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2009-04-29 16:51 Changed language: Vilani

Vilani by Frank Chadwick (?) was updated.

2009-04-29 16:51 Changed language: Vilani

Vilani by Frank Chadwick (?) was updated.

2009-04-28 22:38 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Zhontós by aioinae

Úriri Dizia Iwaru Maefe ja śhuemija suu aruketeta tós ja úriri dizia iwaru uèo bandaeta. Ja úriri dizia iwaru uèróneta sośhe 「Naa! Ni úriri dizia iwaru kya?」 tè. 「We, ja úriri dizia iwaru da.」 tè úriri dizia iwaru. Ja 「『Ja úndúgo』 tè èwè dizetanu kya?」 tè kikueta. 「Ja meshaantia úriri dizia iwaru dèra.」 tè úriri dizia iwaru hènjeta. Úriri dizia iwaru de dizu ga ja ikaresaseta dèra ja úmi ni èt zhèteta. Ènuntós ja zaici úriri dizia iwaru mireta.

Úr -iri Diz  -ia      Iwaru
can-adv speak-adj.app rock

Maefe     ja  śhuemija suu aruke-teta      tós
yesterday 1sg beach    on  walk -pst.imprf when

ja  úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru uèo  banda-eta
1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock  over trip -pst

ja  úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru uèrón  -eta sośhe
1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock  pick.up-pst and

「Naa!   Ni  úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru kya?」 tè
"emot.n 2sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock  q   " quot

「We,  ja  úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru da.   」 tè   úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru 
"Yes, 1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock  be.prs" quot can-adv speak-adj.app rock

Ja  「『Ja  úndúg-o  』 tè   èwè diz-eta-nu  kya?」 tè   kiku-eta
1sg "'1sg avoid-imp' quot why say-pst-neg q   " quot ask -pst

「Ja  meshaant-ia      úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru dèra.  」
"1sg mean    -adj.app can-adv speak-adj.app rock  because"

tè   úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru hènj -eta
quot can-adv speak-adj.app rock  reply-pst

Úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru de   dizu   ga   ja  ikar -esase-ta  dèra
can-adv speak-adj.app rock  poss speech subj 1sg anger-caus -pst from

ja  úmi   ni èt    zhèt -eta
1sg ocean in 3sg.n throw-pst

Ènuntós ja  zaici úr-iri  diz  -ia      iwaru mir-eta
never   1sg again can-adv speak-adj.app rock  see-pst

"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.

2009-04-27 01:40 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Zhontós by aioinae

Jèkee de papuruganyaara, uninaasho!

Jèkee   de   papuru-gany-aa-ra, uni-na    -asho
Society poss money -earn-a -pl, one-become-vol

Proletariat of the world, unite!

2009-04-27 01:22 New translation of "Pity" into Zhontós by aioinae

Kèngó de fan hoo un dakè da tè kagaia śhtó ni iihaṅ raade.

Kèngó    de   fan      hoo un  dakè da     tè   kaga -ia      śhtó   ni iihaṅ raad -e
Language poss make.ger way one only be.prs quot think-adj.app person at pity  allow-prs

Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.

2009-04-27 01:07 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Zhontós by aioinae

Umarifeetèn zhúuhu!

umar -i  -feetèn zhúuhu
birth-adj-day    congratulations

Happy birthday!

2009-04-26 17:46 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Zhontós by aioinae

Kèngóia tútikita vaatorasho. Wakaia kèngó fasho!

Kèngó   -ia      tútikita   vaator-asho
language-adj.app extinction fight -vol

waka-ia      kèngó    f   -asho
new -adj.app language make-vol

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2009-04-26 13:37 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Zhontós by aioinae

Yashtó ni źhúuo! Iyaa, wè suufueta kya? Maefe kieria wakaia moish yashtó sumirizuan fóo jan de shawaimas è venireta. Èn yashtó tanoshian fóo tútúriri shita: èn èn wic zhúeta, èn ni uta utaeta zhoos. Me noomo, yashtó èn kogekieta, mósora ni èn deshireta, èn fuifuiri manzheta, sośhe kabidoro dèra nokoru zhèteta. Wè su kya, wè su kya? Ja vúriri savóenu. Sośhe so, zhontósiri poriicura usaaia kikura hajimiri kikuenusasan fóo jan suufu otoicui rèste.

