
« July August September »

2014-08-31 11:54 Changed language: Telim

Telim by Irkan was updated.

2014-08-31 11:43 Changed language: Telim

Telim by Irkan was updated.

2014-08-31 11:35 Changed language: Telim

Telim by Irkan was updated.

2014-08-31 11:31 New language: Telim

Irkan added Telim to CALS.

2014-08-30 06:23 New translation of "All your demands" into Mala by gobblette

Sadwu xwu archu kuyus.

All(ADJ) your(ADJ) strong-asks(NOUN) be-met(VERB IMPERFECT).

All your demands are to be met.

All your demands will be met.

2014-08-30 06:12 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Mala by gobblette

Sa arus oki sa no cho.


I think, therefore I am a being.

I think, therefore I am

2014-08-29 23:50 Changed language: Poswa

Poswa by Soap was updated.

2014-08-29 05:39 Changed language: Keihansoukaishi

Keihansoukaishi by Akira Tsuchiya (?) was updated.

2014-08-29 05:36 Changed language: Keihansoukaishi

Keihansoukaishi by Akira Tsuchiya (?) was updated.

2014-08-29 05:29 Changed language: Keihansoukaishi

Keihansoukaishi by Akira Tsuchiya (?) was updated.

2014-08-29 05:16 Changed language: Keihansoukaishi

Keihansoukaishi by Akira Tsuchiya (?) was updated.

2014-08-28 17:45 Changed language: Classical Leheitak

Classical Leheitak by David Johnson was updated.

2014-08-28 16:58 Changed language: Classical Leheitak

Classical Leheitak by David Johnson was updated.

2014-08-28 16:50 Changed language: Sanduuk

Sanduuk by David Johnson was updated.

2014-08-28 06:03 Changed language: Urban Basanawa

Urban Basanawa by k1234567890y was updated.

2014-08-28 06:03 Changed language: Urban Basanawa

Urban Basanawa by k1234567890y was updated.

2014-08-26 22:31 Changed language: Laefevesi

Laefevesi by Andrej Schütz was updated.

2014-08-26 22:01 New language: Laefevesi

Ashucky added Laefevesi to CALS.

Dóno Laefêvëši (And that's how you greet someone in Laefevesi.)

2014-08-26 16:02 Ashucky just joined

Ashucky, who joined on Aug. 26, 2014, 4:02 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!

2014-08-23 23:14 Worldcon well over

Worldcon is over, the London meetup is over, and the admin should have quaffed more caffeine throughout.

A great big thanks to the conlangers at the meetup for testing the new meetup-badge system, as the backend is different from LCC4.

2014-08-23 20:55 Changed language: Mala

Mala by Catherine B. Krause was updated.

2014-08-23 20:54 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Mala by gobblette

Sadwa ta vuya nadwa qa kololub aka kurelub. Ra airbuya porilil aka djamulil oko agus ku djalir farilil.

All person be-born opposite-of slave according-to-(honor-worthiness) and according-to-(do-possession). They endowed by-(truth-path) and by-(self-knowing) and need to-act between-themselves by-means-of-brother-path.

Literal Translation:
All person be born the opposite of slave according to dignity and according to right. They endowed by reason and by conscience and need to act between themselves by means of brotherhood.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2014-08-23 20:52 Changed language: Mala

Mala by Catherine B. Krause was updated.

2014-08-23 20:49 Changed language: Mala

Mala by Catherine B. Krause was updated.

2014-08-23 20:48 New language: Mala

gobblette added Mala to CALS.

Tho (shalik). Mala (And that's how you greet someone in Mala.)

Mala's homepage is at https://sites.google.com/site/conlangmala/.

2014-08-22 23:42 Changed language: LCR

LCR by colz was updated.

2014-08-22 21:46 Changed language: LCR

LCR by colz was updated.

2014-08-22 21:44 New language: LCR

colz added LCR to CALS.

2014-08-21 03:38 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Poswa by Soap

Pablevo, pup pabo.

This is more difficult than I thought.

I think, therefore I am

2014-08-20 21:19 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-20 14:55 Changed language: Himmaswa

Himmaswa by clawgrip was updated.

