« June July August »
2018-07-31 21:18 Changed language: Gamezh
- Gamezh by Rhebeqah was updated.
2018-07-31 04:44 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Nomikan by cassnatsim
desaparav séave di a plebo. desagré i sia zinífike si guio grio do sia zinifikio so.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2018-07-31 04:06 Changed language: Nomikan
- Nomikan by CNS was updated.
2018-07-30 18:56 luuk2305 just joined
Welcome luuk2305!
2018-07-30 18:49 Changed language: Dunia
- Dunia by Ed Robertson was updated.
2018-07-30 04:01 Changed language: Lingwa de Planeta
- Lingwa de Planeta by Dmitrij Ivanov et al. was updated.
2018-07-30 03:46 Changed language: Dunia
- Dunia by Ed Robertson was updated.
2018-07-25 03:54 Changed language: Gamezh
- Gamezh by Rhebeqah was updated.
2018-07-24 04:28 Changed language: Valthungian
- Valthungian by BenJamin P. Johnson was updated.
2018-07-23 08:54 Changed language: Gamezh
- Gamezh by Rhebeqah was updated.
2018-07-23 04:27 Changed language: Old Arassenian
- Old Arassenian by Fanael was updated.
2018-07-22 21:00 Changed language: Matanin
- Matanin by Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford was updated.
2018-07-22 12:43 New language: Matanin
benjaminmb added Matanin to CALS.
Beoǵjac Matanin (And that's how you greet someone in Matanin.)
2018-07-22 12:24 benjaminmb just joined
Welcome benjaminmb!
2018-07-21 05:22 Changed language: Gamezh
- Gamezh by Rhebeqah was updated.
2018-07-21 05:20 New language: Gamezh
Rhebeqah added Gamezh to CALS.
2018-07-17 00:43 Changed language: Dwendish
- Dwendish by Rebecca Ashling was updated.
2018-07-14 22:56 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Gan Dostau by marvelousbecca
Lojntavima tes Las, ze'namojtm!
lo[j]n[t]-av-im-ahuman[more.general]-do-PL.3SG.NTOP.POS-VOCtesplace.CLLas,Lifeze=n-a[moj]t-mIMP=INF-V[one]-togetherProletariat of the world, unite!
2018-07-14 22:48 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Boriomanco by marvelousbecca
Broletariato doy mundo, unifichezi!
broletariatoproletariatdoyGEN.DEF.MASC.SINGmundoworldunifich-e-ziunite-JUS.3SG-selfProletariat of the world, unite!
2018-07-14 22:23 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Turkish by marvelousbecca
Dünyanın proletaryası, birleş!
dünya-nınworld-DEF.GEN.SGproletarya-sıproletariat-3SG.POSbir-leş-()one-INCH-IMPProletariat of the world, unite!
2018-07-11 09:42 Changed language: Pictish
- Pictish by Rebecca Ashling was updated.
2018-07-07 10:23 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Turkish by marvelousbecca
Düşünüyorum, öyleyse varım.
düşün-üyor-umthink-CONT-1SGöyleysethereforevar-ımthere.is-1SGI think, therefore I am
2018-07-06 07:03 New translation of "We are humans" into Turkish by marvelousbecca
Biz insanız ve biz Dünya'danız.
biz1PLinsan-ızhuman-1PL.COPveANDbiz1PLDünya-'dan-ızEarth-from-1PL.COPWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2018-07-06 06:47 New translation of "We are humans" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mimen insan i mimen lay ze zemia.
mi-men1-PLinsanhumaniANDmi-men1-PLlaycomezefromzemiaEarthWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2018-07-04 23:08 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Lingua Franca Nova by marvelousbecca
Me pote come vitro; lo no dole me.
me1SGpotecancomeeatvitro;glasslo3SG.INANnoNEGdolehurtme1SGI can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2018-07-04 22:59 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mi wol dona ye ko ye.
mi1wolwantdonagiveye3koDATye3I want to give it to her.
2018-07-04 22:58 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
ye pas dona ye ko jon.
ye3paspastdonagiveye3koDATjonJohnHe has given it to John.
2018-07-04 22:57 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mi no dona pingo ko jon.
mi1noNEGdonagivepingoapplekoDATjonJohnI don't give John the apple.
2018-07-04 22:56 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
pingo no ros.
pingoapplenoNEGrosredThe apple is not red.
2018-07-04 22:55 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mi mus dona ye ko ye.
mi1musmustdonagiveye3koDATye3I must give it to him.
2018-07-04 22:54 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
ye dona ye ko ye futur.
ye3donagiveye3koDATye3futurfutureShe will give it to him.
2018-07-04 22:54 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
ye dona ye ko ye.
ye3donagiveye3koDATye3She gives it to him.
2018-07-04 22:53 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
ye dona ye ko jon.
ye3donagiveye3koDATjonJohnHe gives it to John.
2018-07-04 22:52 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mimen dona pingo ko ye.
mi-men1-PLdonagivepingoapplekoDATye3SGWe give him the apple.
2018-07-04 22:50 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
mi dona pingo ko jon.
mi1SGdonagivepingoapplekoDATjonJohnI give John the apple.
2018-07-04 22:40 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
ye si jon da pingo.
ye3SGsiyesjonJohndaPOSpingoappleIt is John’s apple.
2018-07-04 22:39 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca
pingo ros.
pingoapplerosredThe apple is red.
2018-07-02 17:16 Changed language: Laga
- Laga by CivilixXXX was updated.
2018-07-02 17:15 New language: Laga
civilixxxx added Laga to CALS.
Sāhǒ Gōhang Lā'ga (And that's how you greet someone in Laga.)
2018-07-02 16:39 Changed language: Brasarg
- Brasarg by CivilixXXX was updated.
2018-07-02 16:32 New language: Brasarg
civilixxxx added Brasarg to CALS.
Soh Gajan! ʙasargɨ (And that's how you greet someone in Brasarg.)
2018-07-02 16:01 Changed language: Pictish
- Pictish by Rebecca Ashling was updated.
2018-07-02 13:48 civilixxxx just joined
Welcome civilixxxx!
2018-07-01 19:40 Changed language: Pictish
- Pictish by Rebecca Ashling was updated.