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2017-02-28 02:24 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-27 09:07 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Hlebyandomum ushoinimvu!
Tsii2SG.NOMhle-byandom-umday-birth.GER-3SG.F.ACCushoini-mvuhappy-ADJ.3SG.F.ACCo-oe-th!SUG-have[PRS]-2SG.PFV'You should have a happy birthday! (SUG = Suggestive Mood)'
Happy birthday!
2017-02-27 08:52 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Vii bvinleem, anyom, aa sashmaaram voom, aa vii onshkuultum thwokosetaufefe zhoimatufu byandomuhibuf wim. Vii onamaachiyom zhyevnosupamzhu shelaaxutepumzhu xeeyom ondwovnaim xsuintan aa bwejaim fnakaalepwim onojiiseyai onyudshidaf aa onmyajof onumbaaresesayoif aa onzveerokof oelt voom... Vii onchowanom onfyantiraf xeef chechiinadata onmwaktof kataavsot arain. Dzii miim voot aa vii dziim voom!
Vii1SG.NOMbvinlee-myesterday-3SG.N.ACCanyo-mtoday-3SG.N.ACCaaandsashmaar-amtomorrow-3SG.N.ACCvoo-mbe[PRS]-1SG.IPFVaaandvii1SG.NOMon-shkuult-umDEF-power-3SG.F.ACCthwokos-eta-uf-efehappen-NMLZ-3SG.F.GEN-VAGRzhoi-mat-ufutwo-ORD-ADJ.3SG.F.GENbyandom-uh-i-b-ufbirth-INF-PASS-PTCP-3SG.F.GENwi-m.have[PRS]-1SG.IPFVVii1SG.NOMon-amaachi-yomDEF-soul-3SG.M.ACCzhyevnos-upa-mzhudivinity-ADJ-ADJ.3SG.M.ACCshelaaxut-epu-mzhuhide-ADJ-ADJ.3SG.M.ACCxee-yomREL-3SG.M.ACCon-dwovn-aimDEF-god-3PL.N.ACCxsuint-a-ncreate-PST-3SG.PFVaaandbwej-aimmeal-3PL.N.ACCfnakaale-p-wimtomb-ADJ-ADJ.3PL.N.ACCon-ojiise-yaiDEF-denizen-3PL.N.DATon-yudshida-fDEF-deep-3SG.N.GENaaandon-myajo-fDEF-place-3SG.N.GENon-umbaares-esa-yoifDEF-die-NMLZ-3PL.M.GENaaandon-zveerok-ofDEF-heaven-3SG.M.GENoe-ltgive[PRS]-3SG.PFV.HBTvoo-m...be[PRS]-1SG.IPFVVii1SG.NOMon-chowan-omDEF-lord-3SG.M.ACCon-fyantir-afDEF-shrine-3SG.N.GENxee-fREL-3SG.N.GENche-chiinad-atain-center-3SG.N.LOCon-mwakt-ofDEF-earth-3SG.M.GENkataavs-o-tstand-PRS-3SG.IPFVarai-n.hail[PRS]-1SG.PFVDzii3SG.M.NOMmiim1SG.ACCvoo-tbe[PRS]-3SG.IPFVaaandvii1SG-NOMdziim3SG.M.ACCvoo-m!be[PRS]-1SG.IPFVI am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2017-02-26 16:02 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-22 16:52 Changed language: Onnasurin
- Onnasurin by Friederich Kugelschreiber was updated.
2017-02-20 05:12 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-16 10:30 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Etelegbe by marvelousbecca
Ju, píkpol lérel otékpif ókpo otépim ung púne únu?
ju , píkpo-l l<ére>l oté-kpi-f ókpo oté-pi-m ung púne únu? excuse.me , be.yellow.or.red-PL PL<brick> PRO.3SG.INAN-REL-GEN road PRO.3SG.INAN-Q-ADV POST.LOC be.at Q?
Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-02-15 13:26 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-13 18:53 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Yele, wimmin, leim þodoçþo bake si çodûça ðûþûddotað?
yele , wimmin , leim þod<oç>þo bak-e si çod-uça ð<û>þûd-dot-að attention , friend , where be.located<3SG.INAN> road-DEF of yellow-ADJ.INAN.INDEF.PL build<PL>-INAN.ACT.PART-INDEF.INS 'je.le , 'wim.min , leɪ̯m þo'doç.þo 'bɑ.ke si ço'duçɑ ðɯ.þɯ'do.tað There is a vocative particle <ha>, but it is not used with <yele> "hail!; attention!" or <leyele> "hello."
Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-02-13 11:11 New translation of "Smile" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Ĩhiho jẽdĩ cãde: "Qã-saspru bĩ-nakeskoc ar bĩ-neft. Utnav mak nup cacaurta!" Vjẽd kakeskocho bar keftho bar askho mak cacaurta.
ĩh-iho jẽd-ĩ cãd-e : say-PST something-speak PRO.DAT-1SG : ĩ'hi.ho 'jẽ.di 'cã.de " qã=s-asp-r-u bĩ=n-akeskoc ar bĩ=n-eft . " if=you-want-DIM-3SG.NTOP.OBJ should=INF-smile AND should=INF-be.happy . qã'sas.pɹu bĩ.na'kes.koc a˞ bĩ'neft utnav mak n-up cac-au-rta ! " can everything INF-be bad-ADJ-COMP ! " 'ut.nav mak nup ca'caʊ˞.ta vjẽd k-akeskoc-ho so 1SG-smile-PST vʲẽd ka.kes'koc.ho bar k-eft-ho AND 1SG-be.happy-PST ba˞ 'keft.ho bar ask-ho mak cac-au-rta . AND become-PST everything bad-ADJ-COMP . ba˞ 'ask.ho mak ca'cau˞.ta
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-13 08:47 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-13 07:26 New translation of "Smile" into Toki Pona by marvelousbecca
kalama li toki e ni tawa mi: "o lukin pi pilin pona, o pilin pona! ali li ike lili, li ken ike mute!" mi lukin pi pilin pona. mi pilin pona. ali li kama ike mute.
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-13 06:52 New translation of "Smile" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Lux o-im tjane: "Ren-nakeskotj pha ren-neft! Khat ut me pasaula!" Fje ok-kakeskotj pha ok-keft pha khat o-ask tjap-pasaula.
lux o=im tja-ne : voice PST=say PRO.DAT-1SG : lʊx ɔʔ'ʔim 'tʲa.ne : ren=n-akeskotj pha ren=n-eft ! IMP=INF-smile AND IMP=INF-be.happy ! ren.na'kes.kɔtʲ pʰa ren'neft ! khat ut me pas-au-la ! everything can be bad-ADJ-COMP ! kʰat ʊt me pa'saʊ.la ! fje ok=k-akeskotj so PST=1SG-smile fʲe ɔk.ka'kes.kɔtʲ pha ok=k-eft AND PST=1SG-be.happy pʰa ɔk'keft pha khat o=ask tjap=pas-au-la . AND everything PST=become LAT=bad-ADJ-COMP . pʰa kʰat ɔʔ'ʔask tʲap.pa'saʊ.la .
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-12 19:07 Changed language: Etelegbe
- Etelegbe by Becca was updated.
2017-02-12 18:59 New translation of "We are humans" into Etelegbe by marvelousbecca
Linól pegbél en. Linól Úsum ung bipegbólos en.
l<inó>l p-egbé-l en. l<inó>l Úsu-m ung bi-p-egbó-l-os en. PL<1.NOM> V-human-PL DECL. PL<1.NOM> Earth-ADV POST.LOC INCEP-V-exist-PL-PRF DECL.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2017-02-12 15:54 New language: Mayato MKII
k1234567890y added Mayato MKII to CALS.
2017-02-12 12:03 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Talupim tunkhetau khatau me phum thajnau pha lejstu lif-fan pha lip-pekjepsim. Thafjets pha wymes me phent tjani pha phip-phikkemep lik-khet musallunjeifj.
tal-up-im tunkhet-au khat-au me ph-um thajn-au pha lejst-u lif=fan pha lip=pek-j-eps-im . animal-be-PL human-ADJ everything-ADJ PAS 3PL-give.birth freedom-ADJ AND equality-ADJ INS-dignity AND INS=abstraction-INDEF.SBJ-protect-PL . ta'lʊ.pim tʊn'kʰe.taʊ 'kʰa.taʊ me pʰʊm 'tʰaɪ.naʊ pʰa 'leɪ.stʊ lif'fan pʰa lip.pe'kʲep.sim . thafjets pha wymes me ph-ent tjan-i pha phip=ph-ikk-em-ep lik=khet musallunjeifj reason AND conscience PAS 3PL-give PRO.DAT-3PL AND should=behave-above-one.another INS=stomach kinship 'tʰa.fʲets pʰa 'wy.mes me pʰent 'tʲa.ni pʰa pʰip.pʰik'kem.ep likʰ'kʰet mʊ.sal'lu.nʲeɪfʲ Thafjets, wymes, and musallunjeifj are loanwords from Ladoçei Htoleiþe (Ladochei T'oleithe) daðets, huhïmes, and musallunyeiþ. Khan Khaftim contains a large number of these.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2017-02-11 10:38 New translation of "Smile" into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Dabuhinnyin daibuç dateil: "La çarðeþ lali garteþ! Zïn rirsûç hpe dorçûç!" Çaiðatya gaitatli doiçûçkali zïn.