Yashtó ni źhúu      -o
child  at be.careful-imp

Iyaa,  wè   suufu -eta kya
oh.no, what happen-pst q

Maefe     kier  -ia      waka -ia      moish yashtó sumirizu  -an
yesterday pretty-adj.app young-adj.app girl  child  watch.over-ger

fóo jan       de   shawaimas è  venir-eta
for 3pl.2excl poss home      to come -pst

Èn    yashtó tanoshi  -an  fóo tútúriri    shita
3sg.g child  entertain-ger for all.one.can do.pst

èn    èn    wic  zhú -eta, èn    ni uta  uta -eta zhoos
3sg.g 3sg.g with play-pst, 3sg.g at song sing-pst etc.

Me  noo      -mo,   yashtó èn    kogeki-eta, móso -ra ni èn    deshir-eta
but like.this-even, child  3sg.g attack-pst, piece-pl to 3sg.g tear  -pst

èn    fuifu-iri manzh-eta, sośhe kabidoro dèra nokoru  zhèt -eta
3sg.g crazy-adv eat  -pst, and   window   from remains throw-pst

Wè   su     kya, wè   su     kya
what do.prs q    what do.prs q

Ja  vúr -iri savó-enu
1sg true-adv know-prs.neg

Sośhe so,        zhontós-iri poriicu-ra usaa    -ia      kiku    -ra
and   therefore, now    -adv police -pl annoying-adj.app question-pl

hajim-iri kiku-enusas -an  fóo jan       suufu    otoicu-i   rèst-e
begin-adv ask -prevent-ger for 3pl.2excl incident silent-adj stay-prs

Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.

2009-04-26 01:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Zhontós by aioinae

Zhosavó wic.

Zhosavó   wic
certainty with


2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Zhontós by aioinae

Noma ni ja sawanuo!

Noma  ni ja  sawa -nuo
there at 1sg touch-imp.neg

Don't touch me there!

2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Zhontós by aioinae

Baara wèma kya?

Baara wèma  kya
bar   where q

Where is the bar?

2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Zhontós by aioinae

Śhuemija wèma kya?

Śhuemija wèma  kya
beach    where q

Where is the beach?

2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Zhontós by aioinae

Ja de saaya wèma kya?

Ja  de   saaya wèma  kya
1sg poss room  where q

Where is my room?

2009-04-26 01:13 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Zhontós by aioinae

Ja viidoro úriri manzhe. Èt ja warusanenu.

Ja  viidoro úr-iri  manzh-e
1sg glass   can.adv eat  -prs

Èt    ja  warusan-enu
3sg.n 1sg hurt   -prs.neg

I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.

2009-04-26 01:05 New translation of "Farewell" into Zhontós by aioinae

$ zuushirèsto!

cool  -stay-imp

bye $

2009-04-26 01:03 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Zhontós by aioinae

Iroinu mibória wakagara ikariri nèzue.

Iro  -inu     mibór-ia      wakaga -ra ikar -iri nèzue
color-adj.neg green-adj.app thought-pl anger-adv sleep.prs

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

2009-04-26 01:02 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Zhontós by aioinae

Iroinu mibória yumura ikariri nèzue.

Iro  -inu     mibór-ia      yumu -ra ikar -iri nèzue
color-adj.neg green-adj.app dream-pl anger-adv sleep.prs

Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.

2009-04-26 00:52 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Zhontós by aioinae

Ja kagae, so da.

Ja  kaga -e,   so        da
1sg think-prs, therefore be.prs

I think, therefore I am

2009-04-24 14:10 Changed language: Zhontós

Zhontós by Alex DelPriore was updated.

