Jan. 1, 2020

2020-12-31 02:09 Changed language: Wild Tongue

Wild Tongue by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-12-31 02:08 New language: Wild Tongue

Rhebeqah added Wild Tongue to CALS.

2020-12-30 12:40 wukuiyuxin just joined

Welcome wukuiyuxin!

2020-12-27 16:41 New language: Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri)

mmgoessler added Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri) to CALS.

Nyegasa, enyāmmu, Lerewe Ğiri! (And that's how you greet someone in Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri).)

2020-12-27 16:34 New language: Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano)

mmgoessler added Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano) to CALS.

Tmuri, ngwona, ibani! Sulutmuri/Ngwano (And that's how you greet someone in Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano).)

2020-12-27 16:14 New language: 'Iru Ni'i

mmgoessler added 'Iru Ni'i to CALS.

Atua‘ī kā pono, ‘Iru Ni‘i! (And that's how you greet someone in 'Iru Ni'i.)

2020-12-25 14:59 New language: Old Velosti

mmgoessler added Old Velosti to CALS.

Velošti, yano! (And that's how you greet someone in Old Velosti.)

2020-12-25 14:54 New language: Aukayan

mmgoessler added Aukayan to CALS.

Akēsta, nah! (And that's how you greet someone in Aukayan.)

2020-12-25 14:46 New language: Fenedic

mmgoessler added Fenedic to CALS.

Venede, hayanu! (And that's how you greet someone in Fenedic.)

2020-12-25 14:29 New language: Common Western Hakessian

mmgoessler added Common Western Hakessian to CALS.

Līšša Nūynech, bēšanō! (And that's how you greet someone in Common Western Hakessian.)

2020-12-25 13:35 New language: Proto-Hakessian

mmgoessler added Proto-Hakessian to CALS.

*Bheyša nōšti! Līšša Nūgīnech (And that's how you greet someone in Proto-Hakessian.)

2020-12-25 11:45 New language: Proto-Seligonian

mmgoessler added Proto-Seligonian to CALS.

2020-12-25 11:32 Changed language: Armundic

Armundic by Michael M. Goessler was updated.

2020-12-25 10:59 New language: Armundic

mmgoessler added Armundic to CALS.

Beiūvo haeanu pūne! Calamti (And that's how you greet someone in Armundic.)

2020-12-25 10:48 New language: Old Soskish

mmgoessler added Old Soskish to CALS.

Hêron hâm kâmec! Sosc (And that's how you greet someone in Old Soskish.)

2020-12-25 10:37 New language: Proto-Besokian

mmgoessler added Proto-Besokian to CALS.

Kûrelân! Proto-Besokian (And that's how you greet someone in Proto-Besokian.)

2020-12-25 10:23 New language: Vulgar Aribelian

mmgoessler added Vulgar Aribelian to CALS.

Giandari! Vulgar Aribelian (And that's how you greet someone in Vulgar Aribelian.)

2020-12-23 17:56 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Avendonian by sware

Bi et uno potblio? Ne, et bi una ogdure.

COP.3SG it INDEF.M.SG pencil no it COP.3SG COP.3SG INDEF.F.SG window

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-12-23 17:50 Changed language: Avendonian

Avendonian by S.C. was updated.

2020-12-23 17:28 New language: Avendonian

sware added Avendonian to CALS.

Alu! avendoniano (And that's how you greet someone in Avendonian.)

2020-12-23 17:23 swaare_ just joined

Welcome swaare_!

2020-12-20 15:00 Changed language: Old Olgish

Old Olgish by Michael M. Goessler was updated.

2020-12-20 14:58 New language: High Aribelian

mmgoessler added High Aribelian to CALS.

Sareáni! High Aribelian (And that's how you greet someone in High Aribelian.)

2020-12-20 14:45 Changed language: Middle Olgish

Middle Olgish by Michael M. Goessler was updated.

2020-12-20 14:43 New language: Old Olgish

mmgoessler added Old Olgish to CALS.

Cathing!, Ærníní!, Kädoch! Olgenam (And that's how you greet someone in Old Olgish.)

2020-12-20 14:29 New language: Middle Olgish

mmgoessler added Middle Olgish to CALS.

Kädoch! Olgenam (And that's how you greet someone in Middle Olgish.)

2020-12-20 14:04 mmgoessler just joined

Welcome mmgoessler!

2020-12-11 14:39 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Camroċutwaqi qa tem ocoṅa, ampuámpuntá!

camroċutwaqi    qa  tem      ocoṅa, ampuámpu-ntá
proletariat-NOM VOC 3p.ASSOC world, unite-PRES.IMP

Proletariat of the world, unite!

2020-12-09 12:00 Changed language: Eldoeysk

Eldoeysk by Ruben Drott was updated.

2020-12-06 23:31 Changed language: griuskant

griuskant by Reyzadren was updated.

2020-12-01 16:30 Changed language: Novial

Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.

2020-12-01 16:29 New language: Universal

pi-kayur added Universal to CALS.

2020-11-24 07:44 Changed language: Catralian

Catralian by Gabriel Wysong was updated.

2020-11-22 14:03 Changed language: Tvs'd'o

Tvs'd'o by Gabriel Wysong (Weissager) was updated.

2020-11-22 10:43 Changed language: Catralian

Catralian by Gabriel Wysong was updated.

2020-11-22 10:40 New language: Catralian

gabrielweissager added Catralian to CALS.

Im fibrēmissan? Cātralus (And that's how you greet someone in Catralian.)

Catralian's homepage is at https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=CATR.

2020-11-19 16:50 Changed language: Eldoeysk

Eldoeysk by Ruben Drott was updated.

2020-11-16 18:09 Changed language: Fsonkers

Fsonkers by Michael Green was updated.

2020-11-16 17:46 New language: Fsonkers

xehcimal added Fsonkers to CALS.

əhó fsóŋkərs (And that's how you greet someone in Fsonkers.)

2020-11-16 17:32 xehcimal just joined

Welcome xehcimal!

2020-11-09 20:11 Changed language: Delniit

Delniit by Zarainia was updated.

2020-10-27 01:51 Changed language: Al Bakiyye

Al Bakiyye by Mevlüt Baki Tapan was updated.

2020-10-24 13:28 bavagliladri just joined

Welcome bavagliladri!

2020-10-23 20:29 New language: Neo

pi-kayur added Neo to CALS.

2020-10-22 04:54 New translation of "We are humans" into Zutian by eploeckelman

Jóíya γómai o ɬáγe šímaim.

1stperspl(excl)-TOP/VOC person-pl-NOM conj(and) earth-GEN COP(polite)-1stperspl(excl).

