« October November December »
2014-11-29 03:01 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-29 02:50 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-27 18:53 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-26 22:18 Changed language: Minhast
- Minhast by Kirmek was updated.
2014-11-26 22:15 New language: Minhast
nickcamporillo added Minhast to CALS.
Saššiammāš ikassuaš! Minhast (And that's how you greet someone in Minhast.)
2014-11-26 22:01 nickcamporillo just joined
nickcamporillo, who joined on Nov. 26, 2014, 10:01 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-26 15:33 Upgrade done
.. more or less. There was some trouble with insufficient space so some things had to be done manually, but all things CALS-relevant seems to be up and running.
2014-11-26 02:41 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-26 02:35 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-25 11:03 The time of ugrade is upon us
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th of November, the OS of the machine that runs CALS will be upgraded. All of CALS will temporarily be replaced with a "We're upgrading"-page.
The plan is to start at 09:00+0100 and be done before lunch the same day.
2014-11-25 10:54 kanejam just joined
kanejam, who joined on Nov. 25, 2014, 10:54 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-23 00:59 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-22 22:34 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-22 20:10 Changed language: Sǔra
- Sǔra by Jaime Wolfe was updated.
2014-11-22 19:56 Changed language: Sǔra
- Sǔra by Jaime Wolfe was updated.
2014-11-22 19:45 Changed language: Sǔra
- Sǔra by Jaime Wolfe was updated.
2014-11-22 19:16 Changed language: Sǔra
- Sǔra by Jaime Wolfe was updated.
2014-11-22 19:02 Changed language: Sǔra
- Sǔra by Jaime Wolfe was updated.
2014-11-22 18:42 New language: Sǔra
tradespin added Sǔra to CALS.
Um vingam! Minað sǔru (And that's how you greet someone in Sǔra.)
2014-11-22 18:37 tradespin just joined
tradespin, who joined on Nov. 22, 2014, 6:37 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-19 12:44 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-19 12:06 Changed language: Limerian
- Limerian by Catherine B. Krause was updated.
2014-11-19 11:55 Changed language: Limerian
- Limerian by Catherine B. Krause was updated.
2014-11-19 11:39 New translation of "All your demands" into Limerian by gobblette
Pu cis bad ne dis pal pinc.
Lit. "You are receiving all of your demanded things."
All your demands will be met.
2014-11-19 11:29 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Limerian by gobblette
Lits pol kofu rich sted ne spok pal gigi ne tot pal anda gid higi thits ne nart pal da. Pu kor higi rok sted ligi zu mes ma sted ce nix shenga stop ga.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2014-11-19 11:26 Changed language: Pazan
- Pazan by Catherine B. Krause was updated.
2014-11-19 11:26 New language: Limerian
gobblette added Limerian to CALS.
Tent! Cun punt ne ves pal (And that's how you greet someone in Limerian.)
2014-11-19 04:23 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-19 03:27 Changed language: Kiitra
- Kiitra by D. R. Merrill was updated.
2014-11-17 21:49 Changed language: Laucariman
- Laucariman by Brv was updated.
2014-11-17 21:19 New language: Laucariman
Brv added Laucariman to CALS.
2014-11-17 08:40 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 07:34 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 07:17 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 07:10 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 07:08 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 05:19 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 04:57 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 04:23 Changed language: Lohsee
- Lohsee by Jason Benjamin was updated.
2014-11-17 04:04 New language: Lohsee
hexusnexus added Lohsee to CALS.
The Language of Lohsee lose (And that's how you greet someone in Lohsee.)
Lohsee's homepage is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/inb112jszxn6gsj/lohsee.pdf?dl=0.
2014-11-17 01:13 hexusnexus just joined
hexusnexus, who joined on Nov. 17, 2014, 1:13 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-16 08:36 New language: Primitive Ruminis
triskara added Primitive Ruminis to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:33 New language: Primitive Averlis
triskara added Primitive Averlis to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:25 New language: Proto Ke Son Lii
triskara added Proto Ke Son Lii to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:20 New language: Primitive Takardan
triskara added Primitive Takardan to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:17 New language: Primitive Tule Defi
triskara added Primitive Tule Defi to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:09 New language: Old Balres
triskara added Old Balres to CALS.
2014-11-16 08:05 Changed language: Primitive Ayinis
- Primitive Ayinis by triskara was updated.
2014-11-16 07:55 New language: Primitive Ayinis
triskara added Primitive Ayinis to CALS.
