« February March April »
2019-03-31 16:24 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2019-03-31 15:05 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-31 06:24 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2019-03-31 01:18 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-27 20:47 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2019-03-26 13:39 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-20 18:45 Changed language: Akiel
- Akiel by Daniel Adler was updated.
2019-03-20 18:24 New language: Akiel
SunEagle added Akiel to CALS.
2019-03-20 18:18 SunEagle just joined
Welcome SunEagle!
2019-03-19 11:34 bukaralibe just joined
Welcome bukaralibe!
2019-03-19 00:28 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-17 20:49 New language: Kesh
Rhebeqah added Kesh to CALS.
2019-03-17 08:13 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-11 05:26 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Common Minervan by Rhebeqah
lomlēzohoq minkobū iqkoqte
lomled-zoho-∅-q min-kobū-∅ iqkoq-te eels-be.filled.with-IMPF-3SG.ABS 1SG.POSS-boat-ABS pillow-EQU
My hovercraft is full of eels.
2019-03-10 18:01 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-10 04:04 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Common Minervan by Rhebeqah
mim, qitik nūlem
I think, therefore I am
2019-03-10 03:46 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-06 20:44 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Tangachi by dhagrow
Cek tiy dan, rīcam zrūl
cek tiy dan, rīcam zrūl 1.sg.nom can think, so cop "I can think, so I exist."
I think, therefore I am
2019-03-06 19:56 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-06 18:08 New translation of "We are humans" into Tangachi by dhagrow
Amai xyumïnek it zut ertac.
Amai xyumïn-ek it zut ert- -ac 1.pl.nom human--nom.m and from earth-obl.c
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2019-03-06 17:41 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Tangachi by dhagrow
Zrūl senixe!
zrūl seni- -xe cop language-acc.c "Make language exist!"
fiat lingua!
2019-03-06 16:09 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-06 15:50 Changed language: Shalolese
- Shalolese by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-06 10:15 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-06 09:53 Changed language: Common Minervan
- Common Minervan by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-06 09:52 Changed language: Common Mavortian
- Common Mavortian by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-06 08:40 Changed language: Shalolese
- Shalolese by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-06 07:19 New language: Shalolese
dhagrow added Shalolese to CALS.
2019-03-06 06:26 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-05 17:17 New translation of "Genesis 11:4" into Tangachi by dhagrow
4. Tengnak, "šužai nōžqeka ajai qüngaš sam it noūxe sam tert talac kay cenac kay, it gojyka, konosxüng ayja laitūs fonōc camxac, tiyiyaš sam."
teng-nak, "šužai nō- -žqe- -ka ajai qüng-aš sam it noūxe sam say--perf incho build-imperf-imper 1.pl.obl town-acc.c art.indef.sg and tower-acc.c art.indef.sg tert tal-ac kay cen-ac kay, it gojy-ka, kon- -os==xüng ayja laitūs fon-ōc with top-obl.c art.def.sg sky-obl.c art.def.sg and give-imper, scatter-ger=neg 1.pl.acc across all-gen.c camx-ac, tiyiy-aš sam." here-gen.c name--acc.c art.indef.sg "They said, 'Start building ourselves a town and a tower with the top in the sky, and give ourselves, so we are not scattered across all of here, a name.'"
4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
2019-03-05 17:08 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-05 16:52 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Tangachi by dhagrow
3. Tengnak, "šužai gšïfžqeka qaisaš saba it qlaifšif vliska," it qaisak saba it tantangak saba vam.
teng-nak, "šužai gšïf-žqe- -ka qais--aš saba it qlaif-šif vlis-ka," it qais--ak saba it tantang- -ak saba vam say--perf, "incho do- -imperf-imper brick-acc.c art.indef.pauc and hard--adv burn-imper," and brick-nom.c art.indef.part and mortar[grey-mud]-nom.c art.indef.part 3.pl.gen "They said, 'Start making some bricks, and burn them hard,' and some bricks and some mortar they had."
3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
2019-03-05 16:40 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-05 16:35 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Tangachi by dhagrow
2. Gfaf vlīknak qūtšaubos zut jecenac kapa cexe sam šinarac it pūšanak.
gfaf vlīk-nak qūt-šaub-os zut jecen-ac kapa ce- -xe sam šinar--ac it pūša- -nak 3.pl.nom.m find-perf come-pst-ger from east--obl.c art.def.pauc plain-acc.c art.indef.sg shinar-obl.c and reside_at-perf "They found, coming from the east, a plain in Shinar, and dwelt there."
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2019-03-05 16:22 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Tangachi by dhagrow
1. Samek senixa it samak vqetanak fonōg camxad.
sam-ek seni- -xa it sam-ak vqe--tan-ak fon-ōg camx-ad one-nom.m language-nom.m and one-nom.c talk-ger-nom.c all-gen.c here-gen.c "All of here had one language and one speech."
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2019-03-05 15:05 Changed language: Tangachi
- Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.
2019-03-05 13:44 New language: Tangachi
dhagrow added Tangachi to CALS.
2019-03-05 12:41 dhagrow just joined
Welcome dhagrow!
2019-03-05 04:54 Changed language: Dhakhsh
- Dhakhsh by Brian Bourque was updated.
2019-03-05 04:44 New language: Dhakhsh
bbbourq added Dhakhsh to CALS.
2019-03-04 23:34 Changed language: Common Mavortian
- Common Mavortian by Rhebeqah was updated.
2019-03-02 18:31 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Interslavic by Jan van Steenbergen
Vojevaj s izumiranjem jezykov. Izmysli jezyk!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2019-03-02 18:25 New translation of "Smile" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Wucz porława o mie: „Źryza i si laty! Posi szer piejerzy!” Dąk jo źryzawa i jora laty. I dziewniewa piejerzy.
A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.
2019-03-02 18:16 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Interslavic by Jan van Steenbergen
Ja jesm včera, dnes i zautra, i imaju moč, že byh rodil se vtory raz. Jesm božska, ukryta duša, ktora iztvorila Bogov, i davaje zagrobno krmjenje žiteljam glubiny, města mrtvyh i neba... Slava, gospode hrama stoječego na središču zemje, On jest mene i ja jesm jego!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!