« September October November »
2012-10-31 17:29 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Qi (Irfikian Language) by Beardio
Valo'o'a qi'if sá'áda, disa'qi-nan vana'ro qi'if
valo'o'a,eatqi'if,Isá'áda,glassdisa'qi-nan,hurt-NEGva'ro,itqi'if,II can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2012-10-31 17:07 New language: Qi (Irfikian Language)
Beardio added Qi (Irfikian Language) to CALS.
i'o'nadi a'a Qila'a'o Qi (Irfikian Language) (And that's how you greet someone in Qi (Irfikian Language).)
2012-10-30 19:55 Changed language: Ulmiric
- Ulmiric by Dúrfin was updated.
2012-10-30 18:37 New language: Ulmiric, Ulmirian
durfin added Ulmiric, Ulmirian to CALS.
Harin Ogad! Ulmiric (And that's how you greet someone in Ulmiric, Ulmirian.)
2012-10-30 18:22 New language: Duemál
Duenmal added Duemál to CALS.
2012-10-29 15:03 Changed language: Alahithian
- Alahithian by ol bofosh was updated.
2012-10-27 07:21 Changed language: Sonerha
- Sonerha by nijukona was updated.
2012-10-26 18:18 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Treyll by Heylola2
manoi kev lau lunonie on resetokastel. aneyi kev sadola aylenonie on emansokatel yonokat ka manoi ros dulo sadola aylenonie olo emansokat. -iniko das montoa dek-
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2012-10-26 09:11 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Alahithian by ol bofosh
Vashaw shanip alahidhox. Dekir alahith!
to.fight death language-of to.create language
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2012-10-26 09:04 Changed language: Alahithian
- Alahithian by ol bofosh was updated.
2012-10-26 08:08 New translation of "We are humans" into Alahithian by ol bofosh
Umu zedoyt savod pa jix um inediyt ol sanash one.
1PL.INC-REFL identify-PRS person;PL CONJ with 1PL.INC come-PRS PR peaceful.life from
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-10-25 21:28 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Alahithian by ol bofosh
Om mawt lo shiseras, Oñom vereytel.
1SG eat-PRS really glass 3SG-1SG hurt-PRS-NEG
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2012-10-25 21:23 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Alahithian by ol bofosh
Om thefiwt pa lo om etheyt.
1SG think-PRS CONJ real 1SG exist-PRS
I think, therefore I am
2012-10-25 21:00 Changed language: Alahithian
- Alahithian by ol bofosh was updated.
2012-10-25 10:59 New language: Alahithian
ol bofosh added Alahithian to CALS.
Alahithian's homepage is at http://www.alahithian.wikispaces.com/.
2012-10-23 23:30 Changed language: Gac
- Gac by cromulant was updated.
2012-10-23 18:23 Changed language: Õtari
- Õtari by David Johnson was updated.
2012-10-23 18:12 Changed language: Myrkçam
- Myrkçam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.
2012-10-23 18:12 Changed language: Classical Leheitak
- Classical Leheitak by David Johnson was updated.
2012-10-23 18:11 Changed language: Myrkçam
- Myrkçam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.
2012-10-23 17:58 Changed language: Classical Leheitak
- Classical Leheitak by David Johnson was updated.
2012-10-21 15:05 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Borchennymendi by Nilhaeu
uisneachancoinrandeigh rhubrhætheigham: neamhmeanidh theœpgheæncuiaidhancitesth datheœpgheænaneatheighnatham:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2012-10-21 06:21 Changed language: Myrkçam
- Myrkçam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.
2012-10-20 21:04 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Myrkçam by sciric
Orm mośuzośorf ôst tosmorok tosmor šam ajtô ehûśiejiftak âzećik orm ćńehraj îmzîń hnojuk am orm meśizetiś âzećik oš kopok šêjîk oš nustfûsôk.
/ormOrmAndmoɕuθoɕorɸmo-śu-zo-śorfOBV-PL-[IND]PST-[IPFV]speakɤstôsttotosmorokto-smor-okSGV-human-DATtosmorto-smorSGV-human[NOM]çamšamsayingajtɤajtôcome!exɯɕiejiɸtakehû-śi-ej-if-takIN-PL-IMP-[PRS]PFV-makeɶzecikâzeć-ik[TN]brick-ACCormormandcɲexrajćńe-hrajIN.PL.IMP.PRS.PFV-burnymθyɲîm-zîńin_manner-be_wholexnojukhnoj-ukOBV-ACCamamquote_endormormandmeɕiθetiɕme-śi-ze-tiśOBV-PL-[IND]PST-[IPFV]useɶzecikâzeć-ikbrick-ACCoçošaskopokkop-okrock-DATçøjykšêj-îkmud-ACCoçošasnustɸɯsɤk./nustfûs-ôk.mortar-DAT'And they spoke human to human, saying, "Come, let us make brick and burn it wholly," and they used brick as rock and mud as mortar.'
3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
2012-10-20 20:40 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Borchennymendi by Nilhaeu
lheætgmenatgur dalheætgmeanes: lheætgmederam dæresam: eibhearartg: aithighntanodhreigh ares: lheætgmenatgur dalheætganes: lheætgmederam dæresam: muadhanartg: moirgauthanodhreigh taughes: lheætgnatgethidh dalheætgmeanes: lheætgderam dæresam: phiphloanhmoighanes: eoreileanleinoarodhreigh tlærhes: lheætgnatgeth dalheætganes: lheætgderam dæresam: ciothruadhanes: naithanodhreigh rethirthes:
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2012-10-20 19:52 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Myrkçam by sciric
Orm mizeifšite ńâpot môśikmazôhajćûrôk îz hrasôstôk môśikmazômjanahwe gwami go tśejtraôk śinarmi orm mośuzosuz hro.
/ormOrmAndmiθeiɸçitemi-ze-if-šitePROX-[TN-IND]PST-PFV-befallɲɶpotńâpotduringmɤɕikmaθɤxajcɯrɤkmô-śi-kma-zô-hajćûr-ôkOBV-PL-INF-PST-[IPFV]journey-DATyθîzfromxrasɤstɤkhrasôst-ôkeast-DATmɤɕikmaθɤmjanaxwemô-śi-kma-zô-mja-nahweOBV-PL-INF-PST-INCH-know_aboutŋwamigwa-miplain-GENŋogoattɕejtraɤkt-śejtra-ôkSGV-land-DATɕinarmiśinar-miShinar-GENormormandmoɕuθosuθmo-śu-zo-suzOBV-PL-[IND]PST-[IPFV]dwellxro/hro.at_place.OBV'And this discovery of a plain at Shinar befell during their journeying from the east, and they dwelt there.'
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2012-10-20 18:59 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Myrkçam by sciric
Orm murozośorof tôhuma sxîzîń ut tefješamûk orm ćńośorof ut tetmašćaš.
/ormOrmAndmuroθoɕoroɸmu-ro-zo-śorofPROX-SGV-[IND]PST-[IPFV]speak_languagetɤxumat-ôhumaSGV-planet[NOM]sxyθyɲshî-zîńPCP-be_wholeteɸjeçamɯkte-fješam-ûkSGV-language-ACCututoneormormandcɲoɕoroɸćńo-śorofPROX.SGV.IND.PST.IPFV-speak_languagetetmaçcaçte-tmaš-ćašSGV-tongue-INSut/ut.one.'And the whole planet spoke one language, and it spoke with one tongue.'
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2012-10-20 18:30 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Myrkçam by sciric
Môzna hre šâs tjahmi?
/mɤθnaMô-znaOBV-[TN-IND-PRS-IPFV]liexrehreat_place.Qçɶsšâs[TN]room[NOM]tjaxmi/t-jah-mi?SGV-1-GEN'Where lies my room?'
Where is my room?
2012-10-20 16:50 New translation of "We are humans" into Myrkçam by sciric
Ohuśunujsmor orm ôhûśûzômjaûjt go Êrz.
/oxuɕunujsmorOhuśunujsmorOhu-śu-nuj-smorIN-PL-[IND-PRS-IPFV]be-humanormormormandɤhɯɕɯθɤmjaɯjtôhûśûzômjaûjtôhû-śû-zô-mja-ûjtIN-PL-[IND]PST-INCH-existŋogogoonørθ/Êrz.Êrz.Earth.'We are human, and we started to exist on Earth.'
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-10-20 16:29 New translation of "Farewell" into Myrkçam by sciric
Iejšihajnon $!
/iejçixajnon/i-ej-ših-ajnon2-[TN]IMP-FUT-[IND]prosper'Prosper!' or 'May you prosper!'
bye $
2012-10-20 15:23 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Borchennymendi by Nilhaeu
oamhenheth dacearbherhetg laoiseachtaileachidhm ruadhanechaithsiadherelhem: gamhain raipetaileacham uisneachghedhraidhechaitheshem: mheæthechaithuineshemthradh pibrhaolhrhatgbhrath: mhuitguieam dasinearerhetg moriathmoighechaineshem: aduaidh esgoithechaitheshemagh: dhernaichesherechaitheshem: diothu dhearbhailiartg loitimearhmoighanainidhem: iuldhidhm duranrædhroæsthem: dhearbhailiam senthugbeadhithuir admhailmoighrædhredhidhem: ethrenachtha guimhoioatgthuir: lhoitg dhernaichesherechaitheshem: uirbheartg datuidhremogh phaidhghearmoighredhainidhem: shephoidhneth phaibobhairam cheloigheirh rudraighghedhraidhredhtæmhaodhes: corhbemoighredhrædhurh genhshoiam: oidhrbethriœmh esheargmerogthredhtaimidhemagh: eignaitgechainatg eachaneth: uirbheam eochanmoighredhurh tuidhreamagh: daphaidhghearmoighechainsineshem oamhenheth: dhernaichmoighechainroæs: lhoitg uinearhoiander pobhuilansingeothelhem: laoiseachtaileachidhm ruadhanelhemagh: rothanelhemuin roghnaithe roachanesth: mothaigh nuinhsharhauiareshem tuibemerogthredhseareshemtroigh: eignaitghedhraidhanainidhem phaicruiearædhanaiphidhem laoiseachartgelhem chæiltephermedhraidhtæmhaodhmelhem: eachaneth esheargechaines areshem seœncheœsharge: noigearbhurar dauirbhethriairdh roaghtumheitgrogthghedhraidhechaithtæmhaodhesth: uirbheam babhilonartg enhmhoimhaurghedhraidhechathroainem: eachaneth laoiseachar oamhenhluachmair phaicruieaperaidhechathcites: areshem seœncheœsharge esheargperaidhechathcitesagh:
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2012-10-20 14:02 New language: Borchennymendi
Nilhaeu added Borchennymendi to CALS.
uingeriaidheigh: bhodhrchedhnumendhui (And that's how you greet someone in Borchennymendi.)
2012-10-19 17:08 Changed language: Myrkçam
- Myrkçam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.
2012-10-18 22:12 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Enterdese by Escodrion
Formal: Maasa Opeletlastamsser, Informal: Maasa oplasti
Happy birthday!
2012-10-18 22:03 Changed language: Enterdese
- Enterdese by Escodrion was updated.
2012-10-18 20:27 New translation of "We are humans" into Enterdese by Escodrion
Ēr tano hjūmanum vyn ēr tano lor Ērth.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-10-18 19:48 Changed language: Enterdese
- Enterdese by Escodrion was updated.
2012-10-18 05:10 Changed language: Proto-Frinthan
- Proto-Frinthan by clawgrip was updated.
2012-10-18 02:59 Changed language: Marag
- Marag by clawgrip was updated.
2012-10-18 02:36 New language: Marag
clawgrip added Marag to CALS.
Dhöik kyujo Margemennye (And that's how you greet someone in Marag.)
2012-10-18 02:09 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Himmaswa by clawgrip
Biat ork kyang aon bo. Hwai siang chikchi aahou lobnih duool siang aajung daak.
biatwordorkthatkyanguseaondo.againboEMPH||hwai1siangthinkchikchimeaningaahoube.notlobnihwhatduool2siangthinkaajungbedaakEMPHYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2012-10-17 23:30 Changed language: Poswa
- Poswa by Soap was updated.
2012-10-17 20:46 Changed language: Enterdese
- Enterdese by Escodrion was updated.
2012-10-17 20:40 New language: Enterdese
Escodrion added Enterdese to CALS.
2012-10-16 20:06 Changed language: Lemohai
- Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.
2012-10-14 13:38 Changed language: K'u1k'uts'
- K'u1k'uts' by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 15:35 Changed language: Tslure Thujekatsoth
- Tslure Thujekatsoth by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 15:27 Changed language: Vrlungla
- Vrlungla by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 15:21 Changed language: Mamambam
- Mamambam by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 15:08 Changed language: Kobardon
- Kobardon by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 15:00 Changed language: Poeplish
- Poeplish by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-13 14:54 Changed language: K'u1k'uts'
- K'u1k'uts' by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-09 21:35 New translation of "We are humans" into Kobardon by Creyeditor
Bidib nigos ob bifēko frēuon.
Bi-dib2.PL-equalnig-osman-INDEF.PLobfrombi-fēk-o2.PL>-be_located->3.SGfrēu-onearth-DEF.SGWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2012-10-09 20:02 Changed language: Poeplish
- Poeplish by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-09 20:02 Changed language: Vrlungla
- Vrlungla by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-09 20:01 Changed language: Mamambam
- Mamambam by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-09 20:00 New language: Vrlungla
Creyeditor added Vrlungla to CALS.
2012-10-09 19:43 New language: Mamambam
Creyeditor added Mamambam to CALS.
Gyasaktar Mamambam (And that's how you greet someone in Mamambam.)
2012-10-06 19:12 Changed language: Sarikan
- Sarikan by Chaok was updated.
2012-10-03 17:56 Changed language: Kobardon
- Kobardon by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-03 17:55 Changed language: Tslure Thujekatsoth
- Tslure Thujekatsoth by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-03 17:53 New language: Tslure Thujekatsoth
Creyeditor added Tslure Thujekatsoth to CALS.
Gubomapopeg Tslure Thujekatsoth (And that's how you greet someone in Tslure Thujekatsoth.)
2012-10-03 17:36 New language: K'u1k'uts'
Creyeditor added K'u1k'uts' to CALS.
2012-10-03 17:26 New language: Kobardon
Creyeditor added Kobardon to CALS.
Atrugum Kobardon (And that's how you greet someone in Kobardon.)
2012-10-03 17:08 Changed language: Poeplish
- Poeplish by Creyeditor was updated.
2012-10-03 16:31 New language: Poeplish
Creyeditor added Poeplish to CALS.
Abu-abu! Pøplish or the language of the people with the expressive name (And that's how you greet someone in Poeplish.)
2012-10-02 04:08 Changed language: Sonerha
- Sonerha by some white guy was updated.