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2012-05-31 14:21 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-31 09:03 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Wgoydiang beym yertmaiy potchao tui erng miangjeut.
wgoydiangideabeymbe.manyyertmaiylack.colourpotchaobe.greentuiTPCerngsleepmiangjeutbe.furiousColorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2012-05-30 15:13 Changed language: Austrian Celtic
- Austrian Celtic by Lachlan was updated.
2012-05-30 14:51 New language: Austrian Celtic
ZenobiaO added Austrian Celtic to CALS.
2012-05-28 18:24 Changed language: Naghtvin
- Naghtvin by sirian was updated.
2012-05-28 13:29 New language: Naghtvin
sirian added Naghtvin to CALS.
2012-05-26 04:32 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Japanese by clawgrip
Jon-niJohn-DATringo-woapple-ACCage-mas-uraise-POL-NPST.PREDI give John the apple.
2012-05-26 04:30 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Japanese by clawgrip
Jon-noJohn-GENringoappledesu.COP.NPST.PRED.POLIt is John’s apple.
2012-05-26 04:28 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Japanese by clawgrip
ringo-waapple-TPCaka-ired-NPST.PREDdesuPOLThe apple is red.
2012-05-26 04:25 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Japanese by clawgrip
Mushoku-nacolourless-ATTmidori-nogreen-ATTgainen-gaidea-NOMkuruoshi-kube.maddening-CONJnemur-usleep-PRES.FAM.PREDColorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2012-05-26 04:14 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Japanese by clawgrip
Sentakki-dedishwasher-LOC/INSTbin-wobottle-ACCaraw-ana-idewash-NEG-CONJkudasaipleaseDon't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2012-05-25 03:22 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Dmeyn ler hwai nung maakkih day nek ayng tui pchoy ptiah yiah.
cart GEN 1 REL coast.along ground and water TPC be.full have eel
My hovercraft is full of eels.
2012-05-25 02:53 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-24 03:58 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Duool skaom huoo gneuo teuk balao skaom chngee deu.
2 wash NEG bottle use machine wash dish HORT
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2012-05-24 03:49 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai aajung bochaot nek bgeychaot nek chaotchnor, ley tgerng iapklung nung plardaap bia ot sbiat. Hwai aajung plet nung kermfiaum bngan mua jbung beym ley deuuk om ler hion'gniapeuum flet yiamchteh ler gniatmeat, gnia ler yiampjak nek chgoa'io ... syoñjaa flet bleut ler jbundaum nung twarng juk ler karnday. Tui aajung hwai dang hwai aajung itui!
1 be yesterday and today and tomorrow, and possess ability REL be.born time one reoccur | 1 be soul REL divine hide create god PL and give meal GEN crypt arrive residents GEN deep.place place GEN the.dead and heaven ... praise arrive lord GEN shrine REL be.located.at centre GEN world | 3 be 1 and.so 1 be 3.OBL
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2012-05-23 10:08 Login trouble solved
Totally unexpected reason: there was an error in the username-index in the database. This index is what makes usernames unique, that is: what prevents two users from having the same username. So any look up that needed usernames to be unique failed, while just listing all usernames worked fine. Oddest thing I've seen among bugs so far ever.
Anyway, logins work again.
2012-05-22 19:59 Login trouble follows trouble on trouble on...
A security-update of the underlying system earlier today had a domino-effect that made the site inaccessible for a few hours. The reason for that was bizarre enough. Now, logging in doesn't work... The data is there but the actual user lookup doesn't work. Nothing missing, just very annoying, and being debugged as this is written.