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2020-10-22 04:40 New language: Zutian

eploeckelman added Zutian to CALS.

2020-10-21 09:40 Changed language: Ngaraxth Crixth v7

Ngaraxth Crixth v7 by Fluffy8x (uruwi/kozet) was updated.

2020-10-21 04:47 New language: Al Bakiyye

Hrayca1 added Al Bakiyye to CALS.

Al Bakiyye&Hûrayca (And that's how you greet someone in Al Bakiyye.)

Al Bakiyye's homepage is at http://hurayca.rastgelelik.com.

2020-10-21 04:42 New language: Hûrayca

Hrayca1 added Hûrayca to CALS.

2020-10-21 04:38 Hrayca1 just joined

Welcome Hrayca1!

2020-10-20 23:58 Changed language: Yuraalian

Yuraalian by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-20 17:28 eploeckelman just joined

Welcome eploeckelman!

2020-10-20 11:16 Changed language: arrayfish's personal lang

arrayfish's personal lang by arrayfish was updated.

2020-10-20 11:01 New language: arrayfish's personal lang

arrayfish added arrayfish's personal lang to CALS.

2020-10-20 00:33 Changed language: Yuraalian

Yuraalian by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-15 21:43 New language: Frenkisch

pi-kayur added Frenkisch to CALS.

Goud dag Frenkisch (And that's how you greet someone in Frenkisch.)

2020-10-11 20:57 Changed language: Yuraalian

Yuraalian by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-09 12:59 Changed language: Yuraal language

Yuraal language by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-08 21:47 Changed language: Yuraali

Yuraali by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-08 19:48 Changed language: (to be named)

(to be named) by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-10-06 22:25 New language: (to be named)

krikkitbot added (to be named) to CALS.

2020-10-01 01:42 Changed language: Sarikan

Sarikan by Chaok was updated.

2020-09-30 15:15 New language: Sevzoi

Taraiph added Sevzoi to CALS.

2020-09-30 15:07 Taraiph just joined

Welcome Taraiph!

2020-09-18 22:59 New language: funda

jWalo added funda to CALS.

Paki! Fūnda (And that's how you greet someone in funda.)

2020-09-18 22:52 jWalo just joined

Welcome jWalo!

2020-09-11 13:22 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Albic by Bryony

Latt briss sungav!

Happy birthday!

2020-09-10 13:54 Changed language: Albic

Albic by Bryony was updated.

2020-09-09 10:50 New language: Albic

Brv added Albic to CALS.

2020-08-26 00:35 Changed language: Eiidana

Eiidana by Eiivodan was updated.

2020-08-25 14:48 Changed language: Szezk

Szezk by Benjamin Uden was updated.

2020-08-22 15:57 Changed language: Syt

Syt by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-22 14:14 Changed language: Kalavi

Kalavi by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-22 06:40 Changed language: Syt

Syt by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-22 06:35 Changed language: Hylsian

Hylsian by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-22 02:06 New language: Syt

kalathei95 added Syt to CALS.

saŷat Saŷud (And that's how you greet someone in Syt.)

2020-08-20 14:14 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Ċin hikwatimí ye hwey-i-nawi.

Ċin     hi-kwatim-í             ye   hwey-i-nawi

I think, therefore I am

2020-08-20 13:59 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Rimi Atit Pura!

rimi atit       pu-ra          !
year STAT.fresh CONT.DYN-great !

Happy New Year!

2020-08-20 13:31 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Ċin qò eqwaparmipuraswa qeşişi takutakun.

ċin     qò        eqwapar-mipura-swa qeşi-şi takutakun.
1sg.NOM AL.1.POSS glide-boat         eel~PL  populate-TR.PAST

My hovercraft is full of eels.

2020-08-20 13:15 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Há ri kuriri warantun ţatokişak ṅo miţiswa nekonaħi (há)?

Há  ri      kuri~ri-Ø    waran-tun ţa-toki-şak
Why you.ERG money~PL-ABS man-DAT   ATEL.DYN-give-DITR.PAST.HYPO

ṅo       miţiswa  nekon-aħi     ?
ANIM.REL city-INE day-previous  ?

Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?

2020-08-19 03:10 New translation of "Pity" into Hylsian by kalathei95

lwaħatin miwuċo ùrupintá, ṅo ye ţwa caṅaqis pasalaşa hetananuċemarà tiċin.

lw-aħa-tin                      miwu-ċo     ùrupi-ntá          ṅo       ye   ţwa caṅaqis  pa-sal-aşa                     hetan-anuċem-arà          tiċ-in
ANIM(CLF(V)).NMLZ.STAT-pity-DIR 3sg.DIR-BEN allow-TR.PRES.IMP  DEM(who) COMP GEN language CONT.STAT-create-INTR.PRES.OPT direction-ABV(single)-ACC believe-TR.PRES

Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.

2020-08-19 02:40 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Eqwapunupwáqalamán há? Ewo, eqwapunupwaswaóţen.

eqwa-pu-nupwá-qalam-án                há ?  ewo eqwa-pu-nupw-aswaóţe-n

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-08-19 02:20 New translation of "All your demands" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Ri tem ċasaŋpuririrà ruterheċamiħín ċo.

Ri      tem       ċa-saŋpuri~ri-rà  ru-terheċam-iħín       ċo
2sg.NOM AL.2.POSS all-demand~PL-ACC TEL.DYN-satisfy-TR.FUT INT(affirmative)

All your demands will be met.

2020-08-18 06:53 New translation of "The snake and the farmer" into Hylsian by kalathei95

Oṅecamişim tem ṅesitun swa ṅo ħiliş lwam ċayaka to miwutun mwoqitwikasasarà hiţwímar. Kinen tu ye camişimiş ruqien ye ħiltun pwaŋak isa ṅo qutusqì ħikwaka miwutun. Camişim tem koħantu ól. Miwu tatin tem kan hita ħiliş konokono hitokika ye camişimiş naḷan eṅem kepawkám taħi miwu nucun. Camişimiş sáyotùwuyál ħilsim ṅo asomyuċayal pon ċa ħil ararìn: ‘Ri tem pwaqár hiranasu ċa la ta ihiqiáċayemaħika ṅo ohértwe pukamoysén qat şiq caha sáyotwaħí. Ċin hersawahatèŋ putalehóm ye kanapata kanapata qat ċakuswarà nupwáciŋusisa qutustun ţwa nakaswa ṅo ketiŋaşan ketiŋaşan.’

