpa abakcede on ili dala.(inclusive we two)
We give him the apple.
2012-01-01 22:42 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Dala kol abakcede on imai alen Yohan.
It is John’s apple.
2012-01-01 22:40 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Sel dorpa abakcede ili alen Yohan.
I give John the apple.
2012-01-01 22:39 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Abakcede on apek.
The apple is red.
2012-01-01 22:26 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
dala ledano dorpa tobo al ili alen Yohan.
He has given it to John.
2012-01-01 22:24 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Sel toho dorpa tobo al ili dala.
I must give it to him.
2012-01-01 22:23 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Sel daler dorpa tobo al ili dala.
I want to give it to her.
2012-01-01 22:18 New translation of "We are humans" into Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y
Seka oho, itok seka setho ola alen Nodor.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-01-01 22:02 New translation of "We are humans" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-01-01 03:06 Changed language: Lonmai Luna
- Lonmai Luna by k1234567890y was updated.
2012-01-01 02:59 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2012-01-01 02:56 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
I want to give it to her.
2012-01-01 02:55 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
He has given it to John.
2012-01-01 00:05 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Mandarin by k1234567890y
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.