« March April May »
2014-04-29 22:14 joksan just joined
joksan, who joined on April 29, 2014, 10:14 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-27 06:56 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-27 06:55 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-26 22:56 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-26 12:04 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-26 12:01 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-25 12:47 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-25 01:14 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-25 01:13 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-24 22:38 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-24 07:41 Changed language: Old Palen
- Old Palen by Paolo Barresi was updated.
2014-04-24 07:20 New language: Old Palen
NurjamSam added Old Palen to CALS.
Hvalo Alt Palen (And that's how you greet someone in Old Palen.)
2014-04-24 01:45 Changed language: Palen
- Palen by NurjamSam was updated.
2014-04-24 01:41 Changed language: Palen
- Palen by NurjamSam was updated.
2014-04-24 01:39 Changed language: Palen
- Palen by NurjamSam was updated.
2014-04-22 16:25 Changed language: Palen
- Palen by NurjamSam was updated.
2014-04-22 16:24 Changed language: Palen
- Palen by NurjamSam was updated.
2014-04-22 14:01 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-22 12:45 New translation of "We are humans" into Usangtari by Brv
Makən o oiTuŋon.
Makə-nhuman-1.SUBJoandoi-Tuŋo-n.ABL-Earth-1.SUBJWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2014-04-22 12:33 New translation of "Pity" into Usangtari by Brv
Kua au ei kokosi kiah koaseɂoh pomixaɂlaiya.
Kua-Ølanguage-ERGauonlyeionekokosihowkia-hmake-RELkoase-ɂ-o-hbelieve-3.SUBJ-IPFV-RELpomixa-ɂ-lai-ya.pity-3.SUBJ-PASS-IMPLet him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2014-04-22 11:31 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-22 11:30 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Usangtari by Brv
Ta-ɂ-lai-ya.do-3.SUBJ-PASS-IMPConsider it done.
2014-04-22 11:26 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-22 11:21 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 9" into Usangtari by Brv
Manmakə yefaɂ o koŋkiɂ.
Manmakə-Øeveryone-ERGyefa-ɂpresent-3.SUBJoandkoŋki-ɂ.safe-3.SUBJAll present and accounted for.
2014-04-22 11:17 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Usangtari by Brv
Nici mauxo?
Nici-Øwhat-ERGmau-x-Ø-o?need-4.SUBJ-3.OBJ-IPFVWhat do you need?
2014-04-22 10:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Usangtari by Brv
Anatɂa niciɂ?
Anatɂa-Øplan-ERGnici-ɂ?what-3.SUBJWhat's the plan?
2014-04-22 10:54 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 4" into Usangtari by Brv
Ta-n-uru.do-1.SUBJ-READYReady for action.
2014-04-22 10:53 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Usangtari by Brv
Kipəxəxu pɂarino.
Kipəxə-xu-Øorder-4.POSS-ERGpɂari-n-o.await-1.SUBJ-IPFVAwaiting your orders.
2014-04-22 10:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Usangtari by Brv
Uɂa-n-il-uru.serve-1.SUBJ-4.OBJ-READYAt your service.
2014-04-22 10:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 0" into Usangtari by Brv
Sasaro-n-uru.duty-1.SUBJ-READYReporting for duty.
2014-04-22 10:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Usangtari by Brv
Məti-x-nə-haa.depend.on-4.SUBJ-1.OBJ-POTYou can count on us.
2014-04-22 10:41 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Usangtari by Brv
Ka-n-ya.go-1.SUBJ-IMPLet's get moving.
2014-04-22 10:40 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Usangtari by Brv
Ka-n-o.go-1.SUBJ-IPFVOn our way.
2014-04-22 10:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Usangtari by Brv
Isə.goodVery well.
2014-04-22 10:35 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Usangtari by Brv
Tompe-ɂ-to.problem-3.SUBJ-NEGNo problem.
2014-04-22 10:34 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Usangtari by Brv
Ta-n-Ø-o.do-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-IPFVWe're on it.