dabu-hiny-nyin d<ai>b-uç dat-eil : speak-NEG.COM-ACT.NOM.AN.PART speak<PST>-3SG.INAN PRO.1SG.AN1-DEF.DAT : dɑ.bu.ʔiɲ'ɲin 'dɑɪ̯.buç 'da.teɪ̯l : " la ça<r>ð-eþ la-li ga<r>t-eþ ! " IMP smile<IRR>-2SG.AN1 IMP-V.AND be.happy<IRR>-2SG.AN1 ! " lɑ 'çɑɹ.ðeþ 'lɑli 'gɑɹ.teþ ! zïn ri<r>s-ûç hpe do<r>ç-ûç ! " PROX.PL.INAN can<IRR>-3PL.INAN COMP be.bad<IRR>-3PL.INAN ! " zyn 'ɹiɹ.sɯç ˀpe 'doɹ.çɯç ! "
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-10 23:16 New translation of "Smile" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Un voce diceva a me: "Surride e sia felice! Il poterea esser pejor!" Assi io surrideva. Et esseva felice. Et il se pejorava.
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-10 20:52 New translation of "Smile" into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Imuha lux cane: "Ze'neft a ze'nomp! Gat me ut nup pasaula!" Vjen keftiha ba kompiha, ke'ketec askiha gat ca'pasaula.
im-u-ha lux can-e : say-3SG.NTOP.OBJ-PST voice PRO.DAT-1SG : i'mu.ha lux 'ca.ne " ze=n-eft a ze=n-omp ! " IMP=INF-smile AND IMP=INF-be.happy ! " ze'neft a ze'nomp gat me ut n-up pas-au-la ! " everything TOP can INF-be bad-ADJ-COMP ! " gat me ut nup pa'saʊ.la ! " vjen k-eft-iha so 1SG.SBJ-smile-PST vjen kef'ti.ha ba k-omp-iha AND 1SG.SBJ-be.happy-PST ba kom'pi.ha ke=ketec ask-iha gat ca=pas-au-la . ADES=that.time become-PST everything DAT=bad-ADJ-COMP . ke'ket.ec as'ki.ha gat ca.pa'saʊ.la
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2017-02-09 21:21 Changed language: Mane Injsikut
- Mane Injsikut by Mike Yams was updated.
2017-02-09 21:16 New language: Mane Injsikut
mikeyams added Mane Injsikut to CALS.
wará Mane Injsikut (And that's how you greet someone in Mane Injsikut.)
2017-02-09 21:14 mikeyams just joined
mikeyams, who joined on Feb. 9, 2017, 9:14 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-02-09 08:48 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
2. Bar avocirto, kẽ-baugãdirto õ-kadot, vã-begizurto tesauc rẽ-fozz Cĩdar; bar kẽd birnozorto.
bar avoc-irto , kẽ=b-augãd-irto õ=kadot , vã=b-egiz-u-rto AND happen-REM , when=3PL.NTOP.SBJ-journey-REM ABL=East , that=3PL.NTOP.SBJ-find-3SG.NTOP.OBJ-REM ba˞ avo'ci˞.to , kẽ.baʊ.gã'di˞.to õ'ka.dot , vã.be.gi'zu˞.to tes-auc rẽ=fozz Cĩdar ; bar kẽd b-irnoz-o-rto . place-be.flat INES=land Shinar ; AND there.TOP 3PL.NTOP.SBJ-begin.inhabiting-3SG.TOP.OBJ-REM 'te.sʊc ɹẽ'fozː Cĩ.da˞ ; ba˞ kẽd bi˞.no'zo˞.to .