Oṅe-camişim-Ø   tem         ṅesitun   swa ṅo         ħil-iş    lwam-Ø
Some-farmer.NOM ANIM.3.POSS house-DAT INE ANIM.3.REL snake-ERG table-ABS 

ċa-ya-ka                to        miwutun     mwoqi-twikas~as-arà hi-ţwímar
FREQ.DYN-come-DITR.PRES CONJ(and) 3sg.ACC-DAT food-scrap~PL-ACC   HAB.DYN-feed

Kinen-Ø  tu-Ø         ye   camişim-iş ru-qi-en              ye   ħil-Ø-tun

pwaŋa-k         isa          ṅo         qutus-qì  ħi-kw<a>-ka                   miwu-tun

Camişim tem       koħantu-Ø  ól-Ø
Farmer  AL.3.POSS wealth-NOM lost-INTR.PRES.

Miwu    tati-n            tem        kan          hita          ħil-iş    konokono-Ø hi-toki-ka 
3sg.ERG realise-INTR.PAST ANIM.3.REL STAT-prosper CONJ(because) snake-ERG luck-ABS   HAB.DYN-give-DITR.PRES 

ye   camişim-iş naḷan-Ø    eṅem      kepawkám-Ø    taħi            miwu    nucu-n.
COMP farmer-ERG animal-ABS STAT-well treat-TR.PAST DEM(before)-NOM 3sg.ACC wound~TR.PAST.

Camişim-iş sáyotùwuyál-Ø   ħil-sim   ṅo         asomyuċay-al pon                 ċaħil-Ø   arar-ìn:
Farmer-ERG forgiveness-ABS snake-ABL ANIM.3.REL deed-COM     STAT-evil CONJ(but) snake-ABS reply-TR.PAST: 

Ri      tem         pwaqár hi-ranasu                ċa        la      ta      i-hi-qiáċayema-ħika
2sg-ERG INAL.2.POSS action CAUS.HAB.STAT-apologetic CONJ(but) 2sg.NOM 1sg.ACC NEG-HAB.DYN-expect-INTR.FUT

ṅo         ohértwe pukamoysén         qat        şiq         caha     sáyotwaħí
ANIM.3.REL friend  CONT.STAT-faithful DEM(until) INAL.1.POSS scar-ABS heal-INTR.FUT.

Ċin     Ø-hersawa-hatèŋ      pu-talehóm     ye   kanapata kanapata qat       ċa-kuswarà 
1sg.NOM STAT-impossible-ADUP CONT.STAT-feel COMP reconcile~SUPL    until-NOM all-thought-ACC 

Ø-nupwáciŋusisa  qutus-tun ţwa naka-<s>wa ṅo        ketiŋ-aşan ketiŋ-aşan
STAT-treacherous axe-DAT   GEN mind-INE   which-NOM disappear-TR.OPT disappear-TR.OPT.

In the house of a certain farmer there lived a snake who regularly came to the table and was fed on scraps of food. Not long afterwards the farmer grew rich, but then he became angry at the snake and tried to attack him with an axe. The farmer then lost his wealth and he realized that he had prospered because of the good luck he had gained from the snake before having wounded him. The farmer then begged the snake to forgive him for his evil deed, and the snake replied, "You are sorry for what you have done, but you must not expect me to be your faithful friend until this scar heals. It is not possible for me to be truly reconciled to you until all thought of that treacherous axe has left my mind."

2020-08-16 06:53 Changed language: Kalavi

Kalavi by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-16 02:23 New language: Kalavi

kalathei95 added Kalavi to CALS.

Voqreve! Kalavi (And that's how you greet someone in Kalavi.)

2020-08-15 08:18 Changed language: Hylsian

Hylsian by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-14 16:58 Changed language: Abraeni

Abraeni by Sectori was updated.

2020-08-14 15:44 Changed language: Choton

Choton by Pascal Kramm was updated.

2020-08-14 13:52 Changed language: Hylsian

Hylsian by kalathei95 was updated.

2020-08-14 10:58 New language: Hylsian

kalathei95 added Hylsian to CALS.

2020-08-13 00:27 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Arka by avsonumane

ans fit miik a lu.

1PL give apple DAT 3SG(animate)

We give him the apple.

2020-08-13 00:24 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Arka by avsonumane

ti lax to?

2SG want what

What do you need?

2020-08-13 00:23 New translation of "Smile" into Arka by avsonumane

xiv ku-t al an: "ren nax yan ren na nil! mesa at sen yam vien-el!" son an nax-at yan na nil ento mesa ik yam vien-el.

voice say-PST DAT 1SG
IMP smile and IMP feel happy
situation COP.PST can bad more-ly
so 1SG smile-PST
and feel happy
resulting.in situation COP.PFV bad more-ly

A voice said to me: "Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!" So I smiled And was happy. And things got worse.

2020-08-13 00:10 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Arka by avsonumane

allaz l'-an in-at im toxel et kaal o jeik.

boy REL-1SG see-PST when yesterday COP Karl and Jake

The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2020-08-13 00:06 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Arka by avsonumane

ti lana to?

2SG aim what?

What's the plan?

2020-08-13 00:04 New translation of "The Rain Song" into Arka by avsonumane

kant t'-esk esk-es im xelt ka xeak esk-es seles ant et diina tef t'-esk or met im faar a tek tef t'esk or met ento ima na ant im t'esk luna-k im xe ka wal im t'esk lunak seles ant et nau

song of-rain

when night LOC desert
soul 1SG.GEN COP peaceful

drop of-rain COP.PROG fall
when daytime DAT leaf
drop of-rain COP.PROG fall
so.that make.energetic feeling 1SG.GE

time of-rain come-PERF
when something.certain LOC mountain
time of-rain come-PERF
soul 1SG.GEN COP glad

The Rain Song It is raining in the night in the desert It is raining My soul is peaceful. The raindrops are falling in the daytime on the leaves The raindrops are falling My heart lifts. The time of rain has come For a time in the mountains The time of rain has come My soul rejoices.

2020-08-12 23:25 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into mundezo by avsonumane

senkroma verda meneye soni girie

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

2020-08-12 23:23 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Arka by avsonumane

lo diia le si nim mok jo-n-el

thought green REL lack colour sleep angry-ing-ly

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

2020-08-12 11:13 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Arka by avsonumane



2020-08-12 11:11 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Arka by avsonumane

an fit lax tu a la.

1SG give desire this(inanimate) DAT 3SG(animate)

I want to give it to her.

2020-08-12 11:09 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Arka by avsonumane


Happy New Year!

2020-08-12 11:09 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Arka by avsonumane


Merry Christmas!

2020-08-12 11:07 New translation of "We are humans" into Arka by avsonumane

ans et lan yan et it atolis.