2014-11-15 23:21 triskara just joined
triskara, who joined on Nov. 15, 2014, 11:21 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-13 09:17 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ešaŧeƃ egaran Ekin efulal
Eš-aŧeƃN-yearegarannewEkinhappyeful-albe-FUTHappy New Year!
2014-11-13 08:59 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
En eguð anasiras!
EnNEGeguðthereanas-ir-astouch-1SG-NFUT'Don't touch me there'
Don't touch me there!
2014-11-13 08:55 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ek exašešanamun efulas?
EkINTERex-ašešan-amunINAN-drink-roomeful-asbe-NFUT'Where is the bar?'
Where is the bar?
2014-11-13 08:53 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ek exaxaðem efulas?
EkINTERex-axaðemINAN-beacheful-asbe-NFUT'Where is the beach?'
Where is the beach?
2014-11-13 08:49 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ek exašešanir efulas?
EkINTERex-ašešan-irINAN-room-1SGeful-asbe-NFUT'Where is my room?'
Where is my room?
2014-11-13 08:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Iŧ edaƃitas.
Iŧ1PL.EXCLedaƃ-it-astrust-2SG-NFUT'You can trust us'
You can count on us.
2014-11-13 08:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Anaƌiŧas idaniŧas.
Anaƌ-iŧ-aslet_it_be-1PL.EXCL-NFUTidan-iŧ-asgo-1PL.EXCL-NFUT'Let it be - we go.'
Let's get moving.
2014-11-13 08:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Idan-iŧ-asgo-1PL.EXCL-NFUT'We are going'
On our way.
2014-11-13 08:37 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Very well.
2014-11-13 07:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Agas eƃigit.
Ag-aldo-FUTeƃig-itthink-2SG'Think and it will be done'
NOTE: This could be considered an idiom, as while it literally translates to 'think and it will be done', it actually means 'it will be done' or 'consider it done'.
Consider it done.
2014-11-12 04:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Exenegeƌ efulas.
Ex-en-egeƌ-edINAN-NEG-problem-PLeful-asbe-NFUTNo problem.
2014-11-12 04:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Efuliŧas ag.
Eful-iŧ-asbe-1PL.EXCL-NFUTagdo'We are doing.'
We're on it.
2014-11-12 04:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
2014-11-12 04:49 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Eniras im.
Enir-asmove-NFUTimout'Move out'
Move out!
2014-11-12 04:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Anaƌ-aslet_it_be-NFUTAs you wish.
2014-11-12 04:44 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Exeƌil aƌuterameniras, enetasir.
Ex-eƌilINAN-glassaƌuter-amen-ir-as,can-eat-1SG-NFUTen-etas-irNEG-hurt-1SG'I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.'
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2014-11-12 04:35 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ešaðegarit efulal Ekin.
Eš-að-egar-itN-day-birth-2SGeful-albe-FUTEkinhappy'May your day of birth be happy'
Happy birthday!
2014-11-12 04:27 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Exeðem, exeðum, exaðem efuliras; iruniral ešexax emun efulal egaral. Utan apaten ešexilam efuliras, ešegiladiked aƃagiras; aman exaŋeŋed ažeƌamiras ešeŧamariked exemutasik; exaverenik ešamitaniked, exaverenik ešaset. Ixak, eƌegilik exeƌulik anabišas udir exeƃamar Ešaverenin. Efuliƃas ir, efuliras iƃ.
Ex-eðemINAN-yesterdayex-eðumINAN-todayex-aðemINAN-tomorroweful-ir-asbe-1SG-NFUT'I am yesterday, today and tomorrow'
Irun-ir-alpossess-1SG-FUTeš-exaxN-poweremuntwiceeful-albe-FUTegar-alborn-FUT'I possess the power to be twice born'
Utandivineapatenhiddeneš-exilamN-souleful-ir-asbe-1SG-NFUT'I am the divine hidden soul'
Eš-egilad-ik-edN-god-that.DAT-PLaƃag-ir-asmake-1SG-NFUT'I create the gods'
Amansepulchreex-aŋeŋ-edINAN-meal-PLažeƌam-ir-asgive-1SG-NFUTeš-eŧamar-ik-edN-occupant-that.DAT-PLex-emutas-ikINAN-below-that.DAT'I give meals of the sepulchre to the occupants of below'
Ex-averen-ikINAN-realm-that.DATeš-amitan-ik-edN-dead-that.DAT-PLex-averen-ikINAN-realm-that.DATeš-asetN-life'The realm of the dead and the realm of life'
Ixakhaileƌ-egil-ikM-ruler-that.DATex-eƌul-ikINAN-shrine-that.DATanabiš-asstand-NFUTudirinsideex-eƃamarINAN-centreEš-averen-inN-realm-1PL.INCL'Hail, Lord of the shrine, standing inside the centre of our realm.'