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2017-02-08 09:55 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Tagũ Dertẽnkarr!
tag-ũ dert-ẽnkarr ! joy-SG.3SG.NTOP.POS year-come.full.circle ! 'ta.gũ de˞'tẽn.ka˞ː !
Happy New Year!
2017-02-08 09:42 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Ec up twup rufong? Ec twup, ec up dosekr.
ec up tw-up ruf-ong ? Ec twup , ec up dos-ek-r PRO.3 be 3SG.TOP.NEG.SBJ-be hair-write ? PRO.3 3SG.TOP.NEG.SBJ-be , PRO.3 be door-more.general-DIM ec up twup 'ɹu.foŋ ? ec twup , ec up do'se.kɚ The pronoun is necessary whenever the topical verb form is used in questions like this. Though topical forms have fallen out of use in a lot of cases in Gãdũ Fav, this is one of the cases where they are still used. Though this is not colloquial, it would also be possible and correct to say, "Up pwup rufong? Pwup, up dosekr," despite the fact that the object in question is clearly the topic of conversation. This is grammatically OK because in Gãdũ Fav, the decision as to whether to say "pwup" or "twup" depends on the positioning of the topic in the sentence (whether or not it is before the verb), rather than whether or not it is the topic of conversation.
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2017-02-07 10:18 New translation of "We are humans" into Lingua Franca Nova by marvelousbecca
Nos es umanas e nos es de la Tera. Нос ес уманас е нос ес де ла Тера.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2017-02-07 10:07 New translation of "We are humans" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Gup rõd ar up nekex Sras.
g-up rõd ar up nek-ex Sras . 1PL.SBJ-be human AND be home-1PL.POS Earth . gup ɹõd a˞ up 'nekex sɹas .
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2017-02-07 09:55 New translation of "All your demands" into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Nesûçei rïftrahyot si deþeim þûdlaçne hûtïmleç deþeil.
nes-ûçei r[ï]ftra-hyot si deþ-eim all-ADJ.INAN.DEF.PL demand[PL]-INAN.PAS.PART PREP.GEN you.SG.AN1-DEF.LOC 'ne.ʃɯ.çeɪ̯ 'ryf.tɹɑʔ.jot si 'de.þeɪ̯m þ[û]d[laç]ne h[û]tïm-leç deþ-eil . AUX.FUT[PAS.PRSNT.PL.INAN] give[PAS]-PRSNT.PAS.PL.INAN you.SG.AN1-DEF.DAT . 'þɯd.lɑç.ne 'ʔɯ.tym.leç 'de.þeɪ̯l "All your demanded things will be given to you."
All your demands will be met.
2017-02-07 02:05 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Dekaayo zvertuumem zeeglaxtadhum otaraachont. Dekaayo yaitdanzeegom ohavuudhvant!
Dekaa-yoPersonINDF-3SG.N.NOMzvertuume-mextinction-3SG.M.ACCzeeglaxt-adh-umlinguistics-ADJ-3SG.M.ACCo-taraacho-ntSUG-fight[PRS]-3SG.PFVDekaa-yoPersonINDF-3SG.N.NOMyait-danzeeg-omINDF-language-3SG.N.ACCo-havuudhva-ntSUG-invent[PRS]-3SG.PFVFight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-02-07 02:01 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Danzeego ovoont!
Danzeeg-oLanguage-3SG.N.NOMo-voo-ntSUG-be[PRS]-3SG.PFV'SUG=Suggestive mood. Conveys a sense of There should be language or Language should exist.'
fiat lingua!
2017-02-06 16:32 New translation of "All your demands" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Pekjẽnfos makau jafnãdij.
pek-j-ẽnf-os mak-au j-afnãd-ij . abstraction-INDEF.SBJ-demand-PL.2SG.POS everything-ADJ INDEF.SBJ-fulfill-3PL.TOP.OBJ . pe'kʲẽn.fos 'ma.kaʊ jaf'nã.diɪ Moving a noun out of normal VSO order makes it the topic. This is mostly used for passive-like constructions such as this one.
All your demands will be met.
2017-02-06 16:25 Changed language: Gadu Fav
- Gadu Fav by Becca was updated.
2017-02-06 16:14 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Gan Dostau by marvelousbecca
Kup kad pentau, kad ecau, ba kad cantaktau, ba kopt pekutnavo njum ho'laj leb ket. Kup lopot makau pekjottau me'tupnililo Mak a me'tentil senjostwil xop ca'lontozwil tes soxau, tesul lontajl, a tesul Mak... Kikta, xaduma tes dostau me'tizz le'bonum tes Las. Tup kec a kup tec!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2017-02-06 16:05 Changed language: Gan Dostau
- Gan Dostau by Becca was updated.