2014-04-22 10:33 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Usangtari by Brv
2014-04-22 10:30 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Usangtari by Brv
Ka-Ø-ya!go-2.SUBJ-IMPMove out!
2014-04-22 10:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Usangtari by Brv
Yə-aŋ-xu.OBL-wish-4.POSSAs you wish.
2014-04-21 21:41 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-04-21 21:34 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Usangtari by Brv
Manmakə yəhule yəsaɂpalu iyama tosetolu cəpauɂpɂa. Seŋ micaɂelu oiɂsiɂipɂacɂi o fuɂlasə uŋereiɂpikila.
Man-makə-Øall-human-ERGyə-huleOBL-dignityyə-saɂpa=luOBL-right=andiyamafreetoseto=luequal=andcəpau-ɂ-pɂa.be.born-3.SUBJ-GNOMICSeŋ-Øreason-ERGmicaɂe-Ø=luconscience-ERG=andoi-ɂ-Ø-siɂi-pɂa-cɂihave-3.SUBJ-3.OBJ-INCEP-GNOMIC-CAUSoandfuɂ-lasəESS-siblinguŋere-iɂpi-kila.act.towards-RECP-POTAll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2014-04-21 21:07 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Usangtari by Brv
Kua-x-aŋ!language-4-OPTfiat lingua!
2014-04-21 21:05 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Usangtari by Brv
Kipəxə-xu?order-4.POSSYour orders?
2014-04-21 15:28 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-21 15:24 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-21 15:12 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-21 14:52 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-21 14:48 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-21 13:07 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Usangtari by Brv
"Kuahaa Koŋi" Nixu xukaata tɂalatɂa susenoh kuahaa koŋii loiɂnəcɂi. Kuahaa koŋi pixən o kuan, "Ée! Kuahaa koŋicu?" Kuahaa koŋi kuaɂ, "Ai, kuahaa koŋin." Kuahaa cikoŋi usin, "Koseŋ sokuɂanyah riŋito?" Kuahaa koŋi kuaɂkɂai, "Faxuə kuahaa arakoŋin." Kuahaa nikoŋi kuaxa arahuxuɂnəcɂi pakoasefe lohun. Kuahaa koŋi noanmiŋto.
"Kua-haatalk-POTKoŋi"rockNixuthenxu-kaataTEMP-yesterdaytɂa-latɂaVIA-beachsuse-n-o-hwalk-1.SUBJ-IPFV-RELkua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-irock-ABSloi-ɂ-nə-cɂi.fall-3.SUBJ-1.OBJ-CAUSKua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-Ørock-ERGpixə-n-Øpick.up-1.SUBJ-3.OBJoandkua-n,say-1.SUBJ"Ée!heyKua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-Ø-cu?"rock-2.SUBJ-QKua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-Ørock-ERGkuaɂ,say-3.SUBJ"Ai,yeskua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-n."rock-3.SUBJKua-haatalk-POTci-koŋiLAT-rockusi-n,ask-1.SUBJ"Koseŋwhysokuɂa-n-Ø-ya-havoid-1.SUBJ-2.OBJ-IMP-RELriŋi-to?"tell-NEGKua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-Ørock-ERGkua-ɂ-kɂai,say-3.SUBJ-back"Faxuəmeankua-haatalk-POTara-koŋi-n."CAUSAL-rock-1.SUBJKua-haatalk-POTni-koŋiGEN-rockkuaxawordara-huxu-ɂ-nə-cɂiCAUSAL-angry-3.SUBJ-1.OBJ-CAUSpa-koasefeLOC-oceanlohu-n-Ø.throw-1.SUBJ-3.OBJKua-haatalk-POTkoŋi-Ørock-ERGnoa-n-Ø-miŋ-to.see-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-MOMENTANE-NEG"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2014-04-21 12:13 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Usangtari by Brv
Nici tankoah riŋiya.
Nici-Øthat-ERGta-n-koa-hdo-1.SUBJ-POT-RELriŋi-Ø-ya.tell-2.SUBJ-IMPTell me what to do.