2009-04-24 14:09 New language: Zhontós

aioinae added Zhontós to CALS.

Zuushirèsto Zhontós! (And that's how you greet someone in Zhontós.)

2009-04-24 11:28 Changed language: Reosian

Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.

2009-04-24 11:28 Changed language: Reosian

Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.

2009-04-24 11:26 Changed language: Reosian

Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.

2009-04-24 11:07 New language: Reosian

Adrian added Reosian to CALS.

2009-04-24 11:02 Adrian just joined

Welcome Adrian!

2009-04-24 02:42 aioinae just joined

Welcome aioinae!

2009-04-22 06:59 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into 'Yemls by Jeff Jones

** Wi gjBut pkFOF: KOr-n ** EoxeE!, Esk a: Cr? sQi But pkMOM DOl: Wxf CXrt-i, ENONq CFOF-i ggj. d: LKpf CFOF-i ESER, EwoZq dd. CFOF-i: EJ Nazf d ObL DOl EJ ATrNf dd EJ xTBf dd, EK Cspl: GrNnx DokfON. ii 2: AtQr? i: AtQc? i: YOMsg aa Kd, EK hmb IRS: YOXp Askq gjqYS, EK i: YOfORxr aa

Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.

2009-04-18 22:02 Changed language: K'tle

K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2009-04-18 11:53 Changed language: Ilaini

Ilaini by Irina Rempt was updated.

2009-04-18 11:53 Changed language: Ilaini

Ilaini by Irina Rempt was updated.

2009-04-18 11:42 New language: Ilaini

admin added Ilaini to CALS.

Ilaini's homepage is at http://www.valdyas.org/irina/valdyas/ilaini/.

2009-04-18 04:33 Changed language: Deynaese

Deynaese by xroox was updated.

2009-04-18 03:45 Changed language: deynaese

deynaese by xroox was updated.

2009-04-18 00:27 Changed language: K'tle

K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2009-04-13 23:25 Changed language: Ainure

Ainure by Far was updated.

2009-04-13 23:25 Changed language: Ainure

Ainure by Far was updated.

2009-04-13 23:14 New language: Ainure

Far added Ainure to CALS.

2009-04-13 23:10 Far just joined

Welcome Far!

2009-04-13 06:48 Changed language: Classical Aldian

Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.

2009-04-13 06:48 Changed language: Classical Aldian

Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.

2009-04-13 06:11 Changed language: Classical Aldian

Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.

2009-04-09 05:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Eridanian by TaylorSelseth

Outiix nzau oum

1SG.SBJ-think CONJ be[1SG.SBJ]

I think, therefore I am

2009-04-09 05:42 Changed language: Eridanian

Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.

2009-04-09 03:59 Changed language: Klem

Klem by Colleen was updated.

2009-04-09 03:59 Changed language: Klem

Klem by Colleen was updated.

2009-04-09 03:31 New language: Klem

colz added Klem to CALS.

2009-04-09 03:27 colz just joined

Welcome colz!

2009-04-09 02:21 Changed language: Mavakhalan

Mavakhalan by Zhen Lin was updated.

2009-04-09 02:21 Changed language: Mavakhalan

Mavakhalan by Zhen Lin was updated.

2009-04-09 01:57 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq

Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.

2009-04-09 01:57 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq

Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.

2009-04-09 01:49 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq

Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.

2009-04-09 01:23 New language: Qichiuqtluq

Tengado added Qichiuqtluq to CALS.

Qichiuqtluq's homepage is at http://sites.google.com/site/tengado/Home.

2009-04-09 01:17 Tengado just joined

Welcome Tengado!

2009-04-08 15:51 Changed language: Kuy'u:n

Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.

2009-04-08 15:51 Changed language: Kuy'u:n

Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.

2009-04-08 13:23 Changed language: Kuy'u:n

Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.

2009-04-08 13:06 New language: Kuy'u:n

cedh audmanh added Kuy'u:n to CALS.

Kāton! Kuyʔūn! (And that's how you greet someone in Kuy'u:n.)

