Translation of "1HGT: #4" (One hour grammar test)
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Original: | We give him the apple. |
Translation: | Fùértô âqalhôchôg ázelheqh. (exclusive we)
Fùéryô âqalhôchôg ázelheqh. (inclusive we)
(there are actually 36 forms of this sentence, two for each of the 18 genders the pronoun could have; this assumes "he" is a devil) |
Interlinear: | fùér-tô âqalh-ôchôg ázelheqh give-1PL.EXCL apple-ACC 3SG.IMMORTAL_LAWFUL_EVIL.DAT fùér-yô âqalh-ôchôg ázelheqh give-1PL.INCL apple-ACC 3SG.IMMORTAL_LAWFUL_EVIL.DAT |