2014-04-21 11:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Usangtari by Brv
2014-04-21 11:01 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Usangtari by Brv
Empisucu? Nax, hoxi.
Empisu-cu?pencil-QNax,nohoxi.windowIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2014-04-21 10:53 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Usangtari by Brv
Kopa latɂa?
Kopawherelatɂa?beachWhere is the beach?
2014-04-21 10:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Usangtari by Brv
Kopa yuonəŋ?
Kopawhereyuo-n-əŋ?room-1-POSSWhere is my room?
2014-04-21 10:11 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-20 20:28 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-20 19:26 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Usangtari by Brv
Oi-n-Ø-cɂi-aŋ.have-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-CAUS-OPTI want to give it to her.
2014-04-20 19:22 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Usangtari by Brv
Yon yəpaya oincɂito.
Yon-ØJohn-ERGyə-payaOBL-appleoi-n-Ø-cɂi-to.have-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-CAUS-NEGI don't give John the apple.
2014-04-20 19:20 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Usangtari by Brv
Paya ləɂəɂoto.
Paya-Øapple-ERGləɂə-ɂ-o-to.red-3.SUBJ-IPFV-NEGThe apple is not red.
2014-04-20 19:18 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Usangtari by Brv
Oi-n-Ø-koa-cɂi.have-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-POT-CAUSI must give it to him.
2014-04-20 19:16 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Usangtari by Brv
Oi-ɂ-Ø-cɂi.have-3.SUBJ-3.OBJ-CAUSShe gives it to him.
2014-04-20 19:15 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Usangtari by Brv
Yon oiɂcɂi.
Yon-ØJohn-ERGoi-ɂ-Ø-cɂi.have-3.SUBJ-3.OBJ-CAUSHe gives it to John.
2014-04-20 19:13 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Usangtari by Brv
Yəpaya oincɂi.
YəpayaOBL-appleoi-n-Ø-cɂi.have-1.SUBJ-3.OBJ-CAUSWe give him the apple.
2014-04-20 19:11 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Usangtari by Brv
Yon yəpaya oincɂi.
Yon-ØJohn-ERGyə-payaOBL-appleoi-n-cɂi.have-1.SUBJ-CAUSI give John the apple.
2014-04-20 17:57 Changed language: Wered
- Wered by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-20 17:29 Changed language: Gaku
- Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-20 17:18 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Usangtari by Brv
Payaɂo ni-Yon.
Paya-ɂ-oapple-3.SUBJ-IPFVni-Yon.GEN-JohnIt is John’s apple.
2014-04-20 17:16 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Usangtari by Brv
Paya ləɂəɂo.
Paya-Øapple-ERGləɂəɂo.red-3.SUBJ-IPFVThe apple is red.
2014-04-20 16:46 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Usangtari by Brv
Keŋxɂara sumanohaa, hoɂkaɂnocɂito.
Keŋxɂara-Øglass-ERGsuma-n-o-haa,eat-1.SUBJ-IPFV-POThoɂka-ɂ-n-o-cɂi-to.pain-3.SUBJ-1.OBJ-IPFV-CAUS-NEGI can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2014-04-20 15:25 Changed language: Usangtari
- Usangtari by Brv was updated.
2014-04-20 15:18 New language: Usangtari
Brv added Usangtari to CALS.
Nafenil, usaŋtarikua! (And that's how you greet someone in Usangtari.)
2014-04-19 11:35 Changed language: Tuncaa Mii
- Tuncaa Mii by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-19 11:33 Changed language: Tuncaa Mii
- Tuncaa Mii by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-17 18:49 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Laytele by gobblette
Jokauk yuvirdok varmox, jonauc.