2012-05-22 08:08 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tek karngkeuu taiyng teuk swa sgung tgerng biat ktaat. Bia dgorp keuu keuong charng lum tek mjur pñehfchaung twarng Sinargok tek sar euuk nglooay leum mgeng. Weup tui beym nung dreung twarng euuk tui wuach heat seach hwai beym kanglooay seuk yeuukket bar loy. Yeukket wat pau neung ley uupgaiyp wat uupsiang. Tek tui beym heat seach hwai beym kanglooay seuk koh tgerng btia'oyt bee kao chgoa'io ley paiyt'hor ngo ler hwai gnopplar beuonsarn loy karnday gduat. Tek jbuntrauk de jau nlooayk gnia tgerng koh nek btia'oyt ler keuuyia. Tek jbuntrauk heatpaiytpeak nlooayk bia bgaiy keuu beym dreung tkar joot keuuyia ler ot teuk swa ler ot. Yoan tui beym aajung keuuyia ler ot bio chai pñork dang bio chai gna lobnih sianghooay. Jartchnor hwai beym keuong de jau seuk kao gnia tek oonbloung swa ler itui dang nteyplar tui beym plargen huoo weup itui weup warn. Dang jbuntrauk paiyt'hor itui beym joon sar euuk beuonsarn loy karnday gduat dua. Aadang ngo ler euuk aajung Baobol. Charng jbuntrauk oonbloung swa ler karnday gduat ley tui beym paiyt'hor joon sar euuk loy karnday gduat dua.
and.so world.person converse use language be.identical possess word be.few | time happen person come move.from east and.then find plain be.at Shinar.country and.then place there construct house live | be.together 3 PL REL gather be.at there TPC discuss say come.now 1 PL build let's red.brick bake go.through | red.brick replace stone and tar replace mortar | and.then 3 PL say come.now 1 PL build let's city possess tower reach go.toward heavens and spread.around name GEN 1 lest split.and.scatter go.through world entire.thing | and.then God descend approach see place possess city and tower GEN populace | and.then God announce see moment now person PL gather work be.like populace GEN one use language GEN one | if 3 PL be populace GEN one succeed do this.thing then succeed do regardless what.thing imagine | so.then 1 PL go descend approach VOL go.toward place and mix.chaotically language GEN 3.OBL then so.that 3 PL understand NEG be.together 3.OBL be.together self | then God spread.around 3.OBL PL come.from place over.there split.and.scatter go.through world entire.thing PERF | such.is.the.reason name GEN over.there be Babel | because God mix.chaotically language GEN world entire.thing and 3 PL spread.around come.from place over.there go.through world entire.thing PERF
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2012-05-22 08:03 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
mgooay (beym) (ler hwai) mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) ler ot mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) ler sam mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) ntaa mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) bachntaa mgooay dih (beym) (ler hwai) ler gduat io lohbaung io lohbaung ing io lohbaung ler dongbach charng gduat pah ler sam pah bnge ler sam pah bnge ler sam ler dongbach pah beuu (ler dongbach) ler arng ler ga bgne pah beuu (ler dongbach) ler arng ler ga bgne ler sam ot gwuan duam ot gwuan duam ler sam sam gwuan duam duam ler chnor ler duam (beym)
friend (PL) (GEN 1) friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) GEN one friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) GEN three friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) be.of.an.unspecified.amount friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) be.most friend be.intimate (PL) (GEN 1) GEN whole.thing man be.amusing man be.amusing be.extreme man be.amusing GEN greatest.level come.from whole.thing shirt GEN three shirt clean GEN three shirt clean GEN three GEN greatest.level shirt be.new (GEN greatest.level) GEN two GEN one clean shirt be.new (GEN greatest.level) GEN two GEN one clean GEN three one ORD question one ORD question GEN three three ORD question question GEN end GEN question (PL)
my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions
2012-05-22 07:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Chai jia.
Very well.
2012-05-22 07:35 New translation of "We are humans" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai beym aajung hiatkeuu jart charng Urtkarñ.
1 PL be human come come.from Earth.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-05-22 07:30 New translation of "Farewell" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Haugodol $
bye $
2012-05-21 04:07 Changed language: Korpasian
- Korpasian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2012-05-20 02:50 New translation of "We are humans" into Meftla by Serafín
Sīɛn ʔauāh ranil usīɛn ʔauāh alrūdūas.
Sī-ɔnbe-F.IPFVʔauāh1PL.F.NOMran-ilhuman-[M].PL.ACCu_sī-ɛnand_be-F.IPFVʔauāh1PL.F.NOMal=rūdū-a-s.from=Earth-[F]-PL.We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-05-19 19:12 Changed language: Slyrdian
- Slyrdian by Felix Sieber was updated.