1PL COP human and COP from Earth

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2020-08-12 11:05 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Arka by avsonumane

es ti fit-at lax a la vik yul gil ka le xial im toxel?

why you give-PST want.to DAT DET.DIST(animate) ACC money LOC DET.DIST(inanimate) city when yesterday?

Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?

2020-08-12 10:51 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Arka by avsonumane

axea xa am?

beach locate.in where?

Where is the beach?

2020-08-12 10:45 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Arka by avsonumane

ren nox, labtonk kaen fia!

Proletariat of the world, unite!

2020-08-12 10:04 New translation of "Farewell" into Arka by avsonumane

tiatis, $.

bye $

2020-08-12 10:01 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Arka by avsonumane

tu et kaz? tee, tu et tems.

this COP pen? no, this COP window

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-08-12 09:51 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Arka by avsonumane

luteapl ant et kax beska.

hovercraft 1SG.GEN COP full.of eel

My hovercraft is full of eels.

2020-08-12 09:47 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Arka by avsonumane

ren ku al an yul les an so ax.

IMP tell DAT 1SG ACC those.which 1SG do should

Tell me what to do.

2020-08-12 09:39 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Arka by avsonumane


Happy birthday!

2020-08-12 09:35 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Arka by avsonumane

an et fiana man an lo

1SG COP real because 1SG think

I think, therefore I am

2020-08-12 09:13 avsonumane just joined

Welcome avsonumane!

2020-08-11 15:46 Changed language: Eiidana

Eiidana by Eiivodan was updated.

2020-08-09 22:32 New language: Timuka

lgnjms added Timuka to CALS.

2020-08-09 22:21 lgnjms just joined

Welcome lgnjms!

2020-08-07 19:44 Changed language: Novial

Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.

2020-08-07 19:29 Changed language: Choton

Choton by Pascal Kramm was updated.

2020-08-04 18:48 Changed language: Eiidana

Eiidana by Eiivodan was updated.

2020-08-03 18:16 Changed language: Altairian

Altairian by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-08-03 15:01 Changed language: Eiidana

Eiidana by Eiivodan was updated.

2020-08-03 12:34 New language: Eiidana

Eiivodan added Eiidana to CALS.

Mindorŭma Eiidana (And that's how you greet someone in Eiidana.)

2020-08-03 12:05 Eiivodan just joined

Welcome Eiivodan!

2020-08-03 01:37 Changed language: Altairian

Altairian by krikkitbot was updated.

2020-08-03 01:25 New language: Altairian

krikkitbot added Altairian to CALS.

Altairian's homepage is at https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=AAQL.

2020-08-02 23:35 krikkitbot just joined

Welcome krikkitbot!

2020-08-01 09:56 Changed language: Tínaaqhe

Tínaaqhe by leanancailin was updated.

2020-07-28 13:00 New language: Tínaaqhe

leanancailin added Tínaaqhe to CALS.

2020-07-28 12:58 leanancailin-2020-07-28-125836 just joined

Welcome leanancailin-2020-07-28-125836!

2020-07-23 09:26 fox_room just joined

Welcome fox_room!

2020-07-18 04:49 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.

2020-07-13 18:21 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Qraa by Bryony


As you wish.

2020-07-13 18:16 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Qraa by Bryony

Av atlak ga-shṛī churu.


Awaiting your orders.

2020-07-13 18:08 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Qraa by Bryony

Shṛīk y-atlak?


Your orders?

2020-07-13 18:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Qraa by Bryony



2020-07-13 13:18 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Qraa by Bryony

Idūr ir j-atlak oltut lu ga-chai Karl bu Jēk nat.


The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2020-07-13 13:17 Changed language: Qraa

Qraa by Bryony was updated.

2020-07-13 12:54 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Qraa by Bryony

Ība akil? (informal) Sāha n-ība akil nā? (formal)


Where is my room?

2020-07-13 12:33 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Qraa by Bryony

T-āsli hlūrim ū.


The apple is not red.

2020-07-13 12:32 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Qraa by Bryony

T-āsli hlūrim.


The apple is red.

2020-07-12 20:37 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Qraa by Bryony

Jṛam an-gu ima!


Happy birthday!

2020-07-12 20:06 New translation of "Farewell" into Qraa by Bryony

Ya-$, jibajiba!

bye $

2020-07-12 19:59 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Qraa by Bryony

Zipal viyā? Joma, ijjā.


Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-07-12 19:51 Changed language: Qraa

Qraa by Bryony was updated.

2020-07-12 05:22 kalathei95 just joined

Welcome kalathei95!

2020-07-11 19:07 Changed language: Qraa

Qraa by Bryony was updated.

2020-07-11 15:15 New language: Qraa

Brv added Qraa to CALS.

2020-07-02 22:54 New language: Gr

brdaro added Gr to CALS.

2020-07-02 07:56 brdaro just joined

Welcome brdaro!

2020-07-01 09:01 New language: Isthmian Daaci

makhnoboi19 added Isthmian Daaci to CALS.

2020-07-01 08:43 makhnoboi19 just joined

Welcome makhnoboi19!

2020-06-24 19:42 Changed language: Tribuggese

Tribuggese by arrayfish was updated.

2020-06-21 16:30 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-06-11 14:44 Changed language: Jaaf

Jaaf by Bryony was updated.

2020-06-11 11:58 Changed language: Jaav

Jaav by Bryony was updated.

2020-06-11 11:50 New language: FantasyLang

Brv added FantasyLang to CALS.

2020-06-04 01:24 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-19 21:08 Changed language: Tribuggese

Tribuggese by arrayfish was updated.

2020-05-19 17:34 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-18 21:43 Changed language: Tribuggese

Tribuggese by arrayfish was updated.

2020-05-17 18:24 New language: Tribuggese

arrayfish added Tribuggese to CALS.

2020-05-17 18:20 arrayfish just joined

Welcome arrayfish!

2020-05-17 05:38 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-16 12:53 Changed language: Orenian

Orenian by Bryony was updated.

2020-05-16 01:12 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-14 18:00 Changed language: Orenian

Orenian by Bryony was updated.

2020-05-14 11:30 New language: Orenian

Brv added Orenian to CALS.

2020-05-14 08:33 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-12 13:17 Changed language: Muosan

Muosan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2020-05-12 13:08 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Dāanginā o sagi ka Yōna.

I don't give John the apple.

2020-05-12 13:08 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Dāanōyā ka Yōna.

He gives it to John.

2020-05-12 13:07 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ka Yōna o sagi dāangī.

I give John the apple.

2020-05-12 13:06 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ta Sagi Yōnan ya.

It is John’s apple.

2020-05-12 13:05 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ta sagi rāda.

