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2020-07-28 13:00 New language: Tínaaqhe
leanancailin added Tínaaqhe to CALS.
2020-07-28 12:58 leanancailin-2020-07-28-125836 just joined
Welcome leanancailin-2020-07-28-125836!
2020-07-23 09:26 fox_room just joined
Welcome fox_room!
2020-07-18 04:49 Changed language: Wara
- Wara by huna was updated.
2020-07-13 18:21 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Qraa by Bryony
As you wish.
2020-07-13 18:16 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Qraa by Bryony
Av atlak ga-shṛī churu.
AvPRT.Matlak2SGga-shṛīDEF.M.PL-orderchuru.awaitAwaiting your orders.
2020-07-13 18:08 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Qraa by Bryony
Shṛīk y-atlak?
Shṛī-korder-PL.My-atlak?DEF.N-2SGYour orders?
2020-07-13 18:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Qraa by Bryony
2020-07-13 13:18 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Qraa by Bryony
Idūr ir j-atlak oltut lu ga-chai Karl bu Jēk nat.
IdūryesterdayirACCj-atlakPASS-1SGoltu-tsee-PSTluRELga-chaiDEF.M.PL-boyKarlKarlbuandJēkJakenat.wereThe boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2020-07-13 13:17 Changed language: Qraa
- Qraa by Bryony was updated.
2020-07-13 12:54 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Qraa by Bryony
Ība akil? (informal) Sāha n-ība akil nā? (formal)
Ībaroomakil?whereSāha1SGn-ībaDEF.M-roomakilwherenā?isWhere is my room?
2020-07-13 12:33 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Qraa by Bryony
T-āsli hlūrim ū.
T-āsliDEF.F-applehlūr-imred-Fū.be.NEGThe apple is not red.
2020-07-13 12:32 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Qraa by Bryony
T-āsli hlūrim.
T-āsliDEF.F-applehlūr-im.red-FThe apple is red.
2020-07-12 20:37 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Qraa by Bryony
Jṛam an-gu ima!
Jṛambirthan-guDEF-dayima!greatHappy birthday!
2020-07-12 20:06 New translation of "Farewell" into Qraa by Bryony
Ya-$, jibajiba!
bye $
2020-07-12 19:59 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Qraa by Bryony
Zipal viyā? Joma, ijjā.
Zipalpencilviyā?Q.FORMALJoma,noijjā.windowIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2020-07-12 19:51 Changed language: Qraa
- Qraa by Bryony was updated.
2020-07-12 05:22 kalathei95 just joined
Welcome kalathei95!
2020-07-11 19:07 Changed language: Qraa
- Qraa by Bryony was updated.
2020-07-11 15:15 New language: Qraa
Brv added Qraa to CALS.
2020-07-02 22:54 New language: Gr
brdaro added Gr to CALS.
2020-07-02 07:56 brdaro just joined
Welcome brdaro!
2020-07-01 09:01 New language: Isthmian Daaci
makhnoboi19 added Isthmian Daaci to CALS.
2020-07-01 08:43 makhnoboi19 just joined
Welcome makhnoboi19!