Kuy'u:n's homepage is at http://www.superlush.co.uk/~akana/index.php/Kuy%CA%94%C5%ABn.

2009-04-08 12:59 cedh audmanh just joined

Welcome cedh audmanh!

2009-04-08 12:06 New language: Mavakhalan

zhenlin added Mavakhalan to CALS.

Mavakhalan's homepage is at http://www.geocities.com/low_zl/mavakhalan/.

2009-04-08 12:05 Changed language: Ayasthi

Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.

2009-04-08 12:05 Changed language: Ayasthi

Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.

2009-04-08 10:16 Changed language: Naidda

Naidda by Aaron Toivo was updated.

2009-04-08 10:16 Changed language: Naidda

Naidda by Aaron Toivo was updated.

2009-04-08 10:02 Changed language: Ayasthi

Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.

2009-04-08 02:11 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Uscaniv by vecfaranti

melant, tauśes ecas tirputat.


I think, therefore I am

2009-04-08 00:37 roninbodhisattva just joined

Welcome roninbodhisattva!

2009-04-08 00:10 Oeeh! 150 languages!

Let it be known that Feayran (by David Edwards) is the 150th language on CALS!

2009-04-08 00:10 New language: Feayran

Trailsend added Feayran to CALS.

Kau Laaoshte Kimuiotuaianoi! (And that's how you greet someone in Feayran.)

Feayran's homepage is at http://feayran.webs.com/.

2009-04-07 23:29 Changed language: Uscaniv

Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2009-04-07 23:23 Trailsend just joined

Welcome Trailsend!

2009-04-07 21:10 Changed language: Uscaniv

Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.

2009-04-07 21:05 New language: Uscaniv

vecfaranti added Uscaniv to CALS.

Aia Uscaniv! (And that's how you greet someone in Uscaniv.)

2009-04-07 21:02 vecfaranti just joined

Welcome vecfaranti!

2009-04-07 20:25 wikim3 just joined

Welcome wikim3!

2009-04-04 22:04 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker

Ang Yonyan nay Nasan yanyeas si məsilvyang tamala.

Ang Yonyan nay Nasan Ø  yan-ye-as  si  mə- silv-yang    tamala.
AGT Yonyan and Nasan be boy-PL-PAT REL PST-see -1sg.AGT yesterday.

The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2009-04-04 21:46 Changed language: Ayeri

Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.

2009-04-04 21:46 Changed language: Ayeri

Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.

2009-04-04 21:45 Changed language: Ayeri

Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.

2009-04-04 04:30 Changed language: Classical Aldian

Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.

2009-04-04 04:29 New language: Classical Aldian

Neqitan added Classical Aldian to CALS.

2009-04-04 04:08 Neqitan just joined

Welcome Neqitan!

2009-04-01 20:38 Better privmsgs

The box for typing a privmsg in is a bit bigger now. To send someone a private message, be logged in, go to their page and look in the menu to the right.

2009-04-01 20:18 Improved translation-pages

A lot of small improvements to the translation-pages have been made. Among other things you can now add a translation directly from the page that shows the exercise.

Thanks to Carsten Becker for the idea.

2009-04-01 17:21 New translation of "Farewell" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker

Saruban $

sar  -u   ban
leave-IMP good
'Leave well'

bye $

2009-04-01 17:19 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker

Penu ran tenyanas naranoyena. Manu danyās!

Pen  -u   ran     tenyan-as  narano  -ye-na.  Man   -u   danya   -as!
fight-IMP against death -PAT language-PL-GEN, invent-IMP such_one-PAT
'Fight against the death of languages. Invent one!'

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2009-04-01 16:31 Changed language: Lekmokulka

Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.

2009-04-01 16:31 Changed language: Lekmokulka

Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.

2009-04-01 16:18 Changed language: Lekmokulka

Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.

2009-04-01 15:40 New language: Lekmokulka

aleksyandr added Lekmokulka to CALS.

Umra lekmokunya Lekmokulka! (And that's how you greet someone in Lekmokulka.)