The apple is red.

2020-05-12 13:05 New translation of "Olivia" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:04 New translation of "Oliver" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:04 New translation of "Mia" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:04 New translation of "Mary " into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:03 New translation of "Leon" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:03 New translation of "James" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 13:02 New translation of "Jacob" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 12:57 New translation of "The Rain Song" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ta Uta Yūkan Yūkatē, Ni ta nābë ni ta sashu, Yūkatē, Nīmengī thama. Ta shal hāyen vēmatē, Ni ta arō ni lōm dūweden, Ta shal hāyen vēmatē, Atsengī maāwa. Ta wā yūkan sekatsā, Da a wā ni ta ngāret, Ta wā yūkan sekatsā, Nīmengī arima.

The Rain Song It is raining in the night in the desert It is raining My soul is peaceful. The raindrops are falling in the daytime on the leaves The raindrops are falling My heart lifts. The time of rain has come For a time in the mountains The time of rain has come My soul rejoices.

2020-05-12 12:37 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ta sagi rādanā.

The apple is not red.

2020-05-12 12:35 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Dāaruyā o ta sagi.

We give him the apple.

2020-05-12 12:34 New translation of "Emma" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-12 12:30 New translation of "Being specific: nouns" into Muosan by elgatoloco

zenggetengī, zenggetengī i jothamā, than zenggedengī i jothamā, a zenggedengī i jothamā, sot zenggedengī i jothamā, mada zenggedengī i jothamā. a ōlu i shoma, a ōlu i shomamā, ta ōlu i shomamā i madan. than khazet, than khazet i nāla, ta nālamā ga than khazet, ta dun nāwamā ga khazet i nāla, ta dun nāwamā ga than khazet i nāla. ta yasha i dai ēn, ta than yashat i dai ēn, ta yasha i dai than, ta yasha i inga.

my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions

2020-05-12 12:13 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Noli Atāan Jothē!

Merry Christmas!

2020-05-12 12:11 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Kollē, o mō hatari.

Tell me what to do.

2020-05-12 12:08 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Mā yatsā ta mada hanan ēn kolla so ēn kevur. Mā aratsarā ni wā hōkāate ri ta somë, ta wahi takatsarā o haku ni ta zama ga Shinā; mā ta wahi thillarā. Mā sizēyatsarā: kā'ē, o bothet māga haterū, dī vonnē iron. Mā tavitsarā o ta bothet po ta shō, mā ta toi po ta jigë. Mā zēyatsarā: kā'ē, o sovō so miga māgē, i mō ta taha ka ta hangi rakha moma; mā o galo kata māgē, giberetōnā ka ta kō ga mada hanan. Mā ta ATĀ runatsā zēyari o ta sovō so ta miga, i mō ta āgit ōluden banatsarā. Mā ta ATĀ zēyatsā: "shōyē, ta ōlut ēn ya, tavirā o ēn kolla; mā i got māwarā; mā i ni wā ōnarō ta hataterū. Kā'ē, runē ita, mā ta wahi bilbē o kollarū, ta wē sikabiroranā o ta kollaterū. Ta wē ta ATĀ gibatsarū ka ta kō ga mada hanan, mā hokitsarā banari o ta sovō. I ta wē ta galo sovōwen ya Babel, ta wē ta ATĀ bilbatsā o kolla ga mada hanan; mā ri ta wahi ta ATĀ gibatsarū ka ta kō ga mada hanan.

And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.

2020-05-12 12:03 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Muosan by elgatoloco

O zedë isha-konangī, ka'ichanangā.

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2020-05-12 11:58 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Muosan by elgatoloco

O kolla nuotan bogdē. O kolla mokhē!

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2020-05-12 11:53 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Muosan by elgatoloco

A kāt yakā? Nā, a mānhë.

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-05-12 11:43 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Noli ta mada ōluden voka so sōwajil ni ta pirai so ta khōwet. Hōdāarakī mi ta aki so ta atsivota, mā hata shutarā ēn ka ēn ni ta sanga saumagoten.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2020-05-12 01:10 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-09 16:18 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Vanga i Nōwa Jothē!

Happy New Year!

2020-05-09 16:16 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Dāasāyarō kanō.

She will give it to him.

2020-05-09 16:14 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Muosan by elgatoloco


We're on it.

2020-05-09 16:12 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Arō nolin jothē!

Happy birthday!

2020-05-09 16:10 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Hateyē o kolla!

fiat lingua!

2020-05-09 16:08 New translation of "Farewell" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Jotha kāe $.

bye $

2020-05-09 16:05 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Vodangī dāayā kasā.

I want to give it to her.

2020-05-09 16:04 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Dāasayā kanō.

She gives it to him.

2020-05-09 16:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Muosan by elgatoloco


On our way.

2020-05-09 16:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ni ziva.


2020-05-09 16:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Na touma.

No problem.

2020-05-09 16:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Hata kā'ē!

Let's get moving.

2020-05-09 15:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Muosan by elgatoloco

O mō nishagā?

What do you need?

2020-05-09 15:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Muosan by elgatoloco


Move out!

2020-05-09 15:55 New translation of "Genesis 11:9" into Muosan by elgatoloco

9. I ta wē ta galo sovōwen ya Babel, ta wē ta ATĀ bilbatsā o kolla ga mada hanan; mā ri ta wahi ta ATĀ gibatsarū ka ta kō ga mada hanan.

9. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

2020-05-09 15:55 New translation of "Genesis 11:8" into Muosan by elgatoloco

8. Ta wē ta ATĀ gibatsarū ka ta kō ga mada hanan, mā hokitsarā banari o ta sovō.

8. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

2020-05-09 15:54 New translation of "Genesis 11:7" into Muosan by elgatoloco

7. Kā'ē, runē ita, mā ta wahi bilbē o kollarū, ta wē sikabiroranā o ta kollaterū.

7. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

2020-05-09 15:54 New translation of "Genesis 11:6" into Muosan by elgatoloco

6. Mā ta ATĀ zēyatsā: "shōyē, ta ōlut ēn ya, tavirā o ēn kolla; mā i got māwarā; mā i ni wā ōnarō ta hataterū.

6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

2020-05-09 15:54 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Muosan by elgatoloco

5. Mā ta ATĀ runatsā zēyari o ta sovō so ta miga, i mō ta āgit ōluden banatsarā.

5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

2020-05-09 15:53 New translation of "Genesis 11:4" into Muosan by elgatoloco

4. Mā zēyatsarā: kā'ē, o sovō so miga māgē, i mō ta taha ka ta hangi rakha moma; mā o galo kata māgē, giberetōnā ka ta kō ga mada hanan.