Jokauk The verb "kauk" (think) with the first-person prefix "jo" yuvirdok adok (manner, way) in the instrumental definite case (virdok) with the "and" prefix yu- varmox Adjective "yemox" (this) in the instrumental case. jonauc The verb "nauc" (be) with the first-person prefix "jo"
I think, therefore I am
2014-04-17 12:17 kaleissin971ff2ba87584665 just joined
kaleissin971ff2ba87584665, who joined on April 17, 2014, 12:17 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-16 07:16 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-15 00:53 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-15 00:52 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-15 00:52 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-15 00:35 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-15 00:29 Changed language: Kkyákakhy
- Kkyákakhy by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-13 21:30 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 19:10 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 15:13 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-04-13 10:40 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 10:01 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 09:35 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 09:15 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 08:22 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 08:01 Changed language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
- Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian by colz was updated.
2014-04-13 07:47 New language: Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian
colz added Isolating thing inspired by mesoamerican and southeast asian to CALS.
2014-04-12 21:57 Changed language: Gaku
- Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-12 21:43 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-11 12:10 New translation of "All your demands" into Kiitra by hirajnashaijaat
kiirh jalrajna shraluu g'boziis pornja
all/every demand 2nd-person(singular)-possessive have(future)fulfillment/satiation/satisfaction
All your demands will be met.
2014-04-11 11:36 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Kiitra by hirajnashaijaat
kiijuush mraluu zon paal sed aashremjajiit
hovercraft 1st-person-possessive be filled/packed/stuffed with slitherfish(plural)
My hovercraft is full of eels.
2014-04-11 04:24 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-11 04:14 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 22:36 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 22:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Thatareni by Manofzelego
ঢঅ সহ তকিইতহঘ তআ ভঅঘ.
Ro da thȧtan te bon.
Ro da thȧtan- te bon-
to 1S say-NOM what do-NOM
Tell me what to do.
2014-04-10 22:19 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Thatareni by Manofzelego
2014-04-10 22:15 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-10 22:02 Changed language: Themsaran
- Themsaran by IlL was updated.
2014-04-10 21:58 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-10 21:56 Changed language: Themsaran
- Themsaran by IlL was updated.
2014-04-10 21:55 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 21:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Thatareni by Manofzelego
সহ ছইকহ, য়ঊখই সহ সহছ.
Da sȧka, mulȧ da das.
Da sȧka- mulȧ da das-
1S think-IND therefore 1S be-IND.1S
I think, therefore I am
2014-04-10 21:24 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 21:03 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 21:01 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-10 20:34 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 20:26 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 20:11 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 19:56 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-10 19:48 New translation of "All your demands" into Thatareni by Manofzelego
ঢআঘ মঊঢঘ ভইঘতআঘ ঢআঘঘঅঘতউ কৃহখশ. Ren furn bȧnten rennontee qalz. Ren furn bȧnten rennon-tee qalz.
all 2.POSS.DET demands.PL complete-FUT shall
All your demands will be met.
2014-04-10 19:26 Changed language: 120705 CALS Metalanguage
- 120705 CALS Metalanguage by All CALS users. was updated.
2014-04-10 19:23 Changed language: 120705 CALS Metalanguage
- 120705 CALS Metalanguage by All CALS users. was updated.
2014-04-09 22:26 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-09 20:17 Changed language: Adinjo
- Adinjo by Xaron Alpua was updated.
2014-04-08 23:42 New language: Adinjo
kharonalpua added Adinjo to CALS.
2014-04-08 22:22 Changed language: Proto-Gramurn
- Proto-Gramurn by Xaron Alpua was updated.
2014-04-08 21:58 New language: Proto-Gramurn
kharonalpua added Proto-Gramurn to CALS.
2014-04-08 21:50 kharonalpua just joined
kharonalpua, who joined on April 8, 2014, 9:50 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-07 02:50 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-06 22:38 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-04-06 21:07 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-04-06 18:37 setupminimal just joined
setupminimal, who joined on April 6, 2014, 6:37 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-06 16:41 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-06 16:03 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-05 18:42 Changed language: Gaku
- Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-05 17:35 New language: Proto Tændean
vo1dwalk3r added Proto Tændean to CALS.
Anton Naĥe (And that's how you greet someone in Proto Tændean.)