2012-05-19 08:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Indonesian by ali
Apa rencananya?
What's the plan?
2012-05-19 08:46 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Indonesian by ali
Apakah ini pensil? Bukan, ini jendela.
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-05-18 21:12 Changed language: Jayus
- Jayus by Labas, Sara, Yunta was updated.
2012-05-18 20:10 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Klizdebjenvo ! Klizdazaglu / Klozdazaglu ! Klizde pjenef kabile ! Klist pjenef kabile ! Klist pjenef-taze kabile !
Klist: Christ; pjenef: birth; kabile: happy, merry Klizdazaglu, Klozdazaglu: assimilation and contraction of "Klist" (Christ) and "Kodazaglu" (birthday) Klizdebjenvo : contraction of "Klist pjenef"
Merry Christmas!
2012-05-18 20:02 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Kodanable kabile ! Kodanable ponele ! Kodanaple kabile !
koda: year, nable/naple: new, kabile: happy, ponele: good
Happy New Year!
2012-05-18 20:00 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Te stol Tjon lemala-taze.
te: it; stol: to be; Tjon: John; le-: definite prefix; mala: apple; taze: his, her (postposition, placed after the possessed object itself place after the possessor, linked to the possessed object by a hyphen when the possessor is in the sentence).
It is John’s apple.
2012-05-18 19:53 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Se tejga te Tjon-adza. Se tel te Tjon-adza.
tejga: past perfective of "tol" tel: past of "tol"
He has given it to John.
2012-05-18 19:51 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Newin meo tol lemala Tjon-adza.
I don't give John the apple.
2012-05-18 19:51 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Newin lemala ludele stol. Newin lemala stol ludele, Newin lemala ludele, Newin mala ludele.
Newin: negation adverb, placed before the subject.
The apple is not red.
2012-05-18 19:50 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Se til te se-adza.
She will give it to him.
2012-05-18 19:46 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Se tol te se-adza. Variant : Se tojol te se-adza.
Se: he, she, her, him; tol: to give; te: it (inanimate singular third pronoun); adza: to, towards (postposition).
She gives it to him.
2012-05-18 19:44 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Se tol te Tjon-adza.
Se: he, she, him, her; tol: to give; te: it (inanimate singular third pronoun); Tjon: John; adza: to, towards (postposition).
He gives it to John.
2012-05-18 19:43 Changed language: Naeso
- Naeso by blisk, bornfor, Fenhl, MalfermitaKodo and micahjohnston was updated.
2012-05-18 19:40 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Mej tol lemala se-adza. Variants : Mej tojol lemala se-adza.
Mej: we, us; tol: to give; le-: definite prefix; mala: apple; se: he, her, him; adza: to, towards (postposition). Tojol: progressive aspect to "tol".
We give him the apple.
2012-05-18 19:38 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Meo tol lemala Tjon-adza.
Meo: I, me; tol: to give; le-: definite suffix; mala: apple; Tjon: John; adza: to, towards (postposition, usually written with a hyphen linking it to the related noun).
I give John the apple.
2012-05-18 19:36 Changed language: Wanya
- Wanya by Fenhl was updated.
2012-05-18 19:34 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Lemala ludele stol. Variants: Lemala stol ludele; Lemala ludele; Mala ludele.
Le-: definite prefix; mala: apple; ludele: red (adjective); stol: to be. Canonical phrase order is SVO but adjectives are often placed before the verb "stol", which can be left implicite.
The apple is red.
2012-05-18 19:29 New translation of "Mary " into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Mali; Malja
2012-05-18 19:28 New translation of "Jacob" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Jagop; Sagop
2012-05-18 19:28 New translation of "Emma" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Ema; Emma
2012-05-18 19:26 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Kodazaglu kabile ! Variants : Kodazaklu kabile, Kodazaglu ponele
koda: year; saglu/saklu: circle, tour; kabi:joy; -le: 'adjectivizer'; pon: good (noun), ponele: good (adjective)
Happy birthday!
2012-05-18 19:12 Changed language: Lodeen
- Lodeen by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé was updated.
2012-05-18 17:27 New language: Lodeen
tetdeupo added Lodeen to CALS.