2014-08-17 17:09 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Glosa by arnick

Panto andro es ge-nati libe e iso de digni e de plu privilegi. Id es ge-dona a mu u logika e un auto-kritici e mu debi akti ad alelo in sibi spiritu.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2014-08-17 11:22 New language: urdcax

thegranddestroyer added urdcax to CALS.

çaavayakl ayeyarok'þ (And that's how you greet someone in urdcax.)

urdcax's homepage is at http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Urdcax.

2014-08-17 11:04 thegranddestroyer just joined

thegranddestroyer, who joined on Aug. 17, 2014, 11:04 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!

2014-08-16 11:37 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:35 Changed language: Gripping

Gripping by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:34 Changed language: Gripping

Gripping by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:32 Changed language: Gripping

Gripping by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:26 Changed language: Gripping

Gripping by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:26 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:25 Changed language: Gripping

Gripping by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:23 New language: Gripping

saizai added Gripping to CALS.

(taking hold of one's interlocutor's hand) 3o3o (And that's how you greet someone in Gripping.)

Gripping's homepage is at http://000024.org/conlang/gripping.html.

2014-08-16 11:21 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:20 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:19 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:19 Changed language: UNLWS

UNLWS by Sai, Alex Fink was updated.

2014-08-16 11:18 New language: UNLWS

saizai added UNLWS to CALS.

UNLWS's homepage is at http://s.ai/nlws.

2014-08-16 10:47 saizaib35a47d957e84715 just joined

saizaib35a47d957e84715, who joined on Aug. 16, 2014, 10:47 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!

2014-08-16 05:05 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-16 04:47 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-16 04:37 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 21:16 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 21:08 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 20:59 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 20:18 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 19:50 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 19:36 Changed language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Abaru Human Proto-Language by Manofzelego, Sithril was updated.

2014-08-15 19:33 New language: Abaru Human Proto-Language

Manofzelego added Abaru Human Proto-Language to CALS.

Enya Abaru Human Proto-Language ! (And that's how you greet someone in Abaru Human Proto-Language .)

2014-08-15 19:28 Changed language: Thȧtareni

Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.

2014-08-15 19:27 Changed language: Thȧtareni

Thȧtareni by Manofzelego was updated.

2014-08-15 07:48 Linguistika just joined

Linguistika, who joined on Aug. 15, 2014, 7:48 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!

2014-08-11 19:38 Changed language: Old Arassenian

Old Arassenian by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:25 Changed language: anotherunnamed

anotherunnamed by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:24 Changed language: (unused)

(unused) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:24 Changed language: (unused 3)

(unused 3) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:24 Changed language: (unused 2)

(unused 2) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:23 Changed language: (unused 3)

(unused 3) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:21 Changed language: (unused 2)

(unused 2) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-11 19:16 Changed language: (unused)

(unused) by Fanael was updated.

2014-08-10 16:31 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-10 16:25 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-09 22:25 Changed language: Gaku

Gaku by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2014-08-08 00:49 Changed language: LipTalk

LipTalk by Exordia was updated.

2014-08-07 23:45 Changed language: LipTalk

LipTalk by Exordia was updated.

2014-08-07 23:26 Changed language: LipTalk

LipTalk by Exordia was updated.

2014-08-07 23:25 Changed language: LipTalk

LipTalk by Exordia was updated.

2014-08-07 22:25 Changed language: LipTalk

LipTalk by Exordia was updated.

2014-08-06 17:37 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-06 17:33 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-06 17:32 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-06 17:30 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-05 20:39 Meet other conlangers at Worldcon in London next week!

CALS's entire team (developer, sysadmin and worrywart, all conveniently co-located in a single human body) will be visiting this year's Worldcon in London at the ExCel, 14th-18th of August. Look for the black t-shirt with CALS in big, friendly, yellow lettering on it.

Prime locations: large bookstores with good linguistics sections, pubs with real ale, the GBBF, the games tent during the DS sessions (Streetpass FTW!), Bettina Beinhoff's session on Sunday, and the offsite-but-near conlanger meetup scheduled for the 15th.

2014-08-05 20:33 Yet another domain name for CALS!

CALS is now also reachable through cals.no. It's slightly cheaper than cals.nu so it is possible that cals.nu will be allowed to just time out when it is up for renewal next year.