2014-04-05 16:56 vo1dwalk3r just joined
vo1dwalk3r, who joined on April 5, 2014, 4:56 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-05 14:58 Changed language: Wered
- Wered by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-05 14:56 Changed language: Gaku
- Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-05 14:55 Changed language: Gaku
- Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-05 02:54 Changed language: Geulish
- Geulish by Dash Stevens was updated.
2014-04-05 02:44 Changed language: Geulish
- Geulish by Dash Stevens was updated.
2014-04-04 23:55 New language: Geulish
7skullz added Geulish to CALS.
Aló Gheulge (And that's how you greet someone in Geulish.)
Geulish's homepage is at http://www.reddit.com/r/Gheulge.
2014-04-04 22:07 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-04 17:51 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-04 17:46 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-04 16:35 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-04 16:24 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Alle humanen wesen gerboren frei en geleek im heren waardigheid en rechten. prebegiften-het zu heen de ferstand en de geuete, en hasten zu acten broerheidlich zu elkann.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2014-04-04 16:22 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Sunbyaku by Chagen
Iroku ware, uji.
think-GER=PROVISO be-1S
I think, therefore I am
2014-04-04 16:20 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Sunbyaku by Chagen
Byakyu ū suzanku vebima. Bya ma unhara!
speak-workings=ADJ extinction fight-IMP. language=PAT create-IMP
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2014-04-04 16:16 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Sunbyaku by Chagen
nika ne lan?
where=TOP room
Where is my room?
2014-04-04 16:10 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Streed linguistiche extinctie. Ferzine een spraak!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2014-04-04 16:08 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Sunbyaku by Chagen
Sungau ī katsu ne ki yō kawo ūchibi cha hohobi wo naohayamase. Kangarī cha sūm'iro ma toōhayamase, shi woīsun ī yu wo kaītengo deyo hogamimase.
people=GEN all=TOP right dignity=concerning be.equal-GER and be.free-GER=LOC bear-PASS-3P. reason and law-knowledge=PAT give-PASS-3P, and 3P=GEN general.location=LOC comrade_sibling-way=INSTR do.polite.things-HORT-3P.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2014-04-04 16:07 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Es-het spraak!
fiat lingua!
2014-04-04 15:45 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Het es Jan's appel.
It is John’s apple.
2014-04-04 15:42 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Ik bedenke, dus ik es
I think, therefore I am
2014-04-04 15:40 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Barthian by AmosBrazzoli
Es het een pootlood? Niet, es het een fenester.
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2014-04-04 15:36 New language: Barthian
AmosBrazzoli added Barthian to CALS.
2014-04-04 14:42 AmosBrazzoli just joined
AmosBrazzoli, who joined on April 4, 2014, 2:42 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-04 12:11 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-04 11:54 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 22:50 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Sunbyaku by Chagen
Merya uyobi shīttaī kuzhinba rīshamase.
color-ABESSIVE be.green-GERUND dream be.wild-CONJUNCTIVE sleep-3PL
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2014-04-03 20:38 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
MaNaMeNo 'eRoTe'a FeFu SheNe'aPe
MaNaMeNo 'eRoTe'a FeFu SheNe'aPe annoyingly-catchy-songs/earworms light-up my nose
My hovercraft is full of eels.
2014-04-03 20:31 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'ii GeLiGeLo BeDoDeHa NaViGaRo
'ii GeLiGeLo BeDoDeHa NaViGaRo ? the-bar is a-found-place
Where is the bar?
2014-04-03 20:28 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'uu Ge NoLuuTleDorRePa FeFeFa NeNeNa
'uu Ge NoLuuTleDorRePa FeFuFa NeNeNa ! you no-prod my that
Don't touch me there!