2012-05-18 14:40 New language: Ieteje
Solarius added Ieteje to CALS.
2012-05-18 14:19 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-18 13:38 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Haip nung hwai nlooayk bochaot tui aajung Karl nek Jake.
boy REL 1 see yesterday TPC be Karl and Jake
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2012-05-18 08:26 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
"Pau nung taiyng" Bochaot hwai dar taamkih taiychkeuo tek pniahsoach pau nung taiyng. Pau nung taiyng jgech heat, "oa, pau nung taiyng aalok?" Pau nung taiyng heat, "aa pau nung taiyng aajung." Gder flet pau nung taiyng, "duool koon hwai duool heat huoo lognom ayt?" Pau nung taiyng syam, "sway charng hwai pau nung taiyng biangchon." Syo ler pau nung taiyng ntey hwai jung laok dang arch jgeng ngaiyk. Hwai pniah huoo tek sbiat dua.
rock REL converse yesterday 1 walk follow.along beach and.then trip.on rock REL converse | rock REL converse pick.up say hey rock REL converse be.Q rock REL converse say EMPH rock REL converse be ask arrive rock REL converse 2 avoid 1 2 say NEG why Q rock REL converse answer because come.from 1 rock REL converse be.unkind word GEN rock REL converse cause 1 become be.mad so throw enter ocean | 1 meet NEG and again PERF
"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2012-05-18 08:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Duool sark ayt hwai chai.
2 tell what 1 do
Tell me what to do.
2012-05-18 07:59 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Bdangneh gmar logsar ayt?
bar be.somewhere where Q
Where is the bar?
2012-05-18 07:54 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Jark dooayp seuk.
start leave HORT
Let's get moving.
2012-05-18 07:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Duool plarsdaa logayt?
2 need what.Q
What do you need?
2012-05-18 07:43 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Taiychkeuo gmar logsar ayt?
beach be.somewhere where Q
Where is the beach?
2012-05-18 07:40 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Oytjik ler hwai gmar logsar ayt?
room GEN 1 be.somewhere where Q
Where is my room?
2012-05-18 05:34 Changed language: Proto-Frinthan
- Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-18 05:10 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yatal yachōŕkīk yajutwōūng ŕiwām.
PL-Angry REAL.PL-sleep.3 PL-colourless PL-idea
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2012-05-18 05:06 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Nawumi nuni ŕog?
what-ACC need.2 Q
What do you need?
2012-05-18 05:04 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yorangao kraiñeya wejadha.
that-DAT give-CONJ want-1
I want to give it to her.
2012-05-18 05:04 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Jonao kraiñaiñ.
John-DAT give-PERF
He has given it to John.
2012-05-18 05:03 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Jonao chanayi kun kraiña.
John-DAT apple-ACC NEG give-1
I don't give John the apple.
2012-05-18 05:02 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Hanak kun ḍūp chana.
red NEG be.3 apple
The apple is not red.
2012-05-18 05:01 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yorangao kraiñeya adhā.
that-DAT give-CONJ must-1
I must give it to him.
2012-05-18 04:57 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yorangao akkraiñwaik.
that-DAT IRR-give-FUT
She will give it to him.
2012-05-18 04:54 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yorangao kraiñ.
that-DAT give.3
She gives it to him.
2012-05-18 04:54 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Jonao kraiñ yorang.
John-DAT give.3 that
He gives it to John.
2012-05-18 04:53 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Yorangao chanayi yakraiña.
that-DAT apple-ACC PL-give-1
We give him the apple.
2012-05-18 04:52 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Jonao chanayi kraiña.
John-DAT apple-ACC give.1
I give John the apple.
2012-05-18 04:50 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Jonek chanayi ḍūp.
John-GEN apple-ACC be.3
It is John’s apple.
2012-05-18 04:49 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Hanak ḍūp chana.
red be.3P apple.NOM
The apple is red.
2012-05-18 04:46 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip
Besaigwīŕi ḍūp ŕog? Kun m̃ochowayi ḍūp.
pencil-ACC be Q | opposite window-ACC be
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-05-18 04:15 Changed language: Proto-Frinthan
- Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-18 04:07 New language: Proto-Frinthan
clawgrip added Proto-Frinthan to CALS.
