« October November December »
2018-11-28 21:25 Changed language: Eneqa
- Eneqa by Michael Gunter was updated.
2018-11-27 00:17 Changed language: mundezo
- mundezo by Djuna de Lannoy was updated.
2018-11-26 08:55 New language: mundezo
Djuna added mundezo to CALS.
2018-11-26 08:50 djino-2018-11-26-0850402856200 just joined
Welcome djino-2018-11-26-0850402856200!
2018-11-26 04:06 Changed language: Asokon
- Asokon by Eton was updated.
2018-11-26 02:59 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Asokon by Eton
Mo dōto, don mo wo.
I think, therefore I am
2018-11-26 02:57 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Asokon by Eton
Konon mom netom nonko don seno nodenete don nogenla. Sō onko dota don tona, don oka gato elon kon nookao to mona.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2018-11-26 02:56 New translation of "Farewell" into Asokon by Eton
bye $
2018-11-26 02:52 Changed language: Asokon
- Asokon by Eton was updated.
2018-11-26 02:35 New language: Asokon
Eton added Asokon to CALS.
Asokon's homepage is at https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=MPC.
2018-11-26 02:30 Eton just joined
Welcome Eton!
2018-11-22 15:45 New translation of "Look on my works, ye Mighty" into Eneqa by Michael G
(Under construction!) Ojïnãbïãs! Qosïmau-brãskurõr saud, si-esev mïjur qokãlïemõ tïsun sodad.
(Gloss is a rough WYSIWYG) (Qo)sïmau-brãskurõ(r) saud, si-esev mïju(r)(qo)kãlïemõ tïsun sodad. (PASS)breaking face(SBJ) resting, (POSS)-(subject of discussion) part(SBJ) (PASS)obscuring because earth. Broken face lies, it's portion obscured by dirt.
Ozymandias Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
2018-11-22 14:49 Changed language: Eneqa
- Eneqa by Michael Gunter was updated.
2018-11-22 14:08 New language: Eneqa
makoshark added Eneqa to CALS.
Nuelõ kïvãn! aun kãteko eneqõ (And that's how you greet someone in Eneqa.)
2018-11-22 13:49 makoshark just joined
Welcome makoshark!
2018-11-13 03:57 ConlangBabble just joined
Welcome ConlangBabble!
2018-11-12 23:21 Changed language: Frater
- Frater by Pham Xuan Thai was updated.
2018-11-11 18:04 New language: Frater
pi-kayur added Frater to CALS.
2018-11-11 10:27 Changed language: griuskant
- griuskant by Reyzadren was updated.
2018-11-10 00:25 Changed language: Intal
- Intal by Erich Weferling was updated.
2018-11-05 09:28 Changed language: Interlingue (Occidental)
- Interlingue (Occidental) by Edgar de Wahl was updated.
2018-11-05 09:19 Changed language: Intal
- Intal by Erich Weferling was updated.
2018-11-05 09:17 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2018-11-05 07:21 Changed language: Interlingue (Occidental)
- Interlingue (Occidental) by Edgar de Wahl was updated.
2018-11-03 00:35 Changed language: Intal
- Intal by Erich Weferling was updated.