4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

2020-05-09 15:53 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Muosan by elgatoloco

3. Mā sizēyatsarā: kā'ē, o bothet māga haterū, dī vonnē iron. Mā tavitsarā o ta bothet po ta shō, mā ta toi po ta jigë.

3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

2020-05-09 15:52 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Muosan by elgatoloco

2. Mā aratsarā ni wā hōkāate ri ta somë, ta wahi takatsarā o haku ni ta zama ga Shinā; mā ta wahi thillarā.

2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

2020-05-09 15:51 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Muosan by elgatoloco

1. Mā yatsā ta mada hanan ēn kolla so ēn kevur.

1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2020-05-09 15:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Bō vodegā.

As you wish.

2020-05-09 15:49 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Muosan by elgatoloco



2020-05-09 15:47 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Muosan by elgatoloco


Very well.

2020-05-09 15:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Vachingī, dī yangī.

I think, therefore I am

2020-05-09 15:45 New translation of "We are humans" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Itā ta ōlut mā itā ri ta hana.

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2020-05-09 15:35 New translation of "All your demands" into Muosan by elgatoloco

Ta mada vodedegā hatakirā

Ta mada vod-ed-egā hat-a-ki-rā

All your demands will be met.

2020-05-09 15:26 Changed language: Muosan

Muosan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2020-05-09 12:12 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-05-07 01:17 Changed language: Ngmeetsi

Ngmeetsi by J. Thomas Crisler was updated.

2020-05-05 19:03 Changed language: Proto-Kunnu-lujungo

Proto-Kunnu-lujungo by Qwynegold was updated.

2020-05-03 21:59 Changed language: Poswa

Poswa by Soap was updated.

2020-05-03 21:55 New language: Pabappa

Soap added Pabappa to CALS.

Pusa Pabapa (And that's how you greet someone in Pabappa.)

2020-05-03 21:49 Changed language: Poswa

Poswa by Soap was updated.

2020-05-02 22:47 Changed language: Magellanican

Magellanican by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-04-17 21:18 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-04-15 17:19 Changed language: Kyuren

Kyuren by litrobotix was updated.

2020-04-15 17:04 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Kyuren by litrobotix

Շասօն հեն վօճանակ օզատ ու մեփ֊ե բե մանզըլատ ու խագի։ Ագըլէ ու վոջդօնէ ատ ըվօ վօդարակ ու խազ կանդօրե սե բե բրատօտ։

person-NOM.PL all 3P.PST-give.birth-PFV free and equal with dignity and right-NOM.PL | reason-ACC.SG and conscience-ACC.SG to 3P 3P.PST-give-PFV and want do-3P.NPST-PFV-REFL OPT with brotherhood

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2020-04-15 17:01 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Kyuren by litrobotix

Նեկ խոժ ջըվախէ ե ու գոտզորէ ե ըտիղակ ւեվըր։ Նեկետ վօտեջ ատ խորտե, ըվօ վակորտէ ան դուր ան բումիյ Շինօր ըղատակ, ու վօսկեզակ ջիվեկըր ւախե։ Ետո վօգաւակե. «Ւա՜ժ։ Իշյօյ կարդըմօր ու ըվօ նանըմօր բե օր։» Մեփ կե ըվօ իշյօյ անվա բորդ վօգուտակ, ու բիտումէ բու շարահ։ Նեկ վօգաւակ. «Ւա՜ժ։ Շարէ ու բուրջէ բե կատար ան ջանետ կուրմըմօր բու մօ, ու նօմէ պատվո կարդըմօր բու մօ, մեփ կե նօ վօպարակօնակ րաշ փոդեմը սաղ խոժ։» Ետո Յօւեհ ըտեջաստակ մեփ կե շարէ ու բուրջէ, ա տօրօնը մարջօն ըկուրմակ դայըմ։ Ետո Յօւեհ գաւըմակ. «Դե՜։ Ըվօ խալգէ ե բե ջըվահ ե, ու ւա սկեզօր կանդըր։ Նեկ ջիզէ ֆեկրօր լեր կանդօր։ Ւա՜ժ։ Ւախե տեջաստըմօր ու ջըվախը վէ նեդայըմօր մեփ կե նօ բեյշօրե։» Մեփ կե Յօւեհ ըվօ վօպարակօնակ աջ ւախե րաշ փոդեմը սաղ խոժ, ու շարէ դանդ վօտանակ կուրմըր։ Ու մեփ կե ըվ Բաբէլէ վօկոջակ, ասակ Յօւեհ ջըվախը խոժ հեն, ու Յօւեհ ըվօ վօպարակօնակ աջ ւախե րաշ փոդեմը սաղ խոժ։

now earth language-ACC.SG one and vocabulary-ACC.SG one 3S.PST-continue-PFV have-INF | while 3P.PST.IPFV-go to east | 3P plain-ACC.SG in valley in land-CNS.SG shinar 3S.PST-find-PFV | and 3P.PST-start-PFV live-INF there | then 3P.PST-say-PFV-REFL | come.IMP | brick-ACC.PL make-1P.NPST-PFV and 3P bake-1P.NPST-PFV with fire | so STEM 3P brick-ACC.PL instead.of stone 3P.PST-use-PFV | and bitumen-ACC.SG for mortar | now 3P.PST-say-PFV | come.IMP | city-ACC.SG and tower-ACC.SG with top in heaven build-1P.NPST-PFV for 1P | and name-ACC.SG honoured-ACC make-1P.NPST-PFV for 1P | so 1P NEG 3P.PST-scatter-PFV across surface-CNS.SG whole earth

then yahweh 3S.PST-descend-PFV so STEM city-ACC.SG and tower-ACC.SG | that son-CNS.PL man-NOM.PL 3S.PST-build-PFV see-3S.NPST.IPFV | then yahweh 3S.PST-say-PFV | look.IMP | 3P people-ACC.SG one with language one | and this start-3P.NPST-PFV do-INF | now thing-ACC.SG think-3P.NPST-PFV can do-3P.NPST-PFV | come.IMP | there descend-1P.NPST-PFV and language-CNS.SG 3P.GEN confuse-1P.NPST-PFV so STEM NEG understand-3P.NPST-PFV-REFL | so STEM yahweh 3P 3P.PST-scatter-PFV from there across surface-CNS.SG whole earth | and city-ACC.SG slow 3P.PST-stop-PFV build-INF | and so STEM 3S babel-ACC.SG 3P.PST-call-PFV | because yahweh language-CNS.SG earth all 3S.PST-confuse-PFV | and yahweh 3P 3P.PST-scatter-PFV from there across surface-CNS.SG whole earth

And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.