2012-05-18 03:22 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-18 02:21 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai deuuk jong flet itui. / Hwai deuuk jong flet naun uang.
1 give want arrive 3.OBL / 1 give want arrive woman there
I want to give it to her.
2012-05-18 02:20 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tui deuuk dua flet John.
3 give PERF arrive John
He has given it to John.
2012-05-18 02:20 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Karngkeuu nget plardaap tgerng warnggjo ley mgur tgerng bder'auk nek kniamptort woutoych. Tui beym eudeuuk oynghaakniam nek sgiah'aaptih dang gnark tmeuk teuk haabiang ler plargemptih jmeydwarn.
world.person everyone be.born have freedom and each have dignity and right be.equal | 3 PL be.endowed.with logic and conscience therefore act should use spirit GEN compassion be.mutual
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2012-05-18 02:11 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai deuuk huoo pan flet John. / Hwai deuuk pan flet John huoo.
1 give NEG apple arrive John / 1 give apple arrive John NEG
I don't give John the apple.
2012-05-18 02:09 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Pan ket huoo.
apple be.red NEG
The apple is not red.
2012-05-18 02:02 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Jem dang aakaa.
think therefore exist
I think, therefore I am
2012-05-18 01:49 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-18 01:41 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai deuuk sdaa flet itui
1 give must arrive 3.OBL
I must give it to him.
2012-05-18 01:40 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tui deuuk klaang flet itui. / Naun uang deuuk klaang flet io uang.
3 give POT arrive 3.OBL / woman there give POT arrive man there
She will give it to him.
2012-05-18 01:36 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tui deuuk flet itui. / Naun uang deuuk flet io uang.
3 give arrive 3.OBL / woman there give arrive man there
She gives it to him.
2012-05-18 01:35 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai beym deuuk pan flet itui.
1 PL give apple arrive 3.OBL
We give him the apple.
2012-05-18 01:34 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Hwai deuuk pan flet John.
1 give apple arrive John
I give John the apple.
2012-05-18 01:34 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Pan ler John aajung.
apple GEN John be
It is John’s apple.
2012-05-18 01:32 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Pan ket.
apple be.red
The apple is red.
2012-05-18 01:30 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tui deuuk flet John.
3 give arrive John
He gives it to John.
2012-05-18 01:26 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
2012-05-18 01:26 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tagnaa aajung lok? Huoo'aa goyuk.
pencil be Q | be.not.be.instead window
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2012-05-18 01:22 New translation of "Genesis 11:9" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Aadang ngo ler euuk aajung Baobol. Charng jbuntrauk oonbloung swa ler karnday gduat ley tui beym paiyt'hor joon sar euuk loy karnday gduat dua.
such.is.the.reason name GEN over.there be Babel | because God mix.chaotically language GEN world entire.thing and 3 PL spread.around come.from place over.there go.through world entire.thing PERF
9. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
2012-05-18 01:06 New translation of "Genesis 11:8" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Dang jbuntrauk paiyt'hor itui beym joon sar euuk beuonsarn loy karnday dua.
then God spread.around 3.OBL PL come.from place over.there split.and.scatter go.through the.world PERF
8. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
2012-05-18 01:03 New translation of "Genesis 11:7" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Jartchnor hwai beym keuong de jau seuk kao gnia tek oonbloung swa ler itui dang nteyplar tui beym plargen huoo weup itui weup warn.
so.then 1 PL go descend approach VOL go.toward place and mix.chaotically language GEN 3.OBL then so.that 3 PL understand NEG be.together 3.OBL be.together self
7. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
2012-05-18 01:00 New translation of "Genesis 11:6" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tek jbuntrauk heatpaiytpeak nlooayk bia bgaiy keuu beym dreung tkar joot keuuyia ler ot teuk swa ler ot. Yoan tui beym aajung keuuyia ler ot bio chai pñork dang bio chai gna lobnih sianghooay.
and.then God announce see moment now person PL gather work be.like populace GEN one use language GEN one | if 3 PL be populace GEN one succeed do this.thing then succeed do regardless what.thing imagine
6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
2012-05-18 00:55 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tek jbuntrauk de jau nlooayk gnia tgerng koh nek btia'oyt ler keuuyia.
and.then God descend approach see place possess city and tower GEN populace
5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
2012-05-17 13:55 Changed language: New Poliespo
- New Poliespo by cntrational was updated.