2017-02-06 16:02 Changed language: Gadu Fav
- Gadu Fav by Becca was updated.
2017-02-06 15:58 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Teslek, keskr qã-sĩ cãde jẽhe up?
tes-l-ek , k-esk-r qã=s-ĩ cãd-e jẽhe up ? place-DIM-SG.1SG.POS , 1SG-love-DIM if=you-say PRO.DAT-1SG where be ? 'teslek , 'kes.kɚ qã'sĩ 'cã.de 'jẽ.he up ?
Where is my room?
2017-02-06 15:45 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Qã-saspru, keskr qã-sĩ cãde jẽhe up Vett Rat-Magitetau?
qã=s-asp-r-u , k-esk-r qã=s-ĩ cãd-e jẽhe up Vett Rat=Mag-it-et-au ? if=2SG.SBJ-want-DIM-3SG.NTOP.OBJ , 1SG.SBJ-love-DIM if=you-say PRO.DAT-1SG where be road brick=gold-color-similar-ADJ ? qã'sas.pɹu , 'kes.kɚ qã'sĩ 'cã.de 'jẽ.he up vetː ɹat.ma.gi'te.taʊ ? "If you want it, I like if you tell me where the Yellow Brick Road is?"
Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-02-05 19:56 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Vniyane traitanii mwarii hartwerudufe neetont.
Vniyan-e trait-an-ii mwar-ii hartwer-udu-fe neet-o-nt Idea-3PL.M.NOM color-less-3PL.M.NOM green-3PL.M.NOM furious-ly-VAGR sleep-PRS-3PL.IPFV
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2017-02-05 19:52 Changed language: Draconic
- Draconic by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-02-05 18:05 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-05 06:05 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Aakshatle traitanii mwarii hartwerudufe neetont.
Aakshatl-eDream-3PL.M.NOMtrait-an-iicolor-less-3PL.M.NOMmwar-iigreen-3PL.M.NOMhartwer-udu-fefurious-ly-VAGRneet-o-ntsleep-PRS-3PL.IPFVColorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2017-02-05 06:00 New translation of "All your demands" into Draconic by WhimsicalXellos
Sveetwizh booravni tsiif mwisleravinuti.
Sveet-wizhAll-ADJ.3PL.N.NOMbooravn-idemand-3PL.N.NOMtsiif2SG.GENmwislerav-i-nut-i.satisfy-FUT-3PL.PFV-PASSAll your demands will be met.
2017-02-04 11:01 New translation of "We are humans" into Gan Dostau by marvelousbecca
Gup tunget al up tanex tes Las.
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2017-02-04 09:38 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Bar uprĩdilo Sras rãnkau moj gãd ar moj pekĩ.
bar uprĩd-ilo Sras rãnk-au moj gãd ar moj pek-ĩ . AND have-REM Earth entirety-ADJ one language AND one abstraction-speak . ba˞ upɹĩ'dilo sɹas 'ɹãnkaʊ moɪ gãd a˞ moɪ 'pekĩ . The classifiers used in other Lonian languages have disappeared in Gãdũ Fav outside of ordinals and compounds.
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2017-02-03 21:31 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Pha Tslas lankau om-me li-moj pek khan pha li-moj thon latt.
pha tslas lank-au om=me lim=moj pek khan pha lim=moj thon latt AND Earth entirety-ADJ PST=be COM=one abstraction.CL language AND COM=one body.part.CL tongue pʰa tslas 'lankaʊ ɔm'me lim'mɔɪ pek kʰan pʰa lim'mɔɪ tʰɔn latː
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2017-02-03 13:58 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Kup kapẽntau, kadecau, bar kacãktau, bar kuprĩdu pekutnav vẽ-njũ õ-rajreb ket. Kup ropot pekjottau rakau, mẽ ajẽnnirho Rak ar ãcir mojnjost xopoxau cã-rõdetozwir Tessox, tesur rõdetajr, bar Cajsejr Cãd... Kikta, Xadũha stost mẽ izz rẽ-bõdũ Sras. Up kec ar kup ec!