2014-08-05 14:39 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-03 15:49 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-03 11:43 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Hutl da natl tat pelen tat ke pelen eg swapl pelen je puhen. Swapl piun timun. Siwunnatl da natl tat pelen tat ke mulen eg swapl pelen je puhen. Swapl piun temun. Nutanatl da natl tat mulen tat ke pelen eg swapl mulen je puhen. Swapl piun pwanun popianatl sa. Siotunatl da natl tat mulen tat ke mulen eg swapl mulen je puhen. Swapl piun gumun.

[Fool singular] [object-subject separator] [someone singular] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [and postposition] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object]  [that conjunction] [he/she/they singular] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [main verb follows] [be factual-tense-with-no-direct-object].
[He/she/they singular] [ordinary command marker] [refrain-from/abstrain-from/shun infinitive].

[Compound: siwun (study infinitive) + natl (someone singular)] [object-subject separator] [someone singular] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [and postposition] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [that conjunction] [he/she/they singular] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [main verb follows] [be factual-tense-with-no-direct-object].
[He/she/they singular] [ordinary command marker] [teach/instruct/educate infinitive].

[Compound: nuta (asleep adjective) + natl (someone singular)] [object-subject separator] [someone singular] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [and postposition] [not-know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [that conjunction] [he/she/they singular] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [main verb follows] [be factual-tense-with-no-direct-object].
[He/she/they singular] [ordinary command marker] [change infinitive] [Compound: popia (awake adjective) + natl (someone singular)] [into postposition].

[Compound: siotu (wise adjective) + natl (someone singular)] [object-subject separator] [someone singular] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [who/which/that indefinite-number-(implied-singular)] [and postposition] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [that conjunction] [he/she/they singular] [know factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [main verb follows] [be factual-tense-with-no-direct-object].

[He/she/they singular] [ordinary command marker] [follow infinitive].

He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.

2014-08-03 11:04 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Pewnl watu da mewjl wewmin jeneg. Wugl towtowmen eg: jem, tat mewjl towmmin puhun, tos puhan.

[Word singular] [that/those adjective] [object-subject seperator] [you singular] [use factual-tense-with-non-living-direct-object] [continually adverb]. [I singular] [opposite-of-believe factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [that conjunction] [meaning indefinite-number] [what/who indefinite-number] [you singular] [believe factual-tense-with-non-living-direct-object] [be infinitive], [it/that/those indefinite] [be(come) dubious-tense-with-no-direct-object].

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

2014-08-03 01:43 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

De aplo es not Rede.

The apple is not red.

2014-08-03 01:42 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

Vi given him de aplon.

We give him the apple.

2014-08-03 01:41 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

Not toche miu der!

Don't touch me there!

2014-08-03 01:40 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

Onde es de playo?

Where is the beach?

2014-08-03 01:40 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

Vat es de plano?

What's the plan?

2014-08-03 01:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

No problemo

No problem.

2014-08-03 01:39 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Spanglo by andresfelipe

E de entire Terro haved un languu, e un speko.

1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2014-08-03 01:37 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Spanglo by andresfelipe

Ti kepe uzendo dat parolo. Mi pense not signifike vat ti pense ke signifike.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

2014-08-03 01:35 New language: Spanglo

andresfeliper_3 added Spanglo to CALS.

Halo Spanglo (And that's how you greet someone in Spanglo.)

2014-08-03 00:28 New translation of "On Tradition" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Jumengwahungem puhen ap: swowunnat sum pwann ligenat sa is: pitaenat swap jownan.

[Compound: Jumen (down[ward] adverb) + wahun (pass/hand/give infinitive) + gem (repetitive-action indefinite-number)] [be factual-tense-with-no-direct-object] [when conjunctive-particle]: [compound: swowun (grow infinitive) + nat (one/someone/some-people indefinite-number)] [old-person/people indefinite-number] [change factual-tense-with-person-direct-object] [compound: lige (corrupt) + nat (one/someone/some-people indefinite-number)] [into] [in order that]: [compound: pitae (dead) + nat (one/someone/some-people indefinite-number)] [he/she/they/this/those-people indefinite-number] [please dubious-tense-with-person-direct-object].

Tradition is the old corrupting the young to please the dead.

2014-08-02 23:50 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Tumunnatlwigl do hugl ha, puh anat!

[Compound: tumun (work infinitive) + natl (someone singular) + wigl (collection singular)] [vocative-postposition] [world singular] [of], [be(come) harsh-imperative-form] [one]!