2012-05-17 12:30 Changed language: Arroe
- Arroe by Solarius was updated.
2012-05-17 08:33 New translation of "Genesis 11:4" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tek tui beym heat seach hwai beym kanglooay seuk koh tgerng btia'oyt bee kao chgoa'io ley paiyt'hor ngo ler hwai gnopplar beuonsarn loy karnday gduat.
and.then 3 PL say come.now 1 PL build let's city possess tower reach go.toward heavens and spread.around name GEN 1 lest split.and.scatter go.through world entire.thing
4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
2012-05-17 08:28 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Weup tui beym nung dreung twarng euuk tui wuach heat seach hwai beym kanglooay seuk yeuukket bar loy. Yeukket wat pau neung ley uupgaiyp wat uupsiang.
be.together 3 PL REL gather be.at there TPC discuss say come.now 1 PL build let's red.brick bake go.through | red.brick replace stone and tar replace mortar
3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
2012-05-17 08:24 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Bia dgorp keuu keuong charng lum tek mjur pñehfchaung twarng Sinargok tek sar euuk nglooay leum mgeng.
time happen person come move.from east and.then find plain be.at Shinar.country and.then place there construct house live
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2012-05-17 08:19 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Tek karngkeuu taiyng teuk swa sgung tgerng biat ktaat.
and.so world.person converse use language be.identical possess word be.few
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2012-05-17 08:14 Changed language: Himmaswa
- Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.
2012-05-17 05:20 New language: Himmaswa
clawgrip added Himmaswa to CALS.
aalor Himmaswa (And that's how you greet someone in Himmaswa.)
2012-05-17 00:15 Changed language: Arroe
- Arroe by Solarius was updated.
2012-05-16 19:50 New language: Arroe
Solarius added Arroe to CALS.
2012-05-16 18:56 Changed language: Rammy
- Rammy by Chuma was updated.
2012-05-16 18:47 New language: Rammy
Chuma added Rammy to CALS.
2012-05-16 02:12 Changed language: Korpasian
- Korpasian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2012-05-16 01:23 New language: Korpasian
TaylorSelseth added Korpasian to CALS.
2012-05-15 19:25 Changed language: Slyrdian
- Slyrdian by Felix Sieber was updated.
2012-05-15 17:17 Changed language: Meftla
- Meftla by Serafín was updated.
2012-05-15 16:18 New language: Slyrdian
5k17 added Slyrdian to CALS.
Kmoq yŋšyz dnö žökryfušyŋtö Ðyroq (And that's how you greet someone in Slyrdian.)
2012-05-15 16:17 Changed language: Meftla
- Meftla by Serafín was updated.
2012-05-14 20:36 Changed language: Treyll
- Treyll by Heylola2 was updated.
2012-05-13 00:07 Changed language: Qinuith
- Qinuith by Kenner Gordon was updated.
2012-05-12 14:02 Changed language: Celinese
- Celinese by A. Ayres was updated.
2012-05-11 21:21 Changed language: Pateko
- Pateko by Walter Tsuyoshi Sano was updated.
2012-05-11 21:01 New language: Pateko
Parsec added Pateko to CALS.
2012-05-11 09:56 New language: Tlaymyts
panglossa added Tlaymyts to CALS.
Úrè! Tláymyts (And that's how you greet someone in Tlaymyts.)