Eful-iƃ-asbe-3SG.M-NFUTir1SGeful-ir-asbe-1SG-NFUTiƃ3SG.MI am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2014-11-12 02:55 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Enudat ašeðen ešeŋaƌed ekagan aƌalas.
En-udatNEG-colouraš-eðentree-grueeš-eŋaƌ-edN-idea-PLekaganfuriousaƌal-assleep-NFUT'Colourless green ideas furiously sleep.'
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2014-11-12 02:51 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Enudat ašeðen ešełamed ekagan aƌalas
En-udatNEG-colouraš-eðentree-grueeš-ełam-edN-dream-PLekaganfuriousaƌal-assleep-NFUT'Colourless green dreams furiously sleep.'
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2014-11-12 02:03 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ešešenaλerav emanas. Ešešen aƃagas.
Eš-ešen-aλeravN-language-extincteman-asfight-NFUT'Fight language extinction'
Eš-ešenN-languageaƃag-asmake-NFUT'Make a language'
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2014-11-11 12:24 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Anaƌas ešešen aƃagas.
Anaƌ-aslet_it_be-NFUTeš-ešenN-languageaƃag-asmake-NFUT'Let it be - make a language.'
NOTE: In Eƌešenin, languages are given genders. Eƌešenin itself is the only Masculine language, all others are feminine. When talking generally about language, the Neuter gender is used.
fiat lingua!
2014-11-11 12:16 New translation of "Farewell" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
bye $
2014-11-11 12:09 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Eƃigiras, aƌat efuliras.
Eƃig-ir-asthink-1SG-NFUTaƌatergoeful-ir-asbe-1SG-NFUTI think, therefore I am
2014-11-11 12:02 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
En examunumenik irasas exirasumenik.
EnNEGex-amun-umen-ikINAN-drink-vessel-that.SING.DATiras-aswash-NFUTex-iras-umen-ikINAN-wash-vessel-that.SING.DAT'Don't wash that bottle with that dishwasher'
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2014-11-11 11:48 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ek efulas eševirun? En, efulas ešeƌilifal.
EkINTEReful-asbe-NFUTeš-evirunN-pencil'Is it a pencil?'
EnNEGeful-asbe-NFUTeš-eƌil-ifalN-glass-pane'No, it is a window.'
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2014-11-11 11:34 New translation of "All your demands" into Ewheshenin by LawOfTheSeas
Ełam ešinunimed akanal
EłamAlleš-inun-im-edN-demand-2PL-PLakan-almeet-FUT'All your demands will be met'
All your demands will be met.
2014-11-11 11:11 Changed language: Ewheshenin
- Ewheshenin by Ben Felix was updated.
2014-11-11 10:52 New language: Ewheshenin
LawOfTheSeas added Ewheshenin to CALS.
Ŧaƌes Eƌešenin (And that's how you greet someone in Ewheshenin.)
2014-11-11 10:48 LawOfTheSeas just joined
LawOfTheSeas, who joined on Nov. 11, 2014, 10:48 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2014-11-09 06:35 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 06:24 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 05:42 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 05:18 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 04:20 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 02:23 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 01:52 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-09 00:37 Changed language: Ccharthii
- Ccharthii by Colz was updated.
2014-11-07 21:12 New language: Ccharthii
colz35 added Ccharthii to CALS.
2014-11-05 19:39 Changed language: Urban Basanawa
- Urban Basanawa by k1234567890y was updated.
2014-11-04 14:49 Changed language: Jajuna
- Jajuna by Max Dominik Weber was updated.
2014-11-04 14:45 Changed language: Jajuna
- Jajuna by Max Dominik Weber was updated.
2014-11-04 14:21 Changed language: Jajuna
- Jajuna by Max Dominik Weber was updated.
2014-11-04 14:14 Changed language: Jajuna
- Jajuna by Max Dominik Weber was updated.
2014-11-01 21:40 Changed language: Tuncaa Mii
- Tuncaa Mii by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2014-11-01 21:34 Changed language: Tuncaa Mii
- Tuncaa Mii by Kenneth Nyman was updated.