Proletariat of the world, unite!

2014-08-02 23:17 Herbifex_la just joined

Herbifex_la, who joined on Aug. 2, 2014, 11:17 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!

2014-08-02 17:05 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Masl gugogl ha tiunmin, Nog junmin: Puhun wugl janen, Nog junmin. Nog da samunjapa janunpapa ke sia junmin. Miasl gawunnatl ha wugl ha wugl tewmin. Nog tosl junmin.

[Shore singular] [Compound: gu (solitary) + gogl (land singular)] [of] [stand-(on) factual-tense-with-non-living-object],
[Sea indefinite-number] [drift-(toward) factual-tense-with-non-living-object]:

[Be infinitive] [I singular] [wish factual-tense-with-non-direct-object],
[Sea indefinite-number] [drift-(toward) factual-tense-with-non-living-object].

[Sea indefinite-number] [object-subject separator] [Compound: samun (hope infinitive) + japa (thing plural)] [Compound: janun (dream infinitive) + papa (act plural)] [and]
[all] [drift-(toward) factual-tense-with-non-living-object].

[Boat singular] [Compound: gawun (love infinitive) + natl (someone)] [of] [I singular] [of] [I singular] [watch factual-tense-with-non-living-object].
[Sea indefinite-number] [it/this singular] [drift-(toward) factual-tense-with-non-living-object].

Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.

2014-08-02 16:28 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Pwapl piun telun siohungem so jotla ha. Jotl piun telun!

[Fight singular] [normal-imperative] [give/do/make infinitive] [Compound: siohun (go extinct, be obliterated) + gem (repetitive action)] [against] [speech/language plural] [of].

[Speech/language singular] [normal-imperative] [give/do/make infinitive].

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2014-08-02 16:25 Changed language: Gammidge

Gammidge by Rebecca Ashling was updated.

2014-08-02 16:17 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Jot puhmten!

[Speech indeterminate-number] [be(come) emphatic-tense-with-non-living-direct-object]!

fiat lingua!

2014-08-02 16:11 New translation of "Farewell" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Piun gienun!

[Normal-imperative harsh-imperative-form]* [be-well infinitive]!

* a bit of linguistic nonsense; it's just the marker for the non-harsh imperative of other verbs, used in any commands beneath the level of "Stop, drop and roll!"

bye $

2014-08-02 15:59 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Janunpapa wutu get we himen gwas wa.

[Compound: janun (dream infinitive) + papa (act plural)] [green adjective] [color indefinite-number] [without] [sleep facutal-tense-with-no-direct-object] [fury indefinite-number] [with].

Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.

2014-08-02 15:47 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Magl mewjl ut piahmten piahunletl ga jut na.

[Bottle singular] [you singular] [negative-imperative-particle] [wash emphatic-tense-with-non-living-direct-object] [compound: piahun (wash infinitive) + letl (tool singular)] [in] [dish/utensil indeterminate-number] [for]

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2014-08-02 15:29 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Us wugl jolen, us wugl puhen.

[Because...] [I singular] [think factual-tense-with-no-direct-object], [...therefore] [I singular] [be(come) factual-tense-with-no-direct-object]

I think, therefore I am

2014-08-02 15:22 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Hipl tos puhent? As; lesl tos puhen.

[pencil/pen singular] [it/this/they/those indefinite-number-(contextual-singular)] [be(come) interrogative-tense-with-no-direct-object]?


[window/viewport/hole/eye singular] [it/this/they/those indefinite-number-(contextual-singular)] [be(come) factual-tense-with-no-direct-object]

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2014-08-02 15:07 New translation of "All your demands" into Jot wugta ha by gobblette

Getla sia mewj da nat pelmin.

[order/demand/imperative/directive/request plural] [all/every] [you unspecified-number] [subject-marker] [one (indefinite pronoun)] [fulfill factual-mood thing-gender]

All your demands will be met.

2014-08-02 14:49 New language: Jot wugta ha

gobblette added Jot wugta ha to CALS.

Sonnten! Jot wugta ha (And that's how you greet someone in Jot wugta ha.)

2014-08-01 23:02 Changed language: Mîrkšam

Mîrkšam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.

2014-08-01 18:43 Changed language: Mîrkšam

Mîrkšam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.