2012-05-11 06:51 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Celinese by A. Ayres
Célois foio ifanc mo tryroimtaðír, tynðío cailí bair lorech. Ainhat, lo sinain anðoío, mair naint, nêfoio mair tyðos. Eofnír, lo sefor anðoío, mair naint, nêfoio mair sinocht. Eofnír, lo d-timúr anðoío, mair naint, fosín tusc atheg cerôním, ar né poloío tycí tryroimtaðír. Na g-canth, lo lôna anðí catheloío; na d-troðos, na rosarth, na ierth ar na lyrent. Na lôna athlë tont nebor go lorech nyroío.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2012-05-10 19:20 New translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" into Celinese by A. Ayres
Sío feifrair wylco, ðo lauthot gimel, aichleg ar sair ifanc pochío. Sío feifrair pethor manthog, nageðír dyrío nébeth. Sío feifrair arongegaith ar cogoth ceilig. Path, flyamín ðo ana, garys liofand go lorech, saús bair lorech Ðo d-to maiðír, séilë, fyrir echrúo, Ar ðo dyrún lorethot go d-to troðbyrot.
Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
2012-05-10 13:09 Changed language: Tolsian
- Tolsian by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé was updated.
2012-05-10 12:37 New translation of "Jacob" into Tolsian by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
2012-05-10 12:35 New translation of "Mary " into Tolsian by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
2012-05-10 12:33 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Tolsian by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé
Epi͠êl daæ̊ naæçttadœ !
Happy birthday!
2012-05-10 12:26 Changed language: Tolsian
- Tolsian by Tètdeupö D'Yaoûrt Pérrimé was updated.
2012-05-10 12:18 New language: Tolsian
tetdeupo added Tolsian to CALS.
2012-05-07 17:54 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Tsolyani by kuroda
Lummra nátikh fénul gual?
Where is my room?
2012-05-07 17:51 New translation of "Farewell" into Tsolyani by kuroda
bye $
2012-05-07 17:40 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2012-05-06 02:09 Changed language: Qinuith
- Qinuith by Kenner Gordon was updated.
2012-05-05 22:16 Changed language: Isoldian
- Isoldian by Gintamil was updated.
2012-05-05 21:54 New language: Isoldian
sodarayag added Isoldian to CALS.
Bondi Lingu Isolt (And that's how you greet someone in Isoldian.)
2012-05-05 04:01 Changed language: Manchu
- Manchu by kuroda was updated.
2012-05-05 03:32 New language: Manchu
kuroda added Manchu to CALS.
Si saiyûn Manju gisun (And that's how you greet someone in Manchu.)
2012-05-05 03:06 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2012-05-04 11:32 New language: Jumju
sntn added Jumju to CALS.
2012-05-03 20:54 Changed language: Theadish
- Theadish by Kenner Gordon was updated.
2012-05-03 19:58 Changed language: Qinuith
- Qinuith by Kenner Gordon was updated.
2012-05-03 16:10 New language: Qinuith
Kenner added Qinuith to CALS.
2012-05-02 01:52 Changed language: Lhaa: Siri
- Lhaa: Siri by Zach W was updated.
2012-05-02 01:46 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Lhaa: Siri by zwellstood
si'łu'isaá liyiyár łi li saá.
HAB.-PROX.-think thus 1sg.subj. ADJ. real. I (often) think, thus I am real. (I exist.)
I think, therefore I am
2012-05-02 01:33 New translation of "Farewell" into Lhaa: Siri by zwellstood
bye $
2012-05-02 01:32 Changed language: Lhaa: Siri
- Lhaa: Siri by Zach W was updated.
2012-05-02 01:15 New language: Lhaa: Siri
zwellstood added Lhaa: Siri to CALS.
łasasaá ła'ła li'litłałali! łaá siri (And that's how you greet someone in Lhaa: Siri.)
2012-05-01 14:05 Changed language: Ngengenoef
- Ngengenoef by Josh Roth was updated.
2012-05-01 14:04 Changed language: Sngõlpowhetet
- Sngõlpowhetet by Josh Roth was updated.
2012-05-01 14:03 Changed language: Pasgemanh
- Pasgemanh by Josh Roth was updated.
2012-05-01 14:02 Changed language: Khafos
- Khafos by Josh Roth was updated.
2012-05-01 14:02 Changed language: Icnac
- Icnac by Josh Roth was updated.
2012-05-01 14:00 Changed language: New Poliespo
- New Poliespo by cntrational was updated.
2012-05-01 05:56 Changed language: Poliespo
- Poliespo by cntrational was updated.
2012-05-01 02:00 Changed language: Cambe
- Cambe by cntrational was updated.