
« December January February »

2020-01-30 23:44 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Scotian by barton

no'ɛ jʊ'dis

Merry Christmas!

2020-01-28 16:49 berigie just joined

Welcome berigie!

2020-01-28 07:04 Raimonda just joined

Welcome Raimonda!

2020-01-21 19:00 Changed language: Ox-yew

Ox-yew by Jamin Johnson was updated.

2020-01-21 18:48 New language: Ox-yew

bpjohnson added Ox-yew to CALS.

Ox-yew's homepage is at https://linguifex.com/wiki/Ox-Yew.

2020-01-21 17:17 Changed language: Muosan

Muosan by Ali Ghozali was updated.

2020-01-20 15:47 New language: Muosan

elgatoloco added Muosan to CALS.

2020-01-20 02:11 Changed language: Novial

Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.

2020-01-18 16:56 elgatoloco just joined

Welcome elgatoloco!

2020-01-18 11:18 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-01-13 19:05 Changed language: Proto-Maritime

Proto-Maritime by David Johnson was updated.

2020-01-10 18:44 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Narish by knutfu

mKiJuruli? hwii DajuLauru.

mKiJ=uru-li   | hwii DajuLa=uru
pen =COP-INTR | no   window=COP

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2020-01-10 18:40 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Narish by knutfu

nas iBaaTuc dis nasila.

nas iBaaT     -uc  dis     nas=ila
1SG understand-SBR because 1SG=EXIST

I think, therefore I am

2020-01-10 18:22 Changed language: Narish

Narish by Bethany E. Toma, Knut Fredrik Korsæth Ulstrup was updated.

2020-01-10 04:05 Changed language: Hyperborean

Hyperborean by Rhebeqah was updated.

2020-01-09 21:25 Changed language: Universalglot

Universalglot by Jean Pirro was updated.

2020-01-09 13:16 mario_hillick just joined

Welcome mario_hillick!

2020-01-08 12:39 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Narish by knutfu

par inFiM mi FiiMe7 FiiM. bus par inFiM FiiMuc mi Qii7tu pars FiiMe7 qaahwii.

par     inFiM mi  FiiM-e7  FiiM 
DEM.MED word  2SG say -CVB say

bus         par     inFiM FiiM-uc  mi  Qii7 -tu  pars       FiiM-e7  qaa-hwii
DEM.DIST.PN DEM.MED word  say -SBR 2SG think-REL DEM.MED.PN say -CVB ASS-not

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

2020-01-08 12:15 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Narish by knutfu

FaMila7 usnak yee!

FaM     -ila  -7   usnak yee
language-exist-CVB OPT   PTC.enthusiastic

fiat lingua!

2020-01-08 11:59 New translation of "My hovercraft is full of eels" into Narish by knutfu

nas wan KajuLa-PLuSu fit PLasiDila.

nas wan KajuLa-PLuSu fit PLasiD-ila
1SG GEN hovercraft   in  eel   -exist

My hovercraft is full of eels.

2020-01-07 20:45 Login with Twitter and Github works again

The problem with twitter and github logins have been fixed. It turned out to be the same underlying problem for both.

2020-01-07 19:27 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Narish by knutfu

nas DurLi NiiMe7 dak, was nas aaRiQibi7 hwii.

nas DurLi NiiM-e7  dak
1SG glass eat -CVB can

was      nas aaRiQ     -ibi-7   hwii
DEM.PROX 1SG cause_pain-INV-CVB not

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2020-01-07 17:34 Changed language: Narish

Narish by Bethany E. Toma, Knut Fredrik Korsæth Ulstrup was updated.

2020-01-06 23:34 New language: Narish

knutfu added Narish to CALS.

FaSanara (e)7a7a-FaM (And that's how you greet someone in Narish.)

2020-01-06 23:30 knutfu just joined

Welcome knutfu!

2020-01-06 00:04 New language: Miri

ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440 added Miri to CALS.

2020-01-05 23:54 ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440 just joined

Welcome ntpnr-2020-01-05-2354158911440!

2020-01-05 15:03 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.

2020-01-04 02:55 Changed language: Scotian

Scotian by Doug Barton was updated.

2020-01-04 01:32 New language: Scotian

barton added Scotian to CALS.

2020-01-04 00:01 barton just joined

Welcome barton!

2020-01-03 23:49 Password reset via email should work now

Note that there is a new sender address! It ends with cals.info now, while it used to end with gmail.com, so remember to check your spam folder if it doesn't turn up.

The reset works as in: you get your email, you can change your password, but after you've changed your password you're logged out. Not ideal, but it's high on the TODO-list to make that bit better. Also to make it easier to find the "change password" link in the first place, cough.

2020-01-03 13:32 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.

2020-01-02 21:39 Changed language: Emihtazuu

Emihtazuu by sjiveru was updated.

2020-01-02 21:10 New language: Emihtazuu

sjiveru added Emihtazuu to CALS.

2020-01-02 21:08 sjiveru just joined

Welcome sjiveru!

2020-01-01 17:20 Changed language: Wara

Wara by huna was updated.