2020-04-15 16:54 New language: Kyuren

litrobotix added Kyuren to CALS.

Շատսեշա Կշուրներեն (And that's how you greet someone in Kyuren.)

Kyuren's homepage is at https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=KYUR.

2020-04-15 16:51 litrobotix just joined

Welcome litrobotix!

2020-04-13 13:55 Changed language: Eldoeysk

Eldoeysk by Ruben Drott was updated.

2020-04-13 13:45 New language: Eldoeysk

RubenDrott added Eldoeysk to CALS.

2020-04-13 13:35 RubenDrott just joined

Welcome RubenDrott!

2020-04-11 21:52 Changed language: Salhari

Salhari by Alex Sands was updated.

2020-04-10 11:59 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-04-07 08:35 Changed language: Votgil

Votgil by Jack Eisenmann was updated.

2020-04-07 01:09 New language: Votgil

pi-kayur added Votgil to CALS.

Hey Vötgil (And that's how you greet someone in Votgil.)

2020-04-07 01:05 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-04-03 15:40 New language: Sådlensk

Sanna Lys added Sådlensk to CALS.

2020-04-03 15:35 Sanna Lys just joined

Welcome Sanna Lys!

2020-04-01 03:20 New language: Afrihili

marvelousbecca added Afrihili to CALS.

Zuri lu El-Afrihili (And that's how you greet someone in Afrihili.)

2020-03-31 21:42 TheLanger just joined

Welcome TheLanger!

2020-03-31 15:43 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Pandunia by marvelousbecca

me abla niama kance. le no paxa me.

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2020-03-30 13:50 New language: Oo

ttaga added Oo to CALS.

2020-03-29 23:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Interlingue (Occidental) by marvelousbecca

Yo pensa, dunc yo es.

I think, therefore I am

2020-03-28 02:42 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Mir vet gêben ir tsu ir. מיר וועט געבאן איר צו איר.

I want to give it to her.

2020-03-28 02:41 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Ir hot gêben ir tsu Con. איר האָט געבאן איר צו שאָן.

He has given it to John.

2020-03-28 02:40 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Mir gêben nit de êpel tsu Con. מיר געבאן ניט דא עפּאל צו שאָן.

I don't give John the apple.

2020-03-28 02:39 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

De êpel zayn nit royt. דא עפּאל זײַן ניט רויט.

The apple is not red.

2020-03-28 02:37 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Mir muz gêben ir tsu ir. מיר מוז געבאן איר צו איר.

I must give it to him.

2020-03-28 01:01 Changed language: Feyglish

Feyglish by Becci Cat was updated.

2020-03-28 01:01 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Ir vêt gêben ir tsu ir. איר וועט געבאן איר צו איר.

She will give it to him.

2020-03-28 00:59 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Ir gêben ir tsu ir. איר געבאן איר צו איר.

She gives it to him.

2020-03-28 00:58 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Ir gêben ir tsu Con. איר געבאן איר צו שאָן.

He gives it to John.

2020-03-28 00:57 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Unz gêben de êpel tsu ir. אונז געבאן דא עפּאל צו איר.

We give him the apple.

2020-03-26 18:27 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Mir gêben de êpel tsu Con. מיר געבאן דא עפּאל צו שאָן.

I give John the apple.

2020-03-26 18:23 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Ir zayn de êpel fun Con. איר זײַן דא עפּאל פֿון שאָן.

It is John’s apple.

2020-03-26 18:17 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

De êpel zayn royt. דא עפּאל זײַן רויט.

The apple is red.

2020-03-26 17:04 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Vizoy dir vêln.

As you wish.

2020-03-26 16:56 New translation of "Farewell" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Zayn gêy, maken tsore! זײַן גיי, מאַקאן צאָרא!

bye $

2020-03-26 16:31 Changed language: Feyglish

Feyglish by Becci Cat was updated.

2020-03-26 16:30 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Mir trakten, yênfar mir zayn. מיר טראַקטאן, יענפֿאַר מיר זײַן.

I think, therefore I am

2020-03-26 16:22 New translation of "We are humans" into Feyglish by marvelousbecca

Unz zayn mêc un unz zayn fun Dêrd. אונז זײַן מעש און אונז זײַן פֿון דערד.

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2020-03-26 16:04 New language: Feyglish

marvelousbecca added Feyglish to CALS.

Sholem! Feyglish (And that's how you greet someone in Feyglish.)

2020-03-25 14:50 InaseYuzki just joined

Welcome InaseYuzki!

2020-03-24 09:56 Changed language: Mekavant

Mekavant by Becci Cat was updated.

2020-03-24 09:53 New translation of "We are humans" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

נו אדמים וה נו מין הא ארץ. nu odomim ve nu min ha erec.

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2020-03-24 09:47 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

היו לשון! hoyu loshoyn!

fiat lingua!

2020-03-24 09:45 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

ני חושבאס, לכן ני היאס. ni hojŝejvas, loĥejn ni hoyas.

I think, therefore I am

2020-03-24 03:22 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

ני רוצאס נותני את זה אל הי. ni rojcas nojseni ejs ze el hi.

I want to give it to her.

2020-03-24 03:20 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הו כבר נותניס את זה אל יוחנן. hu kvor nojsenis ejs ze el jojĥonon.

He has given it to John.

2020-03-24 03:17 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

ני לא נותנאס את הא תפוח אל יוחנן. ni lo nojsenas ejs ha tapuaĥ el jojĥonon

I don't give John the apple.

2020-03-24 03:16 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הא תפוח לא אדומאס. ha tapuaĥ lo odojmas

The apple is not red.

2020-03-24 03:14 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

ני מוכרחאס נותני את זה אל הו. ni muĥroĥas nojseni ejs ze el hu.

I must give it to him.

2020-03-24 03:08 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הי נותנוס את זה אל הו. hi nojsenos ejs ze el hu.

She will give it to him.

2020-03-24 03:06 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הי נותנאס את זה אל הו. hi nojsenes ejs ze el hu.

She gives it to him.

2020-03-24 03:04 Changed language: Mekavant

Mekavant by Becci Cat was updated.

2020-03-24 00:16 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הו נותנאס את זה אל יוחנן. hu nojsenas ejs ze el jojĥonon.

He gives it to John.

2020-03-24 00:15 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

נו נותנאס אל הו את הא תפוח. nu nojsenas el hu ejs ha tapuaĥ.

We give him the apple.

2020-03-24 00:13 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

ני נותנאס את הא תפוח אל יוחנן. ni nojsenas ejs ha tapuaĥ el jojĥonon.