k-up kapẽntau , kadecau , bar kacãktau , 1SG.SBJ-be yesterday , today , and tomorrow , kup ka'pẽntaʊ , ka'decaʊ , ba˞ kacãktaʊ , bar k-uprĩd-u pek-ut-n-av vẽ-n-j-ũ õ-raj-reb ket . and 1SG.SBJ-have-3SG.NTOP.OBJ abstraction-can-INF-do PURP-INF-INDEF.SBJ-give.birth ABL-two-abstraction.ORD.CL hour . ba˞ ku'pɹĩdu pe'kutnav vẽ'nʲu õ'ɹaɪɹeb ket . k-up ropot pek-j-ott-au rak-au , mẽ ajẽnn-ir-ho Rak 1SG.SBJ-be soul abstraction-INDEF.SBJ-hide-ADJ god-ADJ , REL create-3PL.NTOP.OBJ-PST God kup 'ɹopot pe'kʲotːaʊ 'ɹakaʊ , mẽ ajẽn'niɹho ɹak ar ãc-ir mojn-j-ost xop-ox-au cã-rõd-et-oz-wir Tessox , and give-3PL.NTOP.OBJ unit-INDEF.SBJ-eat coffin-be.exposed.ADJ DAT-human-more.general-reside.in-PL.3PL.NTOP.POS Deep , a˞ 'ãci˞ 'moɪnʲost xo'poxaʊ cãɹõde'tozwi˞ 'tesːox , tes-ur rõd-et-ajr , bar Caj-sejr Cãd ... place-SG.3PL.NTOP.POS human-more.general-die , and Three-place.ORD.CL Sky ... 'tesu˞ ɹõ'detaɪ˞ , ba˞ 'caɪseɪ˞ cãd ... k-ikt-a , Xad-ũ-ha stost mẽ izz rẽ-bõd-ũ Sras . 1SG.SBJ-greet-2SG.OBJ , lord-SG.3SG.NTOP.POS shrine REL stand INES-center-SG.3SG.NTOP.POS Earth . 'kikta , xa'dũha stost mẽ izː ɹẽ'bõdũ sɹas . up kec ar k-up ec ! be PRO.1SG.SBJ and 1SG.SBJ-be PRO.3SG.SBJ ! up kec a˞ kup ec !
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2017-02-02 13:07 Teagled just joined
Teagled, who joined on Feb. 2, 2017, 1:07 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-02-01 20:32 Changed language: Gan Dostau
- Gan Dostau by Becca was updated.
2017-02-01 20:30 Changed language: Etelegbe
- Etelegbe by Becca was updated.
2017-02-01 20:14 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Qã-saspru nundãdu sarbãnjas dabutsej, bĩ-najẽnnu gãd.
qã=s-asp-r-u n-undãd-u sarbãnjas dabutsej , bĩ=n-ajẽnn-u gãd if=2SG.SBJ-want-DIM-3SG.NTOP.OBJ INF-resist-3SG.NTOP.OBJ extinction linguistic , should-INF-invent-3SG.NTOP.OBJ language qã'sas.pru nun'dã.du sa˞'bã.nʲas da'bu.tseɪ , bĩ.na'jẽn.nu gãd (Direct imperatives are avoided outside matters of life and death, parents to small children, humans to pets, the military, and insults. This is to the point where instead of saying "no smoking" a sign would say "if you smoke, you will be expelled.")
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-02-01 12:40 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-02-01 11:49 New translation of "Farewell" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Suprĩde, $-a!
bye $
2017-02-01 11:47 New language: Gadu Fav
marvelousbecca added Gadu Fav to CALS.
Nakkri! Gãdũ Fav (And that's how you greet someone in Gadu Fav.)
2017-02-01 11:22 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Risop kodop ɛaftɛalyar; hi duhkoçtu bopeir.
ris-op kod-op ɛaft-ɛaly-ar ; hi duhk[oç]tu bop-eir can-1SG.AN2 eat-1SG.AN2 water-resembling.thing-INDEF.ACC ; NEG hurt[3SG.INAN] PRO.1SG.AN2-ACC 'ɹi.ʃop 'ko.dop 'ʕɑft.ʕɑ.ʎɑɹ ; ʔi du'ˀkoç.tu 'bo.peɪ̯ɹ This sentence uses the non-Firstborn first-person gender because a human is unlikely to pass as Firstborn, and is far more likely to pass as a human speaker of their language. If you are the exception, then you would say: Risat kodat ɛaftɛalyar; hi duhkoçtu dateir.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2017-02-01 11:05 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.