2014-04-03 20:25 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 20:23 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'eKaLe'e 'e'o'e'e FeRuuChoRa 'eNaa NoLuuTeRuPeRa Ke JeNoTheNu 'eMaMa'e 'eNaa JeDaKaRe 'eNaa Ke JeNuThoNa FeRuuKtleToCheTe
'eKaLe'e 'e'o'e'e FeRuuChoRa 'eNaa NoLuuTeRuPeRa Akailea's-children are-born infinitely-free and not-trapped Ke JeNoTheNu 'eMaMa'e 'eNaa JeDaKaRe they have-had-the-need-for thought and diplomacy/reason 'eNaa Ke JeNuThoNa FeRuuKtleToCheTe and they need infinitely-act-like-siblings
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2014-04-03 20:08 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
Ge FeRuuFeNoKeRe FeNiKaRo Fe NoLuu'eMoMe'a NeNeNa FiNoKaRa GeGuGu 'eMuMo'a
Ge FeRuuFeNoKeRe FeNiKaRo you infinitely-speak that-word Fe NoLuu'eMoMe'a NeNeNa FiNoKaRa GeGuGu 'eMuMo'a I do-not-think that means you-ly think-ly
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2014-04-03 20:02 New translation of "We are humans" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
FeFa BeDoDeHa 'eKaLa'o FeFa BeDoDeHa KePeKaPe 'iNuu
FeFa BeDoDeHa 'eKaLa'o we are Akailea's-mothered FeFa BeDoDeHa KePeKaPe 'iNuu we are Earth of
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2014-04-03 19:46 New translation of "Farewell" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'eFoKtleTe make-Art/do-your-thing
bye $
2014-04-03 19:40 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'uu FeNuKeRi 'eFoJe'e Ge Ge 'uu 'eBoJeFe
'uu FeNuKaRi 'eFaJa'e Ge 'aShoMeKa ! linguistic the-many-deaths you fight-like-a-warrior Ge 'uu 'eBoJeFe you ! do-what-the-Language-Maker-does
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2014-04-03 19:30 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
Fe 'eMoMe'a (FeFeFa) 'uuTaBeDoDaHa
Fe 'eMoMe'a (FeFeFa) 'uuTaBeDoDaHa I think (I) therefore-am
I think, therefore I am
2014-04-03 19:28 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 19:28 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 19:26 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'uu Ge NoLuuShaShoMeNa 'eKtliTaYo 'ooNuMeNuMoKo SheShuMuNa FeWuJuDa
'uu Ge NoLuuShaShoMeNa 'eKtliTaYo 'ooNuMeNuMoKo SheShuMuNa FeWuJuDo ! you will-not-wash the-bottle in-the-machine-ly Washer-ly dish-ly
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2014-04-03 19:23 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 19:14 New translation of "Berlitzism" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
'ii MaKiLaRo BeDoDeHa Ne NoLe Ne BeDoDeHa LaNiTaLo
'ii MaKiLaRo BeDoDeHa Ne ? a-pencile is/being this NoLe No/False Ne BeDoDeHa LaNiTaLo this is/being a-window
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2014-04-03 19:05 Changed language: Nizhmel
- Nizhmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 19:02 New translation of "All your demands" into FeNeKeRe by Fenmere
GeGu JeNuThaNa JeDaKaRa JeDoKeRo
GeGu JeNuThaNa JeDaKaRa JeDoKeRi your needy diplomatic-resolutions will-be-resolved-diplomatically
All your demands will be met.
2014-04-03 18:52 Changed language: FeNeKeRe
- FeNeKeRe by Fenmere, the Worm was updated.
2014-04-03 17:34 Changed language: FeNeKeRe
- FeNeKeRe by Fenmere, the Worm was updated.
2014-04-03 16:42 Changed language: FeNeKeRe
- FeNeKeRe by Fenmere, the Worm was updated.
2014-04-03 16:29 Changed language: Sunbyaku
- Sunbyaku by Chagen was updated.
2014-04-03 16:29 New language: FeNeKeRe
Fenmere added FeNeKeRe to CALS.
Ge eFuu FeNeKeRe (And that's how you greet someone in FeNeKeRe.)
FeNeKeRe's homepage is at http://fenworks.com/.