I give John the apple.

2020-03-24 00:12 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

זה הא תפוח של יוחנן. ze ha tapuaḥ shel jojĥonon.

It is John’s apple.

2020-03-24 00:10 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Mekavant by marvelousbecca

הא תפוח אדומאס. ha tapuaĥ odojmas.

The apple is red.

2020-03-23 23:57 Changed language: Mekavant

Mekavant by Becci Cat was updated.

2020-03-23 23:53 New language: Mekavanto

marvelousbecca added Mekavanto to CALS.

2020-03-07 02:32 Changed language: Kedshi

Kedshi by total was updated.

2020-03-06 18:56 New language: Kedshi

total added Kedshi to CALS.

Сав Екоряд (And that's how you greet someone in Kedshi.)

Kedshi's homepage is at https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=EKD.

2020-03-01 16:10 Changed language: Anshanish

Anshanish by Artaxes was updated.

2020-02-25 21:20 SymSymeon just joined

Welcome SymSymeon!

2020-02-13 10:18 Changed language: Elko

Elko by Ziecken Azuris was updated.

2020-02-11 13:16 Changed language: Jhaa

Jhaa by Bryony was updated.

2020-02-09 22:04 Changed language: IndianOceanIsolate

IndianOceanIsolate by Bryony was updated.

2020-02-08 16:19 New language: IndianOceanIsolate

Brv added IndianOceanIsolate to CALS.

2020-02-01 17:21 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Toki Pona by marvelosa2

mi pilin la mi lon.

I think, therefore I am

2020-02-01 17:13 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Sindarin by marvelosa2

I gordof caran.

i gordof caran
DEF apple red

cordof = small red apple, pippin

caran does not mutate because it is a predicate adjective; cordof mutates because it is preceded by the definite article

The apple is red.

2020-02-01 17:05 marvelosa2 just joined

Welcome marvelosa2!

2020-01-30 23:44 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Scotian by barton

no'ɛ jʊ'dis

Merry Christmas!

2020-01-28 16:49 berigie just joined

Welcome berigie!

2020-01-28 07:04 Raimonda just joined

Welcome Raimonda!

2020-01-21 19:00 Changed language: Ox-yew

Ox-yew by Jamin Johnson was updated.

2020-01-21 18:48 New language: Ox-yew

bpjohnson added Ox-yew to CALS.

Ox-yew's homepage is at https://linguifex.com/wiki/Ox-Yew.

2020-01-21 17:17 Changed language: Muosan

Muosan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2020-01-20 15:47 New language: Muosan

elgatoloco added Muosan to CALS.

2020-01-20 02:11 Changed language: Novial

Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.

2020-01-18 16:56 elgatoloco just joined

Welcome elgatoloco!

2020-01-18 11:18 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-01-13 19:05 Changed language: Proto-Maritime

Proto-Maritime by David Johnson was updated.

2020-01-10 18:44 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Narish by knutfu

mKiJuruli? hwii DajuLauru.

mKiJ=uru-li   | hwii DajuLa=uru
pen =COP-INTR | no   window=COP

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-01-10 18:40 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Narish by knutfu

nas iBaaTuc dis nasila.

nas iBaaT     -uc  dis     nas=ila
1SG understand-SBR because 1SG=EXIST

I think, therefore I am

2020-01-10 18:22 Changed language: Narish

Narish by Bethany E. Toma, Knut Fredrik Korsæth Ulstrup was updated.

2020-01-10 04:05 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-01-09 21:25 Changed language: Universalglot

Universalglot by Jean Pirro was updated.

2020-01-09 13:16 mario_hillick just joined

Welcome mario_hillick!

2020-01-08 12:39 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Narish by knutfu

par inFiM mi FiiMe7 FiiM. bus par inFiM FiiMuc mi Qii7tu pars FiiMe7 qaahwii.

par     inFiM mi  FiiM-e7  FiiM 
DEM.MED word  2SG say -CVB say

bus         par     inFiM FiiM-uc  mi  Qii7 -tu  pars       FiiM-e7  qaa-hwii
DEM.DIST.PN DEM.MED word  say -SBR 2SG think-REL DEM.MED.PN say -CVB ASS-not

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

2020-01-08 12:15 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Narish by knutfu

FaMila7 usnak yee!

FaM     -ila  -7   usnak yee
language-exist-CVB OPT   PTC.enthusiastic

fiat lingua!

2020-01-08 11:59 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Narish by knutfu

nas wan KajuLa-PLuSu fit PLasiDila.

nas wan KajuLa-PLuSu fit PLasiD-ila
1SG GEN hovercraft   in  eel   -exist

My hovercraft is full of eels.

2020-01-07 20:45 Login with Twitter and Github works again

The problem with twitter and github logins have been fixed. It turned out to be the same underlying problem for both.

2020-01-07 19:27 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Narish by knutfu

nas DurLi NiiMe7 dak, was nas aaRiQibi7 hwii.

nas DurLi NiiM-e7  dak
1SG glass eat -CVB can

was      nas aaRiQ     -ibi-7   hwii
DEM.PROX 1SG cause_pain-INV-CVB not

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2020-01-07 17:34 Changed language: Narish

Narish by Bethany E. Toma, Knut Fredrik Korsæth Ulstrup was updated.

2020-01-06 23:34 New language: Narish

knutfu added Narish to CALS.

FaSanara (e)7a7a-FaM (And that's how you greet someone in Narish.)

2020-01-06 23:30 knutfu just joined

Welcome knutfu!

2020-01-06 00:04 New language: Miri

ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440 added Miri to CALS.

2020-01-05 23:54 ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440 just joined

Welcome ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440!

2020-01-05 15:03 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.

2020-01-04 02:55 Changed language: Scotian

Scotian by Doug Barton was updated.

2020-01-04 01:32 New language: Scotian

barton added Scotian to CALS.

2020-01-04 00:01 barton just joined

Welcome barton!

2020-01-03 23:49 Password reset via email should work now

Note that there is a new sender address! It ends with cals.info now, while it used to end with gmail.com, so remember to check your spam folder if it doesn't turn up.

The reset works as in: you get your email, you can change your password, but after you've changed your password you're logged out. Not ideal, but it's high on the TODO-list to make that bit better. Also to make it easier to find the "change password" link in the first place, cough.

2020-01-03 13:32 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.

2020-01-02 21:39 Changed language: Emihtazuu

Emihtazuu by sjiveru was updated.

2020-01-02 21:10 New language: Emihtazuu

sjiveru added Emihtazuu to CALS.

2020-01-02 21:08 sjiveru just joined

Welcome sjiveru!

2020-01-01 17:20 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.