2014-04-03 16:19 Fenmere just joined
Fenmere, who joined on April 3, 2014, 4:19 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-03 16:13 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-03 16:09 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-03 16:00 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-03 15:07 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Svørgska by Svorgska
Hvan min grät-grät-farfar / grät-grät-farmor var än jung man, han har itta Världan gàtravølt. Första han gårt vøst; okh tår var bara sand. Tån han gårt nord; tår var bara snö. Tån han gårt äst; okh tår Berganna var akksa hygh okh grät-grät-farfar/grät-grät-farmor käld inte klymbar dom. Till last han har døkædt travølar söder, baj valkar, baj hursbakk, okk baj seglar. I Söderan han sånt grossäst stad i alla av Världan.
Great great grandfather has eighteen ways to say it. It depends on lineage. Mor mother Far farher Mormor Grandma / mother's side Morfar Grandma / father's side Farmor Grandpa / mother's side Farfar Grandpa / father's side Then you add another mor/far depending on the lineage.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2014-04-03 14:08 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-03 14:00 Changed language: Antiranto
- Antiranto by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 13:57 Changed language: Antiranto
- Antiranto by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-04-03 13:35 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-02 23:56 Changed language: Kuty
- Kuty by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-02 22:16 Changed language: Sunbyaku
- Sunbyaku by Chagen was updated.
2014-04-02 20:55 Changed language: Sunbyaku
- Sunbyaku by Chagen was updated.
2014-04-02 20:46 Changed language: Sunbyaku
- Sunbyaku by Chagen was updated.
2014-04-02 20:43 Changed language: Sunbyaku
- Sunbyaku by Chagen was updated.
2014-04-02 20:18 New language: Sunbyaku
Chagen added Sunbyaku to CALS.
Ni'īwā! Sunbyaku (And that's how you greet someone in Sunbyaku.)
2014-04-02 20:06 Bebjad just joined
Bebjad, who joined on April 2, 2014, 8:06 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-02 19:47 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:52 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:47 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:46 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:37 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:29 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 18:10 Changed language: Project Warthog
- Project Warthog by Xing was updated.
2014-04-02 17:59 New language: Project Warthog
ttaga added Project Warthog to CALS.
Project Warthog's homepage is at http://www.kennethnyman.com/sunday.php.
2014-04-02 07:14 Changed language: Hellanan
- Hellanan by Tom_Skelly was updated.
2014-04-02 07:04 New language: Hellanan
Tom_Skelly added Hellanan to CALS.
Holþa! Helläänysge (And that's how you greet someone in Hellanan.)
2014-04-02 07:00 Tom_Skelly just joined
Tom_Skelly, who joined on April 2, 2014, 7 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-02 05:38 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-02 05:38 7skullz just joined
7skullz, who joined on April 2, 2014, 5:38 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-02 05:28 Changed language: Thȧtareni
- Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.
2014-04-02 05:28 New language: Thȧtareni
Manofzelego added Thȧtareni to CALS.
ঢহখহ ঠইতহঢআঘচ! (And that's how you greet someone in Thȧtareni.)
Thȧtareni's homepage is at http://www.reddit.com/r/Thatareni.
2014-04-02 05:18 Manofzelego just joined
Manofzelego, who joined on April 2, 2014, 5:18 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-02 01:41 Changed language: Necarasso Cryssesa
- Necarasso Cryssesa by Tae Lim Kook (blue_bear_94/Fluffy8x) was updated.
2014-04-02 01:33 Changed language: Necarasso Cryssesa
- Necarasso Cryssesa by Tae Lim Kook (blue_bear_94/Fluffy8x) was updated.
2014-04-01 18:35 Adelphos_89 just joined
Adelphos_89, who joined on April 1, 2014, 6:35 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-04-01 18:12 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 18:03 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 16:41 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 16:38 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 16:35 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 13:36 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 06:23 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.
2014-04-01 06:13 Changed language: Ixe Wa
- Ixe Wa